Seagate Barracuda 7200.10, 320GB, $94.99 @ NEWEGG

TimothyB said:
I just finished my order for a new computer with Conroe. I ordered one of thse Seagates 320 for storage and scratch and a Raptor 74gb drive for the main system. Was the a mistake, was the extra cost with the Raptor worth it?

You'll still find a Raptor zealot here and there who will argue about it, but in my opinion the extra cost of the Raptor just isn't worth it anymore. The Raptor is no longer worth the extra expense when faced with cheaper higher capacity drives from competitors which are as fast or nearly as fast in most situations. For example these new Seagate drives with the perpendicular recording technology offer higher density platters which will translate to increased throughput and combined with the 16MB cache they damn near match the newest Raptor drives in performance.

The only exception to the above would be the 150GB model with the plexiglass window. If you have the money to toss around there is just nothing more badass than having this drive in your rig to show off. :D
Blue Falcon said:
You'll still find a Raptor zealot here and there who will argue about it, but in my opinion the extra cost of the Raptor just isn't worth it anymore. The Raptor is no longer worth the extra expense when faced with cheaper higher capacity drives from competitors which are as fast or nearly as fast in most situations. For example these new Seagate drives with the perpendicular recording technology offer higher density platters which will translate to increased throughput and combined with the 16MB cache they damn near match the newest Raptor drives in performance.

The only exception to the above would be the 150GB model with the plexiglass window. If you have the money to toss around there is just nothing more badass than having this drive in your rig to show off. :D

I plan to do a lot of Photoshop, Illustrator, Video encoding type stuff. So I figured the best thing would be the Raptor as the overall drive and the Seagate for scratch. I think I saw a review that showed a couple areas the Seagates had speed trouble with their new system of doing things. I guess the best perfomance difference would be $120 for one of those PCI Ram Disk cards if you have 4 gigs of ram sitting around.
TimothyB said:
I plan to do a lot of Photoshop, Illustrator, Video encoding type stuff. So I figured the best thing would be the Raptor as the overall drive and the Seagate for scratch. I think I saw a review that showed a couple areas the Seagates had speed trouble with their new system of doing things. I guess the best perfomance difference would be $120 for one of those PCI Ram Disk cards if you have 4 gigs of ram sitting around.

Where the raptor still really holds the performance crown is random seek time, so you might want to actually make the Raptor a scratch disk if you are REALLY into Photoshop and Illiustrator, but really for most applications they will run neck and neck.

The seagate should be suited better for video encoding if you plan to do a lot of that. It has a pretty high sequential data rate and burst rate so it should be ideal for handling very large files as is often done in video editing/encoding.
Ordered one today. I have reason to believe my 200gb 7200.7 is dead and since my new motherboard has SATA, I bit. I'm pretty excited from hearing good things about this. Hopefully it will live up to the hype.
PCMusicGuy said:
That one from Rosewill looks pretty good. I actually went with an ASUS Venus. I liked the fact that it had a fan and the SATA connector was just the standard motherboard style. A bit more than the Rosewill though.

Yeah i saw that one, in fact i have one i don't really like it too much i think its rather bulky for what you get and the hard drive looks like it wants to move around in it, overall its pretty good, not sure of the temp of the HD, hope its not really to xplode. I think the main reason i would go with the rosewill sata one is because its cheaper, the features are quite comperable to the venus, although i don't know what the hell a light beam affiliated on/off switch is.

And can someone please xplain to me what the difference is between eSATA and SATA?
well, it turns out i just bought a new motherboard that supports SATA [and more memory] but unfortunately the SATA/PATA pci card has already shipped, so I just wasted $20... seems useless to ship it back + 15% restocking fee, so if anybody wants it, new in box, for $16.00 shipped ( FOR THIS), so if anybody doesn't have SATA on their PC now is your chance, just hit me a PM otherwise i'll throw it on e-bay.

Drive will be at my door tommorow :D
'buybarracuda' promo isn't working anymore.
It's still a good deal though, I'm in.
mystic demon said:
i just jumped on one of these for 95 dollars and the buybarracuda coupon code does work.

Yea, but you have to pay shipping now (I didn't). Newegg is just playing with cost. It's still a good deal regardless.
alceryes said:
Yea, but you have to pay shipping now (I didn't). Newegg is just playing with cost. It's still a good deal regardless.
The 320gig has free shipping for the weekend (you're probably looking at one of the other drives)

That buybarracuda coupon is working again, which brings the price back down to $89.99.
im having troubles with that hard drive(seagate 320 gig 7200 rpm for $95 @ newegg), it came in about 4 days ago and when loading it into my system, it only shows 127 gig of free although my bios detects it as a 320 gig harddrive
im having troubles believing that close to 200 gig was damaged during installation
anyone have any ideas?
What type of file system did you use? I believe FAT32 is limited to 127gb so make sure your drive is formatted using NTFS.
I bit and itching to bite again and FINALLY run Raid .

Someone hold me back, i'm already broke like a joke.
Do these not come with a cable? I didn't get one with mine so no way to hook it up now.
Icemastr said:
Do these not come with a cable? I didn't get one with mine so no way to hook it up now.

Wow, that really sucks, thats like putting a big steak in front of a dog with a clear barrier with the smell wafting over to him.
Stu55 said:
Wow, that really sucks, thats like putting a big steak in front of a dog with a clear barrier with the smell wafting over to him.

Yes I need the space bad, only 5gigs free between both my systems.
This is an OEM drive and as such does not come with the retail accessories like an SATA cable. Your motherboard should have come with one, but if it did not you can purchase one at your local computer/electronics store.
Blue Falcon said:
This is an OEM drive and as such does not come with the retail accessories like an SATA cable. Your motherboard should have come with one, but if it did not you can purchase one at your local computer/electronics store.

Thanks I am getting a motherboard tommorrow so hopefully there is one in there.
My motherboard came with 6 Sata cables, so chances are yours will at least come with one.

I am running two of these plus a 300gb IDE. I am so tempted to just add two more of these and remove the IDE drive. I just like the idea of 4 of these running at the bottom of my case.
Just ordered one myself for $95 shipped, still hell of a deal for a fast, reliable drive.
I ended up buying 2 of these drives to replace my four old 20G Western Digitals. Made two orders at the egg to get the $5 off coupon on both drives.

I hope to see some good performance numbers on my ICH5R but I know I am never going to come close to the Intel Matrix setup. At lease I have an upgrade path to Core 2 Duo which didn’t exist with those old slower PATA drives.
fluke420 said:
I ended up buying 2 of these drives to replace my four old 20G Western Digitals. Made two orders at the egg to get the $5 off coupon on both drives.

I hope to see some good performance numbers on my ICH5R but I know I am never going to come close to the Intel Matrix setup. At lease I have an upgrade path to Core 2 Duo which didn’t exist with those old slower PATA drives.

You're going to need to change your sig...
I ordered 4 of these for my video raid but one of them was a dud. it formated but raid card reported write errors and it failed the online seagate diagnostic test so I sent it back for an RMA on monday.

Anyone have experience with new egg rmas?

Hopefully they send me a new one cause that was pretty weak for it to be doa.
Kirika said:
I ordered 4 of these for my video raid but one of them was a dud. it formated but raid card reported write errors and it failed the online seagate diagnostic test so I sent it back for an RMA on monday.

Anyone have experience with new egg rmas?

Hopefully they send me a new one cause that was pretty weak for it to be doa.

newegg RMA is a little slow. After they get it back they might take a day or two to inspect it. Then they might take a day or two to send out the placement. I'm sure they'll send you a new one though.
I picked one of these up and realized I didnt have anymore SATA cables at home, used them all in another setup.

I was kind of sad because I ordered some OEM Hd's from zipzoomfly and they sent me cables along with it anyways.

Oh well once I get this drive installed i will be happy. Im replacing my IBM deathstar finally :p
Just got 2 of these guys setup in raid0 on a ICH5R. I thought ya'll would like to see my results.

Abit IC7-G with a p4 2.4c at 3.30
