SATA Drive not accessible


Limp Gawd
Nov 11, 2004
I recently rebuilt my computer with a Gigabyte DS3L and installed Vista32bit on a 200gb IDE drive. I also have a 250gb SATA drive that I put some files on that I wanted to save. After rebuilding, I connected the SATA drive but could not access it. The drive shows up in the BIOS, device manager, and disk management but in disk management it is "offline." I have tried to reactivate it, but disk management gives me an error. I have tried uninstalling the drive through the device manager and when I restarted my computer it said that the drivers had been installed successfully and that the device was working properly but it is still offline and doesn't show up in "my computer." I would really like to keep the files on the SATA drive, what can I do to fix this? Thanks.
it might help to take the error Disk Manager is giving you and plug it into google. Also, check your system logs to see if there is a more detailed error message that could point you to the problem.