Samsung Spinpoint 2.5" drive scratch noise


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2003
I have a samsung MP0603H 2.5" drive in my laptop, and it makes random noises sometimes. for example it makes a noise that sounds like a small scratch noise, sometimes but i cant find a way to reproduce it, and it also has no effect on the performance of the drive.

i have done a drive test with the samsung software in DOS but it says the drive is perfect, and all my data is correct etc.

the noise often comes about when the laptop is kept in idle for 10mins or so, but its rather strange for a noise that is associated with a spindown or something.

anyone knows?
If it only happens after about ten minutes, then it's most likely the drive parking the heads and spinning down. The scratch might also be the heads landing on the platters during spindown.

To keep it from happening go into power options and set the "Turn off hard disks:" to Never.