Scored a new case...


Jun 25, 2000
I scored a fantastic little beauty on eBay... a Silicon Graphics Indigo Iris CMNB003 workstation. Cost me all of $5.50 for it, plus shipping. Can't wait to get my hands on this one! Sorry, not a very good pic. There aren't many pics to be had of these unless you take them yourself.


I have to wait until I get it to start planning anything with it as I don't know what size it really is. Anyone have any info on actual dimensions?
looks beefy, definately moddable. Looks like it would be killer for a water cooled setup.

EDIT: heres another picture I found.

I found this link to someone who already modded a PC into one. A quote from the linking site ...

"Turning an Indigo into a PC.. something many of us had wanted to do but never got around to it. Judging by how mangled the metal chassis was after it was removed and how many hours it must have taken, I almost hate to tell him about the two little metal tabs underneath that hold the metal chassis in."

LOL! The guy ruined the metal frame for nothing!

<edit> From the pics in the first link, it doesn't appear to be as big as I was hoping for, but I will find a way around that little problem... Mabe score another one for CD drives and stack them. ;)
Take this advice from someoen that knows the case well, SI makes one of the best systems ever, they cases are made to last, the Indigo is a safe, if you can, try and not damage the metal chassis, its very usefull.
IntimidatorX said:
Take this advice from someoen that knows the case well, SI makes one of the best systems ever, they cases are made to last, the Indigo is a safe, if you can, try and not damage the metal chassis, its very usefull.

I have no intention of damaging the metal chassis. That's one of the reasons I bought it. It looked very sturdy, and modable. I even downloaded the Indego owners guide, but it doesn't tell you much about case mechanics. Do you know where I can find something more detailed on it in that area?