Self-Destructing Solid State Drive

I think everything should ship with this technology.

Even cats.
It reminded me of Crysis when they vaporized the guy hanging in the tree. I also thought It should be called the 'let the smoke out button'.
The smoke is trapped inside of the molecules of the flash chips. This button frees the smoke to escape.
"Check out my new pc. SSD too"
"Sweet. What's the red button do, self destruct, hahaha"
"Don't touch it"
"I'm gonna touch it"
"No I'm serious, it---FFFFFFFF"
So if you box has four of these, when the para military invasion squad demolishes your gate, you have to remember to press all four buttons before running in fear and/or chucking a grenade. If the buttons are out in the open, it's too easy to accidentally press it. If they're inside the case, it's too hard to press them in the first place. Maybe they should have made a plug that connects to an external interface so that you could destroy all your drives at once.
Or, you could just use a cheap SSD with encryption, rather than having to constantly replace the drive every time someone new walks into the room and pushes the red button while asking "what's this?"

lol! Definately do not want one if you have children
To me it appears as if a bit of Photoshopping was involved in making the burnt chips look a tad more burnt. Or perhaps it's just artifacts from video compression. Not that it really matters, but I thought I would mention it.

Interesting idea, but I couldn't buy it. My toddler would be attracted to that red button like flies to... er... Teen girls to Justin Bieber...