SBS2003 Performance Alerts Going CRAZY!

Feb 19, 2004
I inherited a client from a consultant that no longer works for my new employer. I figured out why this ass-hat no longer works there, he was an idiot. So I have been cleaning up the mess he left of this SBS2003 server. Setup GPOs and WSUS correctly. Had to re-install SEP and SMSMSE on the server. Found out it had been receiving mail directly from the internet with no spam filtering and absolutely ZERO AV software installed on the server. So, anyway, I managed to get everything all cleaned up and working fine except for one thing. I setup the SBS Monitoring and Reports to email me the reports and performance alerts because the mentioned the server would spontaneously reboot every two weeks around 10am. So, yesterday i setup the reporting and head back to the office. My phone promptly proceeded to blow the F up with emails from the server saying it had just rebooted. After a few hours of that I turned off the performance alerts. :D So I check the SBS report this morning and it says it rebooted 1,244 times yesterday! For some reason I am thinking that is not possible . . .


By captcolonoscopy at 2008-11-13

Any of you SBS guys see this crap before? I'm just starting to google on it now. Thought at the least you'd get a laugh out of it if nothing else. :p

haven't had time to really dig through the system logs yet. the app logs were clean though. going to take a look at it more later today. I just thought that was crazy and needed to be shared with the other sbs guys here. :%
/me never sets up the reporting

so annoying so many nonsense emails.
/me never sets up the reporting

so annoying so many nonsense emails.

I like the daily performance report, its a nice way to start the morning. Go sifting through looking for errors and billable hours. :D

The performance alerts I usually do turn off because most of the time they are worthless. I thought I'd give it a shot on this client because I wanted to know as soon as it restarted.

Today the email said it restarted exactly 1440 times in a 24 hour period . . . odd . . . :D