Samsung HD501LJ Defects


Jul 26, 2004
I have 2 of these drives that I have had for almost a year now and one of them just failed AGAIN! This is the 3rd time I have had to send them in for RMA, of course I always have to pay for shipping to them (like $15) and last time I had to send in both of them. Are other people having a high failure rate with these drives?
I've got three; one for about a year and two for about six months. I have not experienced a failure yet and HD Tune and SMART do not report bad sectors.

It could be that you're very unlucky, but chances are something else may be the problem. Check your cabling and your power supply.
I bought mine almost when they were released.. still working fine with not one bad sector.

Once I had a system that ate harddrives.. They would only last for a few months at best, then begin developing bad sectors until they were virtually unusable. It turned out to be caused by a crappy power supply - I replaced it with an Enermax 350W (high-end at the time) and the problems went away.
in last 14 months i have owned 15x hd501lj drives ...
had only one failure - four bad blocks on one week old drive, probably due heavy data move through it ( ~5tb lol )
I actually have 5 hard drives in this machine. The other drives are other manufactures (WD,Hitachi, Maxtor) and have had no problems with any of these drives. I wonder if this could possibly be a heating problems with these hard drives not being cooled enough. I am using a Antec True Power Trio TP3-550 550W ATX12V Power Supply which is a decent power supply so I doubt it is having a problem. Any other suggestions?
Have five HD501LJ, oldest is 1,5 years and the others are 7 months in a RAID5 array. Running daily without any issues.
I've got two of them, one purchased about ten months ago, the other about one month ago. Both of them are working great with no problems.