Samsung 245BW - Odd Problem


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I recently picked up a Samsung 245BW. I noticed in the upper right corner I have an odd problem. Bellow are two macro pics I took of the upper right corner (which is fine) and the upper left corner (which has the problem). If you look at the top of each picture where it gets darker you'll see in the upper left corner pic all rows of pixels are of equal brightness. But, in the upper right corner pic, the odd rows are are brighter than the even rows. This is actually very noticable when viewing at normal distances. It ends up producing lines in the image. Kind of like looking through a screen door but only with horizontal lines. The effects extends approximately 5-6 inches in from the right and about 7-8 inches down fading the further you get from the upper right corner.

Is this a sign of a deffective monitor? Should I return/exchange it? I have 30 days from date of purchase (1/5/08).

Upper left corner. Notice all rows of pixels are equal in brightness (aside from the changing due to viewing angle).

Upper right corner. Notice how every other row is one brightness level and the rows in between are a different brightness level. (that black spot was a piece of dust. not a dead pixel)
No idea what you're trying to show in those pictures but it doesn't look like a big deal so my advice is that if you have no dead pixels just keep it.

BTW, I just bought 2 of these.

Is there a way yet to get them to work with XBOX360 over VGA at 1080p or no?
I edited the bottom pic and circled the area that shows what I'm talking about. Look at the rows of pixels. Each rows brightness alternates. The odd numbered rows are dimmer than the even numbered rows.

Since my original post I've done some tests at various LCD test sites. Once of them had some images that are designed to onvok flicker in an LCD to help determine which type of panel you have. The affected area in my pics flickers ALOT more than the rest of the monitor when viewing these images.

This image CLICK from this site CLICK.

Regarding your XBOX question, sorry but I don't know. I'm not a big console gamer.