scared while playin ?

i was playing Halflife 2 and these dog looking things started running at me...i screamed and pulled out my revolver and did what i had to do. ;)

I almost got a hear attack though.
playing F.E.A.R when you are going up the elevator in the office buildings and then the lights go out, flicker red and that crazy little girl is standing there and then they flickered back off and on again when u reached the floor....that scared the hell out of me :)
Apoxi said:
playing F.E.A.R when you are going up the elevator in the office buildings and then the lights go out, flicker red and that crazy little girl is standing there and then they flickered back off and on again when u reached the floor....that scared the hell out of me :)
holy crap i remember that, i definitely jumoed and i think i uttered, or rather shouted, "what the f***!!!"
Doom 3 never really "got me" in the sense of jumping and being scared, but it was a bit too creepy for me to finish. It was things like fighting four zombie scientists in the complete darkness, the entire screen turns red, can't see anything but that wrench... No thanks.

Now if you want to talk to me about people scaring you while you're playing, that I can do. I was living in a friend's basement until some other living arrangements could be made, I had my PC set up down there. I was playing morrowind (which did at times creep me out) probably in some dungeon with the dagoth crew. Been awake a little too long, getting jumpy, you know the drill Downstairs she comes, quiet as a mouse. Sneaks up behind me with one of those foam pool noodles and smacks me on the side of the head with it.

Office chair: On it's side across the room
Me: On the floor
Heart: In throat
Friend: Laughing her ass off
I don't get scared during movies, but scary games creep me the **** out! I was pretty toked the other day and started playing some FEAR, yeah I lasted about 10 min. in the beginning level and had to shut it down and play some Oblivion lol. Dangiiiit, I'll have to try again tonight. I get so into the game it's easy to make me jump and ****!
Doom 3 and fear creeped me out. What I hated the most about it (I say hated, although maybe I really mean loved?) was when you would see something or a shadow of something, turn around, and it would no longer be there. Doom 3 did a pretty good job of generally making me feel slightly uneasy.. mostly due to the darkness and people popping out of unexpected spots.
Doom 3 scared the hell out of me, but I was able to complete it in cooperative mode :eek:

I preached that it was the scariest game I'd ever played, until a friend recently showed me F.E.A.R. Wow! Very, very creepy...

But those can't even hold a candle to Condemned: Criminal Origins. Jesus Christ. That game just isn't even right. :eek: :eek:
FEAR was the scariest game I've ever played.....

Especially when the girl is standing in front of you, then scampers on all four's towards you.

I pushed my chair back from my PC really fast at that point.

Doom 3 was up there, though, with its sudden and crazy scares. :eek:
I'd have to say Doom (the original one) was the first PC game to really "scare" or "surprise" me. I bought it right after it was released in 1993, I was 13 at the time.

Here's a listing of some that freaked me out at least once (In no particular order):

1) AvP - I'd almost say this one scared me the most, playing the Marine compaign. Those flickering strobe lights and the dark hallways/rooms make me ultra-nervous. :p
2) Doom 1 & 3
3) Silent Hill 2
4) Thief 2
5) Fear
6) Half-Life 1 & 2

As you can see in this photo from a lan party, my friends know it's never a good idea to sneak up on me while I'm playing... :D
Martyr said:
ravenholm was a bit jumpy for me with my headphones in a dark room. and then the dog fuckin paws me !!!

that's awesome!

yeah, the ravenholm level got me too. I still have only played through HL2 once..
Goran said:
Diablo 1 scared me a lot when I was a small kid. Particularly the butcher. Not sure how long it took me to beat the game after I encountered him. Probably another 2 years to attempt it again.

heh. my little brother got scared of the Diablo series when he saw me playing them a few times. now he's nearly 16 and still won't play them.
I think I was about 15 when it came out and purchased it asap
Doom 3 didn't really scare me, it just made me extremely tense cuz i was always expecting something to pop out. After awhile it wasn't fun, it was just stressful.

Ravenholm is kind of the same way. I don't really like that level.

FEAR scared me though. I've played it twice now, and am playing it a third time now, and there are still parts that get me.. like when she crawls on all fours.

Not to mention playing the demo for the expansion pack last night. That freaked me out quite a bit. :D
System Shock I/II scared me a bit back-in-the-day. I haven't had a scare like what they used to do to me recently. FEAR has probably come the closest, though.
I remember years ago my cousin and I played Anvil of Dawn. I had nightmares because of the undead sailors.
Fear scared me to death, infact I came close but never finished it. After reading some of these posts I'm going to suck it up and give it another shot.
I'm scared while playing BF2..

Yeah, scared that it might crash at any moment!
F.E.A.R., Clive Barker's Undying, Condemned and Doom 3 did it for me, especially F.E.A.R.
All the mood set in F.E.A.R. just gives me chills down the spine. That's why it's one of my favorite games.
But the game that made me literally jump off the chair,was Condemned. I don't remember exactly in which part of the game, but I really did jump. There was air between me and the chair, for a second or so... :)
Tomb Raider 2 when your at "Lara's Home" the butler scared the hell out of me, though that was almost 10 years ago. I doubt it would be scary to me anymore.

More recently Fear has been making me jump out of my chair.
FEAR when u are crouch walking through a drain i think and the girl came crawling towards me at like 100 miles perhour from out of no where.
The original AvP... I used to wake up in a cold sweat with the motion tracker noise going faster and faster in my head and reach for my pulse rifle like in the opening scene of the marine campaign. Too bad I don' t have a pulse rifle.
Hulk said:
I'm scared while playing BF2.

Yeah, scared that it might crash at any moment!
HAHAHA but i have no idea what many of yall are talking about. mine has never crashed ive had it since day 1 and installed on like 4 diff computers. works great.