Seagate 1.5TB $117 Fry's B&M/Online

Ugh. I wish Fry's in-store only threads were blocked from showing up in the threads list for people who live no where near a Fry's store.
Ugh. I wish Fry's in-store only threads were blocked from showing up in the threads list for people who live no where near a Fry's store.
The OP also pointed out this drive is the same price online. Yes you will have to pay for shipping but you can still get it.

Or buy the similar drive on tiger direct
I saw this in the la times this morning. It's tempting, I need a couple of drives.
I make sure when I post something from Fry's that it's available both in the B&M stores as well as online - if it's not available from both methods, I don't bother posting because I know someone will make the post "Oh I wish people wouldn't post Fry's sales since I don't live near one."

I could say the same thing about the MicroCenter stuff since they don't have one in Nevada anywhere and yet their ads/sales get posted quite a bit, but I don't, it would be pointless bitching... and I ALWAYS have a point when I bitch. :D
We'll tell Kyle to make a new profile option:

Do you live by a Fry's? Yes No
Do you live by a MicroCenter? Yes No

Fry's has a warehouse in Ohio, so I pay sales tax for both stores. :(
Even if they have the firmware problems, there is an easy fix. A "good" firmware has been out for quite some time.

No problems under FreeBSD 7.1-amd64 with zfs. I have 8 of these.
cheap price on a decent HD even if their is firmware issues it will be addressed and fixed eventualy but what do you expect for a 117 dollar 1.5tb drive?
Thought I'd save a bunch of you guys some frustration. PLEASE DON'T BUY THIS HARD DRIVE NO MATTER HOW CHEAP IT IS. I just picked up one today at Frys, latest CC1H firmware. plugged into my WHS and noticed some stuttering (pauses or does nothing) when writing to the drive (no clicking tho). Took it out, no more stuttering. Put it in a different computer, stuttering again. Ran HD Tune and found it averages 2-3 stutters before completing the benchmark (tried it 3 times). Amazing. Can't believe Seagate is still selling these things. I guess they'd go bankrupt otherwise. I don't think any firmware update will solve this problem. Seagate has had several months to get it right and it is still unresolved. That should tell you something.

The $$$ you'd save over a WD hard drive is not worth the trouble. I'm returning this tomorrow back to Fry's and ordering a WD from Amazon tonight. Just thought I'd share my experience with you. Don't take the gamble like I did hoping that the problems are all fixed now. They aren't and probably won't be until the next generation comes out, maybe.
Thought I'd save a bunch of you guys some frustration. PLEASE DON'T BUY THIS HARD DRIVE NO MATTER HOW CHEAP IT IS. I just picked up one today at Frys, latest CC1H firmware. plugged into my WHS and noticed some stuttering (pauses or does nothing) when writing to the drive (no clicking tho). Took it out, no more stuttering. Put it in a different computer, stuttering again. Ran HD Tune and found it averages 2-3 stutters before completing the benchmark (tried it 3 times). Amazing. Can't believe Seagate is still selling these things. I guess they'd go bankrupt otherwise. I don't think any firmware update will solve this problem. Seagate has had several months to get it right and it is still unresolved. That should tell you something.

The $$$ you'd save over a WD hard drive is not worth the trouble. I'm returning this tomorrow back to Fry's and ordering a WD from Amazon tonight. Just thought I'd share my experience with you. Don't take the gamble like I did hoping that the problems are all fixed now. They aren't and probably won't be until the next generation comes out, maybe.

I couldn't get the one I bought a while back to format at all in my vista PC. took it to work and it was fine on a USB to SATA adapter I had there, but that's useless for me, so I returned it.
I purchased one 2 weeks ago at the $124 price, and it worked perfectly, so I guess there are still some duds out there.