Sandisk MSPro Duo 8GB 29.95 (free shipping)

Nice price there, now doesn't Sandisk make Sony's branded memory sticks anyhow??
Sandisk sticks are generally a little faster for the same or less cash in my experience, and Sony has no real answer to their Ultra line -- some Sony sticks are almost as fast, but not quite. Specs might be higher, but in-practice numbers tend to be lower.
I went to buy some stuff from them a couple weeks ago and it takes FOREVER to get here... they are located in China and after a week they still had not shipped my order so I canceled.

Contact info:

TO: DealExtreme
Room 225-226, Block B, Focal Industrial Centre
21 Man Lok street
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Wow, I think my way was cheaper.

8GB microSDHC card + microSD-to-MSProDuo adapter. Obviously not tested thoroughly, but my Sony GPS has no problems with it. And that's all that matters to me. :)
Wow, I think my way was cheaper.

8GB microSDHC card + microSD-to-MSProDuo adapter. Obviously not tested thoroughly, but my Sony GPS has no problems with it. And that's all that matters to me. :)

Fairly sure microSDHC are a good bit slower than a quality MSProDuo -- probably something on the order of the cheap fake 16GB card someone linked above.
I have had those all of the sudden not recognize half if not more of the card...weird stuff. I wait on deals like this and then buy a couple.

I've gotten one of those cards. You probably got a fake card. What they do is put in cheap 8gb of memory, put in a chip that will spoofs that stick as 16gb, and then sell it for $10 less than the real thing. Everything you copy over up till the memory runs out will work, but everything else is just a fake file. Even if you just use the 8gb part, since the thing is such craptasic quality, it will probably die in about 6 months.
I've gotten one of those cards. You probably got a fake card. What they do is put in cheap 8gb of memory, put in a chip that will spoofs that stick as 16gb, and then sell it for $10 less than the real thing. Everything you copy over up till the memory runs out will work, but everything else is just a fake file. Even if you just use the 8gb part, since the thing is such craptasic quality, it will probably die in about 6 months.

grr how is that even legal
Fairly sure microSDHC are a good bit slower than a quality MSProDuo -- probably something on the order of the cheap fake 16GB card someone linked above.
My Microcenter was a Class 6 and dirt cheap. I'll admit that I don't know the bandwidth of an authentic Memory Stick device, since I've never actually owned one.
I've gotten one of those cards. You probably got a fake card. What they do is put in cheap 8gb of memory, put in a chip that will spoofs that stick as 16gb, and then sell it for $10 less than the real thing. Everything you copy over up till the memory runs out will work, but everything else is just a fake file. Even if you just use the 8gb part, since the thing is such craptasic quality, it will probably die in about 6 months.

I never buy memory like that off ebay either - I've never been burned and plan to keep it that way.
My Microcenter was a Class 6 and dirt cheap. I'll admit that I don't know the bandwidth of an authentic Memory Stick device, since I've never actually owned one.

A class 6 SDHC card (micro or whatever, size doesn't matter) generally runs ~6MB/s, sometimes a little higher. Your baseline Memory Stick Pro Duo reads at closer to 10MB/s and SanDisk's UltraII line at ~12MB/s. Considering you can buy an 8GB UltraII for ~$32 and the 8GB Class 6 MicroSDHC and adapter are going to cost you ~$25... it's not that there's a huge difference, but depending on your application it could be very much worthwhile. Write speeds show a similar gap.

For the PSP, where you're storing PS1 ISOs from the PSN store and similar, or media and emulators / other homebrew, read/write speed means faster load times and less hitching. For something like a GPS or most point and shoot cameras, read/write speed doesn't really matter that much. For high end DSLRs with high speed burst shooting modes, it matters more.
I've gotten one of those cards. You probably got a fake card. What they do is put in cheap 8gb of memory, put in a chip that will spoofs that stick as 16gb, and then sell it for $10 less than the real thing. Everything you copy over up till the memory runs out will work, but everything else is just a fake file. Even if you just use the 8gb part, since the thing is such craptasic quality, it will probably die in about 6 months.

if they were really cheap they would put 4gb of memory lol
I have used those microSD adapter to Stick Pro Duo and it is not what I expected.

I various microSD and they all had bandwidth troubles.

The follow microSDHCs I used:
-Kingston microSD 4GB class 4, 8GB class 4
-Transcend microSD 8GB class 6
-Adata microSD 4GB Class 6

I used 4 different fake Kingston microSD to Stick Pro duo adapter and no matter what... the bandwidth would below 2MB/s. I dunno about you guys but I'm not feeling the microSD to Stick Pro Duo adapters after 4 crappy ones. And they were from Dealextreme.