Sega: First Person Football....Real or Marketing?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 5, 2000
Has anyone else seen this?

95% of me says its BS and just a ploy to drive up interest in the game.

The site has more info on the game as well.
marketing...or as the rest of America calls it...BS.
Interesting stuff. I almost had a seizure watching that video.....

This has got to be negative morketing at its finest, or one sick indvidual with way too much time on thier hands....

Just think what is the difference between all FPS, and this specific football game? C'mon.

just my 2cents
yes it will make you sick but it better not be the only view cause thatll be bad
Quite possibly the biggest piece of crap i've ever watched. Pointless and it's about a crappy football game (played it and i hated it, Madden is by far the best IMO) The feature itself while innovative, sucked cause of the really restricted FOV coupled with the inability to gain yardage on that game. Meh, this gets my "Stamp of Disapproval".
You have to be good to be good in the game, beats Madden hands down.

See how that works....everyone has an opinion. Now comence with the flaming since you seem to take things personal.

Gettin' all upset over interent posts, ha!:p
hm first off who is getting upset? get facts straight THEN flame, apparently thats not checked on your to do list. Secondly the man asked for an opinion so i voiced mine, harsh as it may be it's my opinion and i was disgusted by either 1.The amount of time someone put into making up such a dumb hoax or 2.The marketing BS sega went through to promote their product.
Originally posted by bjork
...and i feel dumber for actually reading this whole thread.


Yes it´s just ridiculous. I could only master half the video but he was definiatly on something. And if it was supposed to be humour I didn´t see the humour in it. Or why anyone would care so much about a first person american football game???
The video was horrible BUT IT WORKED!!!

I've seen thoes commericals and have NEVER noticed that feature, I think it could be cool.

HOWEVER! Wow there are so manythings in that video that I'd think many people would be concerned over. The web site are ok, they seem to be up and running and controlled by sega. The email addresses however... hotmail? think I saw another domain besides sega too. Also the beta copies of the game are burned copies for the PS2 right? so... modchips pirating :eek:. Then there are the nit picking things like the internal website, if you want something secrete don't creat a web site for it, and a private internal site (if done correctly) can't be access from the web unless you setup some rouge proxy or what not fom the inside, the papers they got from dumpster diving should have been shreaded like the other docs they got, and if you want to dispose of papper secretes you burn them.

Anyway I got me to notice the feature in the game, might check it out but I don't play a whole lot of sports games
personally, i like playing in first person on xbox live in espn.

its a frigging blast.

at first it is like having tunnel vision, but after playing it online a few times, I really started to like it.

The only problem is not many play in that mode.

I'd second the opinion that espn nfl is better than madden this year. Besides the fact that I am boycotting EA games on Xbox, I enjoy ESPN better anyway.
Originally posted by Kortiz
personally, i like playing in first person on xbox live in espn.

its a frigging blast.

at first it is like having tunnel vision, but after playing it online a few times, I really started to like it.

The only problem is not many play in that mode.

I'd second the opinion that espn nfl is better than madden this year. Besides the fact that I am boycotting EA games on Xbox, I enjoy ESPN better anyway.


and to obdiquisterman or whatever your nick is....I wasn't upset at all and I continue not to be upset. I simply pointed out that the nitwits would be since they feel the need to defend thier purchase and take everything so personal. Simple as that, and my point was proven by all who responded. HA! Like I said before, people getting upset over internet posts....:rolleyes:

read my sig to know why people get all upset over the net postings.
Back to the topic at hand. So is the guy a BSing skitzo, or did Sega try some weird new martketing experiment that blew up in their face?
I thought it was humourous ..will have to try that first person angle ..and its just marketing hype from the minds of young up and coming advertise consultant whatevers
I watched half of that. I really only watched the first two minutes of it. My attention span is really short.
The way he's going on about the conspiracy theory really reminded me of the game Majestic. Anyone remember that?

Ya know. I never actually did pull a point of all that from the parts of the video that I did sit through. Was he saying that the game is going to turn kids skitzo like flashy lights in some games can set off epileptic seizures? Or was it just something about subliminal messages?
I dunno but the whole segment on sega sending out a hitman for the guy is what really turned on my BS detector.