Scariest moment(s) of Doom3? (potential spoilers?)



I'm a few levels in, just finished enpro.

What's been the scariest moment for those of you who've finished?

(I plan on checking this tomorrow after I beat the game...)

So far for me it's the "They Took My Baby".

Noise, red vision...and....nothing.
seeing that pinky demon come strolling out, then another. and realizing i only have a pistol.

needless to say i died.
When the first fire-thrower monster appeared back on the first level. It popped out when I opened a door and scared the bejeesus out of me. I'm only on Alpha Lab 2 but that first time really got me good.
I didn't jump, but the whispering in this one hallway sounded pretty freaky. I already forgot what was said though.
In one of the Alpha levels, two or three, you go into a small room with 6 or so pillars and 2 big pinky demons come out of the walls, blow them away then theres two flaming zombies, pump them full of lead, THEN on the other side of the room is a big glass window and a door. The door is locked so I went over to the window and started to shoot at it. Nothing hapenned. Then all of a sudden a mop bucket flys through the glass and I jump back and it hits me. Made me go WTF! THen I punched the bucket around the room and finished the level :D
The guy attached to the ceiling, he starts screaming bloody murder and those things jump out at you, or for that any IMP that was behind a door and imideatly jumped at you when you opend it! :eek: :eek:
The whispering is by far the ceepiest and close behind is the laughing. The whispering reminded me of teh first time I played Black and White and someone died in my village. There is this little girl who whispers "death". At 3 AM , in the dark with no one for at least 15 miles, that got me worse than anything so far in Doom. I actually had to shut off the computer and go to sleep with the lights on.
I've been playing this game with a bunch of friends I got most freaked out after mentioning "aren't the whispering voices freaking awesome!" and everybody around me was like "what voices?"

They kept that up for like a good minute before somebody started laughing.
In the first or seccond level when you go in the bathroom, look in the mirror, and that creature is "you" atacking you...scared the shit outta me
The bathrrom and vision stuff scared the crap out of me. But one of the best so far was when that guy was leading you around with the lantern and one of those two headed demons just jumps on you from behind. It's wasn't one of those times where the lights went out so I wasn't expecting it at all. Those things are quiet!

Oh, and the absolute funniest moment? The first time you encounter a live person, I rounded the corner and the guy started to turn around and say "What...". I blasted him with my shotgun on accident. I just sat there saying "Was that a scientist?".
The funniest moment is when there's a guy in that chamber and he asks you to unlock the doors. The only panel you can activate turns on a machine that crushes him, but it does unlock the doors :D
Definately the bathroom scene and the Imp that was behind the door...omg, I was like..."HOLY $#(&!!! Did you see that?!" and I was the only one in the
I dont remember where it was but I was walking along, stopped to look down a corrodore, turned around and an imp was RIGHT THERE and it screamed and I yelled and I blew its goddamn head off

the fatass walrus bosses with the fireball gun arms weirded the shit out of me the first time they came

a few times the fat things with the robotic legs have scared the crap out of me by rushing me when I wasnt paying attention

and finally, the flying babies. kind of snuck up on me and I freaked out and started pumping shotgun rounds at the air and running
revan said:
The whispering is by far the ceepiest and close behind is the laughing. The whispering reminded me of teh first time I played Black and White and someone died in my village. There is this little girl who whispers "death". At 3 AM , in the dark with no one for at least 15 miles, that got me worse than anything so far in Doom. I actually had to shut off the computer and go to sleep with the lights on.

The voices scare me too. Especially when I was in the matter decomp laser-thing chamber, where the guy had the accident before, and i hear the voice like 'help me', i was like "uhhh craaaap"
When you walk into that room with the pentagram on the floor (executive office) and you pick up the PDA... then 3 of those fireball throwing jumping dudes show up all around you...

Then that time when you walk into that corridor and you hear that whisper that says "follow me"
HaVoC said:
...or for that any IMP that was behind a door and imideatly jumped at you when you opend it! :eek: :eek:

God I hate those imps. You open a door ready to blast whatever is there, and in the first instant you don't see anything. Then you notice the crouching imp on the floor. I usually have time to think "oh shit!" before the damn thing comes flying at me. Man they move fast. I was halfway up a flight of stairs when an imp busted through and knocked me all the way back down, and I just about wet myself :)
NecessaryEvil said:
I'm a few levels in, just finished enpro.

What's been the scariest moment for those of you who've finished?

(I plan on checking this tomorrow after I beat the game...)

So far for me it's the "They Took My Baby".

Noise, red vision...and....nothing.

LOL i remember that, that was pretty good. I remember hearing footsteps, and turned around, to see bloody footprints being printed on the ground, so i followed it intot he corridor... all the time wondering 'hmm maybe it isn't such a good idea following bloody footprints'.

The part that gave me a heart attack was later on in the game when you reach this lab where they have the creatures disected... i decided to check one out up close, and it wakes up with a loud roar.
Mine was in the beginning when the Marine Commander yelled at me for taking my sweet A55 time, thought I was gonna get KP duty for sure!!!! :D
The game is done very well...

I was on edge from the second I started down stairs following the robot to find the missing scientist... and when he got changed and came after me .. I looked at my wife, hit save and came back later when i could enjoy the experience without my wife looking at me funny for jumping back..

whole game rocks..
thewhiteguy said:
The funniest moment is when there's a guy in that chamber and he asks you to unlock the doors. The only panel you can activate turns on a machine that crushes him, but it does unlock the doors :D

You know.. there's actually 2 options on the panel. One to crush the poor bastard, and the other to just open the doors so he can walk out. It's better to let him out so he can get killed in other nasty ways later. :)

I thought the mirror scene was really creepy too. The game needs more of that stuff..

Oh.. and I got to a point where you have to make a choice on whoes orders to follow. I sat there and thought.. and thought.. and created a save point before making the choice so I can try it the other way later. I haven't seen what the outcome of that decision is yet, but I'm sure I'll find out tonight when I get home from work..
PaulMuaddib said:
When you walk into that room with the pentagram on the floor (executive office) and you pick up the PDA... then 3 of those fireball throwing jumping dudes show up all around you...

Then that time when you walk into that corridor and you hear that whisper that says "follow me"

My brother (who played before me, cause I had all night) looked at me right when he saw the room, said" This looks bad" and saved :D
Micas said:
You know.. there's actually 2 options on the panel. One to crush the poor bastard, and the other to just open the doors so he can walk out. It's better to let him out so he can get killed in other nasty ways later. :)

I thought the mirror scene was really creepy too. The game needs more of that stuff..

Oh.. and I got to a point where you have to make a choice on whoes orders to follow. I sat there and thought.. and thought.. and created a save point before making the choice so I can try it the other way later. I haven't seen what the outcome of that decision is yet, but I'm sure I'll find out tonight when I get home from work..
I did the same thing too, but sadly I think i over wrote my saves :(
HaVoC said:
I did the same thing too, but sadly I think i over wrote my saves :(

oh yeh, thats right! i wonder what happens the other way, i chose the sgt's
If you choose the other option it ends up being the same thing..I think..

The Scariest moment has to be when you enter delta labs and you have to go get the data linker to the power source thingy, that short distance OMFG so SCARY, even though nothing happens VERY VERY SCARY.
i am not that far in it
but there was this window and i could hear somthing chewing on somthing. i look in the window a imp jumps at the window and runs up.........i was already on egde and that there did me in for the next 20 min
lol had to take a break
I think the scariest thing for me so far was when a guy was hanging limply on the railing....and I noticed some ammo beside him, and unfortunately for me, that's all I thought about. When I was running blindly for the ammo, the zombie fell and stood up and I threw my keyboard. :p

Haven't gotten very far yet (Just got William's ? PDA for the Alpha Section)
The part where you are escorting the scientist in the dark after the EM burst had me looking around my room at every little noise. My black cat had just walked into the pitch black room and rubbed up along side my leg. I don't think she'll be coming back anytime soon.
or in the beginning when you get the PDA...and you realize there is no mp3 function!!!!!
When you start getting raped by those flying burning heads and you cant shoot at them, that is pretty crazy.

My favorite is when you see the first chainsaw guy in that pit and it takes a few seconds to realize that a few shotgun blasts isnt going to do you in...

And yes, the dog monster in the bathroom is pretty freaking nasty... I almost wet myself when it came out of the dark when I looked into the mirror :eek:
yeah, the chainsaw part was pretty scary... when i saw the room, i knew something was gonna happend, but i had no idea that a guy with a chainsaw would start to run after me....

Also, a part where the is two pinky... your in a small room with two colums and a first pinky gets out then a second... i was running backward like crazy while still trying to aim "good" shotguns bullets (you know, being close enough for it to pack a good punch)
I havent finished yet but the scariest part for me so far is when I was in the restroom and I looked in the mirror.

thats when I jumped out at myself and that big monster thing went apesh*t on me. scared me half to death. :D
Not a scary moment, but i love how if you see one zombie feasting on another, then shoot that zombie, that zombie comes after you... but the one that was being eaten, also comes after you. LOL it just doesn't seem right.
moralpanic: it is a well know fact that zombies have a priority system.
1. Eating human brain
2. Eating other zombies

When the first pinky you encounter decides the door is not good and jumps through the window $#%#$% I wasnt expecting that and jumped so hard my mouse got disconnected from the usb hub... then I died because I was trying to run away using just WASD.
I havent been scared yet, I was expecting monsters to pop outta the floors and stuff...not spawning :rolleyes:
thewhiteguy said:
The funniest moment is when there's a guy in that chamber and he asks you to unlock the doors. The only panel you can activate turns on a machine that crushes him, but it does unlock the doors :D

Actually, you can choose to simply unlock the doors and let him out. if you let him out then you get stuff in his office that you won't get if you kill him, heh.
One of the scariest parts for me is when I see a zombie crouching over one of those fat zombies eating him. So I creep up on him and put a full shotgun round in him and figured I was done and began to walk past the fat zombie on the floor.

Well that damn fat zombie stood up and scared the hell outta me and I ended up jumping up outta my chair. :p

Its funny now that I think about it, but at the time I was swearing to myself.