Samsung P2770FH, do you recommend it?


Feb 8, 2011
I had considered buying the 120hz LG monitor, but now I've found this Samsung, which although it's 60hz, it features 1ms of response time, and 27"! I think that big screen must look much more impressive with games. I suppose I can play well my first person shooters at 75fps with sync (I suppose this panel is able to use 1920x1080 at 75hz, right? Some say that that res is low for a 27 panel, but I prefer it that way because the icons, the text and everything don't look so small. I'm afraid that reading text at 1920x1080 in a 23" screen is not confortable for me. What do you think? I've found tons of reviews and opinions about the LG, but not much about the Samsung. Any other affordable 27" monitor which is as good or better than this (for gaming I mean).

LG Flatron W2363D

Samsung P2770FH
I have this monitor, but cant help. Sadly, i dont have a real video card so i haven't been able to test out this monitor. Had it for like 1 month, but my 8800GT died and i haven't replaced it lol.

I can only do 60hz @ 1920x1080.. maybe its the vid card?
I wish others would weigh in on this thread.

I am seriously considering the P2770FH for my needs. I game and watch movies mostly so I want the high refresh speed, it claims 1ms which is as good as it gets, and I want quality and I have yet to be disappointed with a Samsung monitor.

My research tells me that most people who get this monitor like it a lot. The people who have issues with it seem to be technically challenged folks who want speakers on their monitors(wouldn't have Klipsch computer speaker system if I was one of them).

I am very close to pulling the trigger on this purchase but would like to hear some opinions from others before I do.

I currently have an Acer AL2216W which still functions perfectly(at 1680x1050) but I have the High Resolution bug and have decided I NEED 1920x1080 :cool: .. my TV has it so my computer must too! :D If I don't get this P2770FH I will most likely get the Samsung 2494LW which seems to be a pretty sweet deal too but only a measly 23.6". :p
According to Cnet the Samsung has poor color presets and requires calibration to get rid of the green tinting. The 120hz LG also has bad color out of the box, and even after calibration it doesn't compare to the other 120hz panels.

The Asus VE278Q would be a better choice.

If you want a 120hz panel the Asus and Alienware are the best right now. Samsung/Acer both have some new 23-27" 120hz panels coming out in the next month.
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According to Cnet the Samsung has poor color presets and requires calibration to get rid of the green tinting. The 120hz LG also has bad color out of the box, and even after calibration it doesn't compare to the other 120hz panels.

The Asus VE278Q would be a better choice.

If you want a 120hz panel the Asus and Alienware are the best right now. Samsung/Acer both have some new 23-27" 120hz panels coming out in the next month.

I'm looking for real live experiences and not info gleaned from Cnet. I guess I am just going to have to buy one and try it for myself.

Oh well, how bad can a Samsung with a 3 year guarantee be? LOL:p
I had one for two weeks. Did not like the colors. Flimsy base and no adjustments. It has controls for adjusting the response time. Really did not like it. My personal opinion.
I then had a brief stint with the Samsung P2770HD (which I liked for its inputs) and then the Asus 278Q. That was my 27 inch monitor phase. All purchased locally with return policies.
Personally, if I were to choose, I would go with the Asus 278Q. I liked their colors the best at default.
I have the Samsung P2770FH. I agree that the colors do need a fair amount of adjustment. Below is some info I sent to someone else asking about this monitor:

"Overall I am happy with this monitor. Even though its 27", I do not find the resolution of 1920x1080 to be an issue for me. I am happy with the size of text and images seem clear to me. The color is pretty good for a TN (I believe Samsung has a good reputation here) but it is not quite as good as the Dell I have at work. As I mentioned, the Dell costs twice as much however so I would expect it to be better here. Right now I am using Samsungs MagicTune software for color settings. I fully expect to get the color dialed in without that (using just the monitor menu) at some point but I haven't yet. Comparing this to my old monitor, I did not realize how bad my old monitor had gotten over the years. The colors and brightness really make my old monitor look like trash, but then again its more than 7 years old.

I am coming from a 21" trinitron CRT so lag was a concern for me. I did some lag tests comparing the two. More times than not, the lag test would show a lag of 13ms. Sometimes it would show a lag of 26ms. If I had to guess, I'd say the average lag was 15-18ms. Looking around at reviews, I think this is quite good. The whole reason I decided to go with a TN panel was to minimize lag as most games I play are FPS. I have been playing BC2 on this monitor and I'm quite pleased. Initially I had tearing and that bothered me, but setting vsync and adjusting some quality settings did the trick. I really need a new video card.

As I mentioned, this monitor has a 1ms G2G response time. I did some tests with the PixPerAn software and with the monitor set to "fastest" the results looked quite good in comparison to other reviews I have seen. Like I said, this is the first LCD monitor I have ever owned, so I do not have a lot of experience testing these.

The viewing angles are what you would expect for a TN. There is nothing magic about this monitor that makes that go away. I sit directly in front of my monitor, so its not a real issue for me.

I have 0 dead pixels on mine but I do have a little bit of backlight bleed along the top and bottom edges. It seems minor to me so I decided not to worry about it. It seems backlight bleed really varies from monitor to monitor so its a bit of a crap shoot what you'll get. Since you are buying at Costco returning one you do not like shouldn't be an issue.

The paperwork that came with mine states a 3 year warranty in the US and Canada. I saw one posting online that claims it is only 1 year but that does not match my paperwork.

You might see postings about the monitor being wobbly. The goose neck does allow for some flexing near the base. If you have a solid desk this shouldn't be a problem, but it you have a light weight desk it might bother you. The monitor has angle adjustment and swivel, but no height adjustment which is a minor pain but very common in this price range."