sbs 2003 and windows xp service pack 2


Dec 13, 2002
I have a sbs 2003 server and two windows xp service pack 2 clients.
The clients have the firewall turned on by defaulf.
I need the firewalls to be turned off. On the one computer i finally got the computer to give a choice on to disable or turn on the firewall, but the second computer i can't get it to turn off. On the group policy i disabled all the settings for it, disabled the link, removed the authenticated users from the user, and the second computer still can't turn off the firewall.

How do i get this one computer to turn off the firewall on service pack 2?

Thanks Greg
Theres a specific GPO that just enables the Firewall settings. You have to disable it in there first along with your organizations GPO. After a reboot of the clients, they should all be updated.