Say it ain't so... Bing Cashback dying?

*makes note: Finish purchasing round by end of July)*

BCB saved me a fair amount and may have been the final push needed for some of my customers to buy from me over eBay since 8% off of $600 is a big chunk of change.

Lately, though, I've been using the Best Offer thing on a lot of items and BCB doesn't work there.
This is sad indeed - but I knew it couldn't/wouldn't last forever. I used it religiously - but only when making a purchase and seldomly ever used it just for normal searching. So even for someone that used search as much as I did, it never came close to replacing Google.

You guys would be amazed at how much cashback I've gotten since the I began using it. Sad to see it go . . . now I'm going to max out before 7/30.
I got that e-mail from Bing last week. Too bad. I never used BCB, but I used MS Live once in Nov. 2008.
According to my account, I've saved over $600 because of cashback. Thank you for making me poor. I shall miss you.
Decided to buy my new car stereo now and save a few bucks. Ended up saving $19.14 on Ebay.
its too bad they are ending the program, ive made use of it several times and its so easy to use. getting the money once its available is easy since they added the AmazonPayments option.

they did mention a new program coming, so maybe something as good or better will develop.

although, i must admit i find myself using bing alot more than google for just about everything. their search results havent been any different from google for me, but its the maps that have kept me coming back to bing. Ever since they overhauled it and added some features, ive actually enjoyed bing maps over google for a while.

one small thing that kept me from moving back to google was their recent redesign of how the results are shown. i really dont like the page layout, it just seems like too much going on.
Sensing enormous traffic decrease at in the near future.
Honestly the site is useless without the BCB.
I use BCB to buy my Amazon gift cards and I pay PayPal with my 3% cashback credit card.

I kind of miss the pre-Internet / pre-WalMart shopping days. Prices were higher, but small shops could stay in business in places like downtowns. Now, downtowns are dying many places.

Sensing enormous traffic decrease at in the near future.
Honestly the site is useless without the BCB.

BCB is the only reason I ever go to bing.
In related news, Bing's search market share will take a big hit starting in Aug. 2010.