Samsung 226BW v. which panel is the best?


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2003
which panel of the Samsung 226BW is the best?

so far i have seen A, S and C panels, but which should i be looking for? and how can i tell

i am using this for PC and PS3 via hdmi>dvi converter.

S panel is the best by far. That is the one made by Samsung themselves but it is very hard to find them anymore. I recommend the 2232bw. Almost identical specs and even if you don't get an S panel with it they are calibrated far better than the 226bw non S panels were. Also, I have used both the 226bw and this 2232bw I just got an the 2232bw has much better viewing angles from the sides. It is advertised as 170 opposed to 160 for the 226 but it seems even better than that. it also looks more like a tv which is nice for gaming. if you can get one now get it from Best Buy they are on sale this week but it ends today.
I don't understand how people can keep comparing the 2232bw to the 226bw. The input lag on the 2232bw makes it a terrible LCD for gaming actually. The specs are hardly identical.

nismohks: S,A,C, etc are how the panels go in terms of quality for the 226bw. You can verify the panel by looking in the maint. screen...also, some of the older ones had the letter on the back (like my S-panel does).
^ LOL, they use the same samsung panel genius. if it is not the A, or C.
You can verify the panel by looking in the maint. screen...also, some of the older ones had the letter on the back (like my S-panel does).

Maint screen?

does that mean i have to turn on the monitor and go through menus before i can find the panel it uses?

i doubt any retailers will let me do that around here HAHAHA :p

for the 2232bw i did read up on it just recently, and yes it looks like a tv, however apparently its not as suited for gaming.

but then again, 95% use will be for PC so i will keep an open eye for them since i havent actually seen them yet. the 226BW is at a very nice price nowadays tho so it seems hard to pass up

one bad thing about 226bw. NO HEIGHT ADJUSTMENTS. that is why to this day i am still using an old skool Samsung 171N which has all the adjustments in the world! and colours are still fantastic i believe.

ps. how about the 225MS. is that worth going for?
I play games like unreal and source and have no issues with input lag i don't even notice it... it feels the same as my old 17" crt ... now if you're a gamer like me that spins and likes to be really fast... you're gonna have to get a 22" that can support 1600 x 1050 with 75 refresh rates... or drop it to 1152 X 1080 for 75 refresh. It scales it nicely but obviously not same as 1600X so i just play every other games like crysis and any other game that don't require much speed at native resolution... so 2232 gw is fine.
So tell me why they look and perform so differently then? One is good for gaming the other is terrible for it. I've used both for extensive periods of time. This website: proves what I felt and compares them both. 30+ ms average input lag vs 1.6ms. Colors, viewing angles, best rendering are all obviously worse on the 2232bw.

I don't know, I was worried about the reported input lag before getting mine BUT after testing if there is any it isn't noticeable at all, and I am coming from a 206BW which has no input lag in those digitalversus results. Maybe it has been corrected in newer versions (mine was made in Dec 07). As for how it looks, I bought a 226bw several months ago and this looks far better in comparison. I think they use the same or very similar panels anyway though. If the 2232BW was bad like you say, I doubt Behardware would be recommending it as one of their top monitors along with that really good Viewsonic model. Also, look at this review of it by digitalversus. They claim it is better than the 226bw themselves.

I haven't had mine long so I'll keep an eye out for problems while within the return period but initial impressions are great.
nah thats bs i can play fine on my gw on games that need the best speed... warsow for example :)
Like I said earlier...the 226bw is much better for gaming. When I had the 2232bw for 3 weeks I noticed right away - the input latency. I now have a 226bw's a non issue (thankfully). People who are on LCDs with 30+ms input latency such as the 2232bw claiming they don't feel any lag just didn't play at a high enough level on a CRT I guess? I don't know how else to put it. if you opinions on these matters from people who take gaming a little more seriously than most.

If you've played warsow (or play it) try selecting a resolution your lcd monitor supports up to 75hz. Type /vid_displayfrequency 75. Compare 75hz vs 60hz and write back again with your findings. This isn't an issue of guessing...the pro community already knows 75hz LCDs look and feel better than standard 60hz.
well any way to do an input lag test myself? I honestly can't tell in gaming compared to my 206bw. Yeah I can compared to my old crt but it seems as good as the other lcd I had which as I said had no measurable input lag.
Like I said earlier...the 226bw is much better for gaming. When I had the 2232bw for 3 weeks I noticed right away - the input latency. I now have a 226bw's a non issue (thankfully). People who are on LCDs with 30+ms input latency such as the 2232bw claiming they don't feel any lag just didn't play at a high enough level on a CRT I guess? I don't know how else to put it. if you opinions on these matters from people who take gaming a little more seriously than most.

If you've played warsow (or play it) try selecting a resolution your lcd monitor supports up to 75hz. Type /vid_displayfrequency 75. Compare 75hz vs 60hz and write back again with your findings. This isn't an issue of guessing...the pro community already knows 75hz LCDs look and feel better than standard 60hz.

No kidding obviously 75hz will run smoother all im saying is i switched from crt to lcd and it runs the same in 75hz as my crt did.. but then again mines a GW it could be different to the bw i guess..but i doubt that. Anybody that plays warsow, quake, unreal at 60hz will have a good time getting fragged. Btw i take the gaming seriously but because fun of course i no longer play leagues Cevo, cal or anything i do some esea on source though.
The input lag they discovered was with the CPO panel of the 2232BW, i have the SAMSUNG version of the 2232bw panel, and let me tell you, with RTA on there is no ghosting, with it off there is ghosting, now there is a good side of rta and a bad side, good is it makes the response time noticibley faster, bad is it brings on green ghosting trail sometimes, most notable on the front page of xtreme systems forums......i turn rta off on the desktop, and turn it on while gaming.......2232BW is the most responsive LCD i have ever used.....i have used the 226BW, and this is better.
The input lag they discovered was with the CPO panel of the 2232BW, i have the SAMSUNG version of the 2232bw panel, and let me tell you, with RTA on there is no ghosting, with it off there is ghosting, now there is a good side of rta and a bad side, good is it makes the response time noticibley faster, bad is it brings on green ghosting trail sometimes, most notable on the front page of xtreme systems forums......i turn rta off on the desktop, and turn it on while gaming.......2232BW is the most responsive LCD i have ever used.....i have used the 226BW, and this is better.
where do you see that it was the cpo version? that is what they refer to as CDA right or are there 3 panels? I think mine is the CDA and I've just got done playing UT3 and still don't notice any input lag compared to my 206bw. compared to a crt, yes a little.
didn't know bout the rta ill check that out.. yea that guy prob had those version believe me i've gamed for 10 years on 75hz and would of already sold it if i noticed any input lag so just /ignore :/

can't seem to notice anything with it on or off..on xtremesystem ill check rta off on games though.
I guess some parting advice I can give is to just play what you are happy with. If you can't notice any input lag, great...I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise. Game on :)
If I get bored I might driver to another Best Buy this week and check for an S panel using the serial number forumula I posted in a thread a couple days ago. If I see one I will probably trade this version in but if not might as well keep it unless I figure out a way to test for input lag myself and find it does do it badly.