Seems Dell gaming got finally got some brains

thyshallsmite said:
Yeah, it’s not that big, and the silver logo on the new XPS laptop looks pretty good. Through I suppose it’s more of the LAN experience is why I don't like DELL stamped on the back of my comp. It would be nice if they allow the plain back or just a stylized back rather then the focus on the logo. I don’t want my hardcore gaming laptop viewed as “damn he got suckered into buying one of those bloatware filled, cheap parted, hunks of plastic”. Though I suppose with this new turn DELL is taking towards the gaming crowd, people might want others to know they have a DELL.

With taking off the bloatware, keeping low prices, and listing exactly what they put in your comp(and changing the cheap case and wiring job they do on desktops), DELL might just start taking a large chunk of the PC gaming market.
It's well within their power to put the screws to the boutique builders. They merely have to decide to do it.