Scanning License Plates For Tickets

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Technology is used more and more to catch “bad guys” but what about unpaid parking tickets? In San Francisco, the parking police are using equipment that can scan 250 cars an hour to find cars with unpaid tickets. Before you scoff at officials for buying this system, think about this, the city issues an astounding $85 million a year in parking tickets.

A city parking crew operating the new system can almost instantaneously find cars with at least five outstanding tickets. A two-person team roams city streets with two small cameras mounted atop their unmarked vehicle. The cameras can scan 250 or more plates an hour.
How the fuck do people get more than one unpaid parking ticket? If you dont pay the first one you get a warrant for your arrest negating the possibility of getting any more.
Processing time. If you get a ticket you get say 30 days to pay or contest it. In that time you could get more tickets.
BoogerBomb said:
How the fuck do people get more than one unpaid parking ticket? If you dont pay the first one you get a warrant for your arrest negating the possibility of getting any more.

Is that the policy in San Francisco? If it is (and I doubt it), that's very harsh. As far as I know, most places either impound your car or place "the boot" on it until the tickets are paid.
a lot of UK police cars have NPR (number plate recognition) systems on board that tie into various databases to check for vehicle licence, outstanding tickets etc. as they drive along.
They run automatically & alert the driver when they come across one that's of interest.
Too bad they are using a camera now. Back in the late 80's when I was in L.A, a guy bought a personalized custom licence plate with "NONE" on it. He then proceeded to rack up over 5 grand worth of parking tickets because when he was illegaly parked (apparently a lot) the ticket issued would read "NONE" for licence plate on it...and they could not track it and assumed it was an abandoned/ stripped car or what-not, and ignored it.

They finally caught up with him and slapped on the "denver boot" and subsequently dissallowed that personalized plate from being used again in CA. LOL.
LMFAO That is a good one.

And yes in Texas you have 10 days to appear in court about your ticket. If you dont show up you get a warrant issued for your arrest.
I'm still waiting for cameras at intersections all over NY for doushbags that like to blow red lights.