Scared to put laptop on lap?


May 25, 2005
I AM! i'm currently using it on resting on my bed and i can feel the underneath is Hot. i can't imagine putting that near my testicles :(
Do your laptops get hot underneath too? I think it's the small wifi card mostly
My iBook also gets warm but what can you expect it's a computer, electricity causes heat. But the thing that heats up the most is the hard drive area, I think.

Use it on your lap, what are you really worried about? It's not like the computer is going to BBQ your boys through some pants. Now I might be concerned if you are using your laptop nake, but to each their own.

:D :p :) :D
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere you should always have it on some sort of flat surface so you get airflow. If its on a bed it would be covering all the ventalation on the bottom.
Just wait until winter comes. You'd much rather have it on your lap than anything else. Well, at least I do, I have leaky windows and cold air seeps in.
tacosareveryyummy said:
I used my lappy once when I was naked. Got stuck to my legs when they started to sweat....

Remind me not to buy any computer parts from you.
Foz2001 said:
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere you should always have it on some sort of flat surface so you get airflow. If its on a bed it would be covering all the ventalation on the bottom.

Assuming your model has vent holes on the bottom instead of the sides, I agree. I find it humerous how few 'laptops' are made to be put on one's lap.

Codegen said:
Remind me not to buy any computer parts from you.

Hahahaha :p
If you're worried about the heat, get a pillow and put it between the laptop and your legs/testicles.
I feel the same way, everytime I put my laptop on my lap I feel as though I'm giving myself cancer or something. I can't really explain why but I just really feel that way.

weird :(
Your body heat can contribute to you laptop warming up on your knee... so either you want to or you dont... I personally wouldnt.... better safe then sorry

and your testicles will thank you!
When it comes down to it, the question you have to ask is:

Have I had all of the kids I plan to? :D

I wouldn't sweat it personally. It can get kind of uncomfortable after awhile, but I don't think you're risking any of the hardware

How the hell are you guys able to use your laptops so close to your testicles anyway? If I had my Laptop that close to my boys I'd have to add a joint to my wrists. My Laptop is usually on my knees and well away from my bag of nuts.
Mr_Evil said:
How the hell are you guys able to use your laptops so close to your testicles anyway? If I had my Laptop that close to my boys I'd have to add a joint to my wrists. My Laptop is usually on my knees and well away from my bag of nuts.

Here here!!! Hell even then it's balanced precariously on my kneecaps and with an 8 lb laptop it ain't going to be a hug on the twins anyways.
I put it on my lap all the time. When it gets too hot (and believe me, it get's HOT), I just find a pillow or something to put underneath it.
its not the heat that i'm scared about. its the article i read that the heat can make you sterile! there's a reason mother nature put your bag outside of your body you know ;)
yah, my balls don't like sag down to the middle portion of my thighs, so it isn't anywhere near the laptop. i place it on my thighs, not my balls. are you crazy?
"Careful lads, that laptop might burn your genes",,2-1395183,00.html
TimesOnline said:
The combination of heat generated by the computers and the posture needed to balance the equipment on the lap leads to raised temperatures around the scrotum, a study has found. Past research shows that higher scrotal temperatures can damage sperm and affect fertility. And the introduction of new technology such as Bluetooth and infrared connections — which provide wireless links to the internet — has resulted in a growing number of men using the machines on their thighs rather than at a desk.
TheJackal said:
yah, my balls don't like sag down to the middle portion of my thighs, so it isn't anywhere near the laptop. i place it on my thighs, not my balls. are you crazy?
TimesOnline said:
The study found that within the first 15 minutes of using a laptop, scrotal temperatures had increased by 1C (33.8F).

“Until further studies provide more information on this type of thermal exposure, teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps, as long-term use may have a detrimental effect on their reproductive health,” Dr Sheynkin said.

"Laptops may be hurting men's fertility"
Seattlepi said:
The study, reported today in the journal Human Reproduction, showed that testicular temperatures rose by between 4.6 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit in an hour among a group of healthy male volunteers.
Shroomi said:
I put it on my lap all the time. When it gets too hot (and believe me, it get's HOT), I just find a pillow or something to put underneath it.
Seattlepi said:
Previous studies have shown that increases in testicular temperatures between 1.8 and 5.2 degrees have a sustained negative effect on sperm development and fertility.

i try to use my laptop at a desk or keep it on my knees, well away from future generations.
that study about the heat affecting fertility is a load of shit. Heat only affects the testicles temporarily. Once you get the temps back down they start working fine again. At least that's what my doctor's tellin me.
what's wrong with you guys ? this is like the best thing ever: you get to use a computer AND won't get anyone pregnant. doesn't get any better :cool:

but seriously, when you use your laptop on your lap it's gonna sit up on your thighs as mentioned previously, so who the hell comes up with this BS ? :rolleyes:
why are you guys saying that when its on your laps its no where near your ball bag? maybe its just me because i'm short and so short legs? :(
perplex said:
why are you guys saying that when its on your laps its no where near your ball bag? maybe its just me because i'm short and so short legs? :(


i don't think it has to do with leg length and what not because i'm 6'2" and it is no where near my "ball bag" lol, never heard ball bag used before.
You aren't supposed to put them on your laps. The industry calls them notebooks, not laptops, because people get confused and think laptop = use on lap.

So, no, don't use it on your lap. You can get a mini-tray and put it on that, if you want to use it in bed.
testes are external becaue of evolution... they are external organs because if they were in your body you couldnt produce sperm, they must be at alower temperature to foster the creation of sperm, there have been studies proving that those who use laptops on their laps regularly are FAR less fertile than those who dont.
natpond said:
testes are external becaue of evolution... they are external organs because if they were in your body you couldnt produce sperm, they must be at alower temperature to foster the creation of sperm, there have been studies proving that those who use laptops on their laps regularly are FAR less fertile than those who dont.
i agree.

but, those stupid enough to put laptops on their laps will be doing us all a favor -- finally, a stupid act that is self correcting; those idiots won't be able to reproduce...perhaps they should all get a mass Darwin Award...

well i guess thats why they stopped calling them laptops for years now. i used to think notebooks were something different to laptops lol. i tried putting it on my lap and i can without it being near my testicles now so i feel a bit better about it :) still get that quisy feeling if i think about my balls roasting though :eek: :rolleyes: ;)