SC2 Reviews - Is Blizzard afraid of something?

I think enough games have come out the last three years that disappointed that if concerned people know not to buy 'til word-of-mouth spreads across the 'net one way or the other...
Seems they're keeping a few things under wrap when it comes to SC 2. They haven't released the pre-sales figures, even though it's the number one selling title on Amazon, and now no reviews until launch. Considering some of the dynamic changes that seem to have taken place at Blizzard since being scooped up, I'd be more likely to guess it's just yet another dumb decision in a string of dumb decisions by the head folks at Activision.

Maybe they're wanting to wait and see if Battlenet 2.0 crumbles under pressure on launch day. Or perhaps they know they don't have the server capacity right now and are hoping if there's no stellar reviews for the masses to read that there will be a few more folks who take a wait-and-see approach for the first few weeks to help them stave off a smoldering data center.
Bnet 2 sucks pretty bad. Once you actually get past that, its a good game.
It could have something to do with piracy...Blizzard doesn't want anyone to be able to install the game. The features of SC2 include required online access to run and install the game, and giving some sort of review copy to reviewers would be the way crackers would break the game. As of now, they can't even get the digital download to install - let alone crack the security checks.
Normally, do reviewers always leak out a copy to the crackers?

To put it into perspective,

This is the most anticipated PC game of all time. So do the math, decide whether letting reviewers get the game before launch is a good idea.
Hardly. The hype in some circles for this game is absolutely ridiculous.

You're kidding, right? SC2 has 700,000 pre-release purchases already. This is hands down the most anticipated PC game of all time.
I keep hearing this is anticipated, yet I don't even know what SC1 is.

Then again, GTA4 IIRC set some sales records? And I didn't even know really what GTA was yet, either... Except for some hot coffee mod, I knew nothing...
I personally feel like D3 is the genuinely more anticipated PC game.

All the fans are going to pre-order/1st day it. It'll have legs but it's HUGELY front-loaded.

Edit: As for the original question, RDR was much the same with only a few selected reviews coming out super-close to release. Did they have something to hide there? Possibly that the MP was far from what was promised.
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The most interesting this about SC2 to me is that Blizzard actually got around to making another one.
Is Blizzard still releasing like 5 installments of this game? (to milk it as much as possible, clearly)
this game was a 100 million investment (or waste) so yes, the will want to control how it is seen.
Pretty sure, just like starcraft 1, starcraft 2 will destroy diablo.
I'd say every wow killer is more hyped than sc2. Personally I never cared all that much for rÞs on multiplayer level. Sc1 was the worst with rushes, to the point where it wasn't even fun just mathmatical
Its fine, SC2 has been in developement and player testing for longer than most other games, and cmon its Blizzard - if you are worried it will suck anyway or be too much like the original, wait for the reviews after launch before deciding to buy
Community backlash to some lacking features (LAN, chat channels, cross realm play) was overwhelming. 2.0 is several steps behind WarCraft III's, and in many ways even behind StarCraft's. Moreover, they've had tremendous issues with sever instability during the beta as well as bugs resulting in account corruption. StarCraft II stands on its own as a great game and a worthy successor, but 2.0's ridiculous amount of fail would drive review scores down tremendously, and undoubtedly impact sales negatively.
The game itself will get high marks, but Blizzard knows everyone will shit all over the new system. That's why they're not allowing anyone to review it just yet. I bet there will be some 0day patch that includes some missing features from beta. Not like 90% of the people need a review for it anyway, if they know Blizzard's track record.
For those of us who have already played the beta and enjoyed it we know what to expect and are going to be purchasing it regardless. If there really are 700,000 reserves or pre-sales that's pretty awesome, and I bet there's tons of people like me who didn't reserve it and are gonna pick it up launch day, or those who are gonna pick it up from
To put it into perspective,

This is the most anticipated PC game of all time. So do the math, decide whether letting reviewers get the game before launch is a good idea.

the thing is the full game is available for download already but the installer is locked with an encrypted key. in order to allow an install so a reviewer can play with it they would have to give up the key before the launch.

now if you are not buying sc2 what is a review going to do for you. nothing the game stands the test of time and this rts will be the best selling game of all time.
I rather see all reviews held rather than the bullshit where only reviews are allowed if they are 90+%. Too many games get fluff reviews just so those reviews are out early.
this game was a 100 million investment (or waste) so yes, the will want to control how it is seen.
Is it really that much? Seems kinda high considering they basically took the original SC, upped the graphics a bit, changed some things here and there and called it a day.

Though I am anticipating this, it seems kind of underwhelming for 100 million and 12 years.
Blizzard, afraid of getting negative reviews? Hahaha, what kind of world do you people live in?

Considering multiplayer is a huge aspect of StarCraft 2, it's perfectly reasonable of them to do this.

And besides, this comment from RPS is basically true:

if this game boots up it’s getting 10s.
Is it really that much? Seems kinda high considering they basically took the original SC, upped the graphics a bit, changed some things here and there and called it a day.

Though I am anticipating this, it seems kind of underwhelming for 100 million and 12 years.

those cgi trailers don't come cheap!
if blizz was afraid of reviews and hat people would think they wouldnt of did the open beta and lifted the NDA a month ago.
Is it really that much? Seems kinda high considering they basically took the original SC, upped the graphics a bit, changed some things here and there and called it a day.

Though I am anticipating this, it seems kind of underwhelming for 100 million and 12 years.

$100M wasn't for SC2, that was a mistake in Wall Street Journal. It was $100M for WoW's development and continued support, which makes perfect sense.
this game was a 100 million investment (or waste) so yes, the will want to control how it is seen.

100 million? Never heard that figure, and I don't doubt you but....that seems like alot. They would have to sell over 16 million at the $60 price tag, counting expansions. Will it even sell for $60 U.S. in the asian markets? If it's close to that, I guess I could see 16 million being reasonable since this game has such a global following.
Wow, do I ever feel left out by all of this. I've tried tried so hard to like RTS games - but I just can't get a grip on them.

I love turn based strategy games, and could spend hours playing Panzer General or Civilization, but the real time games just stress me out.
I keep hearing this is anticipated, yet I don't even know what SC1 is.

SC1 is like the national sport in South Korea. They have like 3 TV channels dedicated to broadcasting competitive Starcraft matches. It might be ultimately irrelevant to us westerners, but this thing has got to be like the second coming over there.
a lot of hype is uncalled for. plenty of people dont know what starcraft is

ive seen at least 5 people thinking its some kind of mmo.
Who cares about the reviews. My personal expectation is anywhere between 8 and 10. Anything less would be the outlier of a strange critic.
Is there a Blizzard game on record that isn't the standout awesome example of a genre that is loved by people who play that genre?

If you're not into RTS, then meh, this probably isn't for you.

CoD4 is lauded as "omg teh best evar!" and I myself hate FPS, so I've never bothered to purchase it.

I do however own every game blizzard has made, and enjoy all those genres. They're all outstanding.

This will be no exception.