Sence Doom is on everyones mind, how do i beat this board from Doom II


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2004
Hello, the topic expalins it self. I COULD never beat this board. I saw it in a d3 video and took a screen shot. the only way i was able to beat it was using the walk through walls cheat. but there must be a non cheating way.

Im just wondering if anyone remembers this board.

Ahh memories ;)

udm = unbeatible doom map
click the image file to view, stupid free hosting :-P

get on the stand in the middle, shoot a rocket or BFG in the brain (i think it might be 3 rockets)

its eassyyy
ive tried shooting crap into the brain, nothing worked, u shure a few shots to the brain?

Anyone else? agree?
DODONNA: The approach will not be easy. You are required to maneuver
straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point. The
target area is only two meters wide. It's a small thermal exhaust
port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the
reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should
destroy the station.

A murmer of disbelief runs through the room.

DODONNA: Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. The shaft is
ray-shielded, so you'll have to use proton torpedoes.
Agreed with what's been stated before.

Hit the switch, run to the pillar and ride it up. Fight off any nasties that try to bump you off and let loose a rocket into the thing's brain.
Depending on the difficulty level, it'll take a different amount of rockets into his exposed brain to kill him. With the Doom ports these days - its extrememly easy. But in the original, you couldn't look up or down, just straight, so you had to time it *just* right as the pillar is moving up to land the rocket in his brain. Then you had to jump down, and do it again...repeat until he was dead hehe. Of course, it was always just much easier to use the walk through walls cheat, walk back there, and break out the chainsaw on Romero's severed head ;-)
Yea, you have to ride up that pillar elevator thinger and when you're level with the brain (it looks peeled back on the graphic) shoot rockets into it.
xZAOx said:
Depending on the difficulty level, it'll take a different amount of rockets into his exposed brain to kill him. With the Doom ports these days - its extrememly easy. But in the original, you couldn't look up or down, just straight, so you had to time it *just* right as the pillar is moving up to land the rocket in his brain. Then you had to jump down, and do it again...repeat until he was dead hehe. Of course, it was always just much easier to use the walk through walls cheat, walk back there, and break out the chainsaw on Romero's severed head ;-)

Thats what I did all of the time. Fists are fun too.
I found it easier to shoot rockets while falling down from the highest platform, instead of when riding it up.