Samsung 226BW "S" help


Dec 10, 2005
So I bought this LCD in 2007 or 2008. It takes a long time for the picture to show up from cold boot, or if the screen blacks out from not being in use for a while. It will flicker for almost 5-10 minutes until what I assume is the bulb heating up and then picture is normal. Is this LCD basically dead or can I repair this somehow without spending near what a new decent 22" LCD costs?
Usually it's better to get a new one instead of trying to fix it. It's pretty old so it's time for an upgrade anyway.
I used to have a couple of these and saw a similar issue... youtube'd it. It's my understanding that this is generally caused by bad capacitors on the board in the monitor which can be replaced to fix the screen.
I had a similar problem develop with my old 226BW not long ago. I just ended up replacing it with an HP 2509b, which I'm loving even more than my old 226BW. :)
I had the same thing happen to my trusty, old 226BW "S".
I bought the caps that I needed and fixed it, no problem.

Here's where I bought the parts if you're interested:

For $9 + Shipping, it's not too bad, as it has a collection of all the caps the 226BW uses.
Better than being forced to buy a new monitor, anyway.
It does require soldering it yourself, though. But I have very little soldering experience myself (none before this event), and if I can do it...well, it still depends on how comfy you are with soldering, I suppose.

I'd say it's worth a shot if you don't want to shell out for a new monitor, yet.