Screen goes black every 5-10 min when gaming.


Aug 24, 2003
Every 5-10 minutes when gaming, my screen goes black. When I alt+tab, it goes back to normal. This repeates every 5-10 minutes. This continues with different driver versions. Any ideas? Thanks.
Sounds like overheating. Try setting your fan manually in the Nvidia CP if the option is still there, otherwise get Rivatuner. I usually set my vid card 3d fan speed at about the same level my case fans make and it cools fine, unless overclocking to the max.
Thanks for the suggestion BeavermanA. I usually set my fan speed to 65% when gaming. This keeps temps in the low to mid 50's. I am also using an Antec 1200 case. I know I've got good airflow.
Thanks for the suggestion BeavermanA. I usually set my fan speed to 65% when gaming. This keeps temps in the low to mid 50's. I am also using an Antec 1200 case. I know I've got good airflow.
Yea that doesn't sound like there would be a problem with heat. Your post just reminded me of playing games online with a friend when the 8800gt came out, he kept forgetting to set the fan manually and he'd be saying on ventrilo he has a black screen.
Could the be infamous nvidia "display driver has stopped responding but has recovered" issue.
I believe you are correct. I noticed a small comment box pop up from the task bar. What's it all about?

Try different Video Card drivers, newer if available, older if you're already using the newest drivers.
are you playing with mouse/kb or with a controller? There was a time when I played deadspace on my computer with a controller and I'd keep getting a blackscreen every 10 minutes, turned out my monitor was going into sleep mode. Do you by anychance have your monitor set to go into sleep mode after a certain amount of time?
are you playing with mouse/kb or with a controller? There was a time when I played deadspace on my computer with a controller and I'd keep getting a blackscreen every 10 minutes, turned out my monitor was going into sleep mode. Do you by anychance have your monitor set to go into sleep mode after a certain amount of time?

Thanks for the feedback. I am not using a controller & my monitor is not going into sleep mode.
Yeah noticed this while playing Boarderlands this week.

Running dual GTX 285 and installed newest drivers from Nvidia. Hope new revision comes out soon with fix.
i had this exact problem. take your card out and open the hsf up and remove all the dust.
I clean out my system every 2 weeks. I also keep an eye on my temps and they are fine.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Well after a back & forth conversation with BFG, they suggest an RMA. Kinda sucks because the only advice they could offer was the usual i.e. try different drivers, make sure windows is up to date, make sure you have the latest chipset drivers & bios.

They can't tell me why it needs to be RMA'd, but suggest it anyway. :(
Could definitely be an overclocking issue. I had this happen when I oc'd an 8800Gt too far. Backed off 10% and the problem went away.
do you get no signal notice on your screen when it goes black? I get this with my screen (using a 42" hdtv 1080 screen as monitor). I have to manually put my screens edid into the registry in order to fix it.
do you get no signal notice on your screen when it goes black? I get this with my screen (using a 42" hdtv 1080 screen as monitor). I have to manually put my screens edid into the registry in order to fix it.

I did not get the notice. The screen simply goes black. I can still hear the game play, just can't see anything. I alt+tab out, then back into the game & all is well for a few minutes.