Samsung Synchmaster P2770HD review


Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2011

I know this monitor isn't the newest but also not the oldest.
Well the point of this topic is for me to give you a review on this monitor.
My sister had a crappy monitor so I ordered her this one for her birthday.

This monitor doesn't have much rating on CNET but I doubt the reviews online are to be trusted since they are obviously comparing TN panels with IPS wich always results in poor score for TN panels.

As a gamer I believe I can give some solid insight about what this monitor is worth (I usualy startup games through network to test the monitor)
I allready own a 22" TN panel of wich the colors are more then acceptable (and ofcourse TN panels today are still faster then IPS wich is important for fast movements in games or movies).

I will post some pics and let you know what my experience is with this screen and hope that it will be of help to most of you who are intrested in buying this samsung but have doubts, maybe because of the average ratings.
Ordered the monitor yesterday so I expect it to arrive this week.
I will keep you posted. (review post will have underlined text)

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I know this monitor isn't the newest but also not the oldest.
Well the point of this topic is for me to give you a review on this monitor.
My sister had a crappy monitor so I ordered her this one for her birthday.

This monitor doesn't have much rating on CNET but I doubt the reviews online are to be trusted since they are obviously comparing TN panels with IPS wich always results in poor score for TN panels.

As a gamer I believe I can give some solid insight about what this monitor is worth (I usualy startup games through network to test the monitor)
I allready own a 22" TN panel of wich the colors are more then acceptable (and ofcourse TN panels today are still faster then IPS wich is important for fast movements in games or movies).

I will post some pics and let you know what my experience is with this screen and hope that it will be of help to most of you who are intrested in buying this samsung but have doubts, maybe because of the average ratings.
Ordered the monitor yesterday so I expect it to arrive this week.
I will keep you posted.

Thank you man! That sounds absolutely great! Looking forward to your updates!

We really need more reviews of those lower budget alternatives.
What do you mean with the reviews online not to be trusted since they are comparing TN with IPS? :confused:

Here's a good review:

What I am saying is that most online reviews are NOT to be trusted due to the fact that they will automaticly start giving less points when they tested monitors that might be way better (the more expensive ones).

It might cloud their mind on what a "good for the money" or other said "budget monitor" is worth since they'll feel unwilling to give 9/10 for a TN monitor if they know at least 5 or more IPS monitors are 50% better in performance, causing TN panels to automaticly get less grades compared to them. See my point?

You must admit some people put the bar too high (too much expectations). For instance I know for a fact that they give more points for a monitor, just because it has speakers... I mean.. wtf.. do integrated speakers realy matter??? I even notice they give grades on the design itself or how much you can tilt... To me these are all options because there are several ways of putting your monitor at the desired height...

I think a monitor should be rated on how it performs and what you have to pay for it, all the rest realy doesn't matter much, these options (tilt, frame, speakers, etc) are there to persuade people to buy when multiple monitors fit their needs/requirements, but these options are not the reason why people buy in the first place so there's no point including these options in the ratings (pointwise).

Thank you man! That sounds absolutely great! Looking forward to your updates!

We really need more reviews of those lower budget alternatives.

I fully agree with you. I see no reason why all of us should be bullied into buying a more expensive monitor just because someone with more money feels they aren't worth it, and therefor give an invalid rating.
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What I am saying is that most online reviews are NOT to be trusted due to the fact that they will automaticly start giving less points when they tested monitors that might be way better (the more expensive ones).

It might cloud their mind on what a "good for the money" or other said "budget monitor" is worth since they'll feel unwilling to give 9/10 for a TN monitor if they know at least 5 or more IPS monitors are 50% better in performance, causing TN panels to automaticly get less grades compared to them. See my point?
Reputable, in-depth review sites like posted above don't do that though. They say what they measure in their tests, how they do it and by reading those numbers you can even make your own conclusion. I don't think a TN panel should be getting a 9/10 just because it's cheap. In a value for money section, yeah, but then again value for money is highly subjective as well. Nothing wrong with getting a monitor rated 3 out of 5 if you know what that number means. gives the P2770HD their 2nd highest Rating

Digital Versus 4/5 Stars

Being a TN with a slow response time almost entirely defeats the purpose (and 23ms of input lag 1!). For such an expensive TN there is no reason for it not to be properly overdriven. The Color presets are bad considering the 23" Version comes perfectly set. Given its issues it still gets a good rating, higher than many other monitors........bias?

I think reading comprehension is the issue in this thread, not biased reviews. gives the P2770HD their 2nd highest Rating

Digital Versus 4/5 Stars

Being a TN with a slow response time almost entirely defeats the purpose (and 23ms of input lag 1!). For such an expensive TN there is no reason for it not to be properly overdriven. The Color presets are bad considering the 23" Version comes perfectly set. Given its issues it still gets a good rating, higher than many other monitors........bias?

I think reading comprehension is the issue in this thread, not biased reviews.

One site gives a good rating, another gives an average rating and another gives a good rating.
There's no way to fully know who is correct. This is why I want to share my experiences + by showing some clear pictures of the screen so others will see what this monitor is realy about.
Sure this monitor might have some greenish colors as CNET sais, but who sais you realy notice this when working or playing on this screen? If its not realy noticeable, I don't think it's worth telling everyone about it.
Would you buy a monitor if 2 people rated it, one saying it's very awfull, another saying it's realy good?
I sure wouldn't want to take a 50% chance of buying a monitor that "might" be worth my money. And I believe it's the same for most people here.
One site gives a good rating, another gives an average rating and another gives a good rating.
There's no way to fully know who is correct. This is why I want to share my experiences + by showing some clear pictures of the screen so others will see what this monitor is realy about.
Sure this monitor might have some greenish colors as CNET sais, but who sais you realy notice this when working or playing on this screen? If its not realy noticeable, I don't think it's worth telling everyone about it.
Would you buy a monitor if 2 people rated it, one saying it's very awfull, another saying it's realy good?
I sure wouldn't want to take a 50% chance of buying a monitor that "might" be worth my money. And I believe it's the same for most people here.

I agree. I prefer userreviews over those professional reviews because they are so biased. Obviously there are money to earn if you get a good review from CNet so they are probably payed to get good reviews. Many people in the gameindustry have explained that this is how the reviews work. Pay or buy many adds in our magazine and you will get a good review.

I still look forward to your review STCX to get an unbiased review of the Samsung. Needed for sure when the so called pros give totally different answers.
I currently have a 25.5 hp w2558hc that is 1920 x 1200 and I should have one of these P2770HD in my hands this weekend. I am just wondering what you think the better of the two would be. Would it come down to the 1920 x 1200 versus the 1920x x1080 ? Who has one that plays bad company 2, and any impressions when playing that game ? Thanks.
Ok I received the monitor a few hours ago but I had to go to work.
Although I was able to test it mostly and from what I saw the image was pretty crisp, a little green but you have to look for it to find it (barely noticeable).
When I get home I'll post the pictures I took online and give a little more explenation.

But I can tell you now that from the looks of it, you won't trow away your money when you get one of these, it seems to be worth the money.
There's one thing I still need to test though and this is ghosting/blur during games.
I'll get back to you in a couple of hours (an hour or 4-5)
Ok folks, here is my revieuw:

This how it was ordered (sorry if some pictures are not very visible, was in a hurry when I made them).:

I opened the box and placed the screen on my bed (without the footstand installed ofcourse).
So far the frame seems to have an acceptable shape that doesn't annoy my eyes.

Turned in on it's back, nothing special to mention... unless if you call shiny something special ^^

I zoomed in a little closer so you can see what the connections are, no point giving my opinion about this since it doesn't relate to quality but instead for the options.

When standing in front of the screen I noticed a compartment wich seems to be for SSD cards (could be another card but I guess photographers know this well enough).

When you turn on the monitor you'll see a red dot to indicate that it is turned on, when you press directly next to this dot (left next to it) it will light up other buttons needed to configurate the monitor further. I checked the menu and it seems you can do quite a lot to alter the image of the screen. Ignore the dust on the speaker and screen below, my sister should clean her room urgently ^^

Picture taken from above to test viewing angle

Picture taken from below to test viewing angle (ignore the sunlight shining on the screen at the side)

Picture taken from the side to test viewing angle

Here is a pic taken from the deskop, as you can see color configuration is quite allright

I was only able to test one adventure game since my sister recently formatted her pc (and she doesn't want FPS on her pc :/ ) so I can only tell you that the image looks quite crisp.
But I can tell you that several of people that also tested this monitor besides me claim input lag is barely visible.

To my opinion this monitor could perform better, but for it's price it's definately a good monitor If you own a smaller TN panel monitor then it is more then worth it to upgrade to this one (unless ofcourse your current panel is IPS, I wouldn't advice going to TN ^^)

I wish I could have said more but I gotto go. Hopefully this persuades some of you that have doubts to buy.
Keep in mind though that if you use it for the TV option that analog signal will look weak on it (since it is made for digital signal)
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any tips ? anybody have any good game setups ? Brightness ? contrast ?
any tips ? anybody have any good game setups ? Brightness ? contrast ?

This is what "Digital versus" sais about it :
"It’s important to mention that the P2770HD has a default brightness setting of 330 cd/m². I’d strongly advise you to lower this if you’re in a room with standard lighting. I recommend switching it from 100 to 60 in the internal menu.

Contrast is almost 900:1, which is slightly better than the average recorded value of 850:1."

And this is what Prad sais:
"The colour settings had to be corrected somewhat in the OSD. For calibration to the sRGB standard, we selected the following settings: Brightness 35, Contrast 95, R=64, G=55, B=21.

UGRA test

In order to test the monitor with regard to general requirements, we calibrated the 27-inch model to the UGRA criteria (5800 K, gamma 1.8 and 120 cd/m²). Unfortunately, the Samsung P2770HD does not pass the UGRA test because it cannot display enough grey levels after calibration (92.5 %)."


I hope this helps you upgrade the colors of the samsung and minimalise the reason why people would complain about it's colors ^^
However I personaly like the standard settings more.
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I am still playing with it. I have gone into the catalyst control and upped the color level 20 percent and that really helped. I will do some more testing :)
I had just about lost hope on this monitor because my HP w2558hc 25.5" had such a beautiful picture and I could not get this monitor to look anything like that one. If I had not been able to pick this 27" up for 200 bucks I would not have even traded out. But I think I have it calibrated pretty close to what I want. I went into my catalyst control panel and added 25 percent more color. I also went into windows - control panel - appearance - display settings - calibrate color and followed the steps there . I also calibrated the clear type also. I still think my other monitor has a slightly better picture, but I wanted the extra few inches from this one. I am also still on the bubble about the resoloution. My 25.5 is 1920x1200 . It also took some time to calibrate in Bad Company 2. I had to up the brightness and lower the contrast. But I do think that looks better in game than my other monitor.
After a few weeks, I have come to the conclusion that this is a horrible gaming monitor, and I would not reccomend it to anybody. It makes a good TV, but that is it. I never have been able to get the colors right, they look washed out, and when I added a little color in the Catalyst control center, it helps, but it was either too much or not enough. Save your money on this monitor. I have since gone back to my w2558hc, and I will stay with that for now.
I have this monitor and it is great if you know how to use it.

without it this monitor will unleash screen tear city in most games.

Connecting this monitor via HDMI looks like crap. Text is blocky and the screen is too dark.

This is a TN panel. It looks fine. This is no IPS panel. If that is what you want then pony up some big boys for that display or stick with your smaller displays.

For TV this monitor is great. For watching hd rips this display is great. For gaming this display is great.

I have a few buddies with fancy monitors and they didn't seem to have an issue with it when viewing it.

To each there own.