school for networking


Jul 1, 2003
In the fall i'll be going to school in Atlanta, before I make the move there, I would like to get some more opinions on what community colleges offer good network engineering courses, I was also looking into Westwood college.
I went to Westwood to the Denver North Campus. Not a bad school, when i got ready to graduate they couldn't do anything to get me a job and kept trying to offer me a job at the company I had already been working at for 3 years. The college decided that they were going to upgrade the building that the college was in, saying they would not raise tuition to pay for the changes. 2 months later we received a letter saying that they were raising tuition 10% to pay for new security cameras to improve security. They now are a cisco training academy and seem to be doing fairly well. I unfortunately was there during the dot com boomb and bomb so I heard broken promises about high placement ratios, great paying jobs..etc. Then the economy went into the crapper and they couldn't place anybody and we were then told they never promised us anything.

If you have any other questions feel free to pm me
Originally posted by niccoli
I went to Westwood to the Denver North Campus. Not a bad school, when i got ready to graduate they couldn't do anything to get me a job and kept trying to offer me a job at the company I had already been working at for 3 years. The college decided that they were going to upgrade the building that the college was in, saying they would not raise tuition to pay for the changes. 2 months later we received a letter saying that they were raising tuition 10% to pay for new security cameras to improve security. They now are a cisco training academy and seem to be doing fairly well. I unfortunately was there during the dot com boomb and bomb so I heard broken promises about high placement ratios, great paying jobs..etc. Then the economy went into the crapper and they couldn't place anybody and we were then told they never promised us anything.

If you have any other questions feel free to pm me

thats really crappy, and I just had a westwood rep come into my high school a few months ago, he was just ranting and raving how they WILL find you a job before you graduate. Good thing I didnt buy what he was trying to sell
Yea, I don't completely blame the college for not being able to place me...I graduated at a time when layoffs were happening at sun, level 3, lucent, IBM and the list goes on so there were alot of really experienced people looking for jobs. However, they didn't seem to try too much and then my career advisor quit a month before my graduation. They knew she was quitting for 2 months and instead of transfering me to somebody else they just waited until her last day and transfered my files to a new guy. Not that i should complain, I found myself a job at a startup telecom company, oversee 4 departments and am in a CIO level position at 21. Not that my job recruiter had much to do with it. That's okay though, it was fun telling them how i found a sweet job all on my own.
I oversee our ISP , IT department, and technical customer service. Currently most of my time is spent getting our network engineering, management, installation and support business off the ground.