sed tetris

My lord.

If anyone's wondering what this looks like:

 |          |   Next:
 |          |    X    
 |          |    XX   
 |          |     X   
 |          |
 |          |   Score:0 
 |          |
 |       O  |  "w" or up - rotate
 |       OO |  "a" or left - left
 |        O |  "d" or right - right
 |          |  "s" or down - one step down
 |          |  "z" or space - drop down
 |          |
 |          |
 |          |
 |X         |
 |X         |
 |X   X     |
 |X  XXX    |

That is both amazing and sad :p.
The implementation is far more interesting than the end product.

Julia Jomantaite, you have my respect, and sympathies. :eek:
It's not working for me...

I get:
james@james-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./sedtris.sed

What version of sed are you guys using? I've got GNU sed version 4.1.5
i had to change the shebang line to #!/bin/sed. check where sed is with `which sed`.

assuming that's not the problem, you do have to hit enter once before it starts as well as after each command (w/a/s/d/space). it's not realtime or anything since it pauses after each step but that's not really the point either :p
jimmyb, try:
spook@spooktop:~$ whereis sed
sed: /bin/sed /usr/share/man/man1/sed.1.gz
Then open up sedtris.sed, change the shebang line to whatever whereis reported.

You might also try a
chmod u+x sedtris.sed
before trying ./sedtris.sed