Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

I understand that it may all be a non-issue, but is there really much difference in quality between the LG and Samsung that it'd be worth me taking ages to come to a decision.
YES! THANKYOU! i picked this up at staples and it is working very well on my 226BW. great find! BTW, the one i bought looks nothing like the picture. the base is bigger and seems custom made for the larger 22" monitor even though it says it only supports up to 20". in fact, it could handle a heavier LCD, i had to turn the "springyness" down quite a bit (after turning it up too much) to get it working with the 226BW ("springyness" refering to the height adjustment, you just lift the LCD up and down, no buttons to push).

here is a link to what i actually bought at staples... Ergotron Neo-Flex LCD Stand

My Staples had both models. I took a chance with the one with the silver circle at the bottom. Works great! Staples by far has the best price on this stand.
I'm not a tech guy and don't make the big $s, but after driving around looking at a lot of monitors, I still think I made the right decision w/ the 226BW.
Got my "A" panel last Sunday. I got one dead pixel. I will return it for replacement at CC but it will take time to ship; hope it an S. Looking at high resolution pictures are great but movies right now is bad. I will upgrade my video card this weekend to see if I get more improvement; currently I have an off the shelf/stock video card. I don't play much games but wants the best; who doesn't...

i've been asking this alot but do you really have any reason that you hope it is an S? didn't your A perform just fine (aside from the dead pixel which could happen on either one)?
ok two more posts hoping they get "lucky" and get an "s" or "is it worth the risk" of getting A.

we still really havent determined if it matters at all and if there is a risk or if getting an S is lucky at all.

As reported by 226bw and a couple of others here, and as is indicated by the pictures earlier in the thread from a Chinese website, it looks like the A panel shows more backlight bleed around the edges than does the S panel, which appears to have very uniform backlighting.

I also seem to remember somebody commenting on slightly poorer colour reproduction on the A panel, but I can't seem to find where it was that I read that, and I don't know how they could tell anyway without having both monitors side-by-side.

At the moment, the bottom line seems to be that both panels are nearly identical, as would be expected, except that the A panel has some slight backlight bleeding issues. But I'm willing to bet those are minimal, and unless you're really looking for it, you're not going to notice it. Either way, it's not nearly enough to deter me from buying what in all other respects seems to be an awesome monitor. It would just be a bit nicer maybe to get one of the S panels to minimize any backlight bleeding.

That being said, if anybody DOES get an A panel and it seems to be of poorer quality than is indicated by the posts about the S panel models, please post here and let everybody know ASAP. Or, even better, if somebody picks up two of these and happens to get one S and one A, please post some side-by-side comparison pictures, especially ones showing backlight bleed.

Also, one general question: I've seen a couple of people (very few mind you) complain about banding issues with this monitor. Could we get a few owners' opinions regarding this, just to have a few more points of view?
I had an A panel with crazy banding and blotchy colors (may have been that panel or may be all A panels I can't say) I returned it, got an S panel, the banding is almost gone and the blotchness is gone. Still slight banding in certain pictures but I'd say it's pretty minor.
Some reports, of new owners, that got the "A" panel, are complaining more, and
more of serious backlight bleeding, more pronouced then before, also banding
becoming more and more apparent.

it's no surprise, Samsung had to make
a public statement, in Asia, to try and explain why they changed
the panel in the 931bw or something like that.

They pushed insult to injury, when they said that the cheaper panel
they put in was just as good, EVEN do it's rated 2 grades lower.

Same thing with the 226BW,
the Samsung panel is rated A++
the other panel is rated A

I feel insulted more then anything else, if i can't get an "S" panel,
him buying the LG226WA, it's the same spec's except a bit of backlight bleeding
same price , warranty, etc, AND honest !
I've been following this forum thread trying to decide if this is the monitor I want to get. The A vs. S panel debate threw me off a bit, but when it comes down to it, this is still a damn nice monitor at a good price. I'm upgrading from a dying 19-inch CRT, so it's going to be an improvement regardless.

I'm happy to hear that they have them over in Vancouver, since that means there should be some here in Victoria soon, and if not I'll just order it from Van. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get an S panel, but if I don't, it's not the end of the world for me. With any luck I'll order it in the next day or two, and I'll post my impressions on here when I get it.

Thanks for the heads-up on the ATIC price at $450 too, hopefully I'll be able to pricematch it wherever I find it. Is it just me, or even when you take into account the exchange rate, it seems like this monitor costs more here in Canada? $450 is the cheapest I've seen, and that still works out to be something like $385 USD before tax or shipping or anything, which is a fair bit more than some people here have been paying for it.

I was looking at the cost price for future shop today, they get the monitor for 350 and have marked it up 43%... So if you can wait a bit, I'm sure it will drop down in price pretty soon.

i've been asking this alot but do you really have any reason that you hope it is an S? didn't your A perform just fine (aside from the dead pixel which could happen on either one)?

Holy crap dude are you a Samsung viral marketeer? I'm pissed enough I bought an A panel and the colours along with the backlight bleeding are dissapointing compared to what I was promised, I have to read post after post of yours defending Samsung's dirty business tactics. It's people like you that let these bastards get away with things like that and thus do it again. I for once am taking the monitor back and demand from the store to keep my money until the LG L226WA comes (I've asked they don't have any for now) since it has HDMI and from what I heard is better with consoles because it keeps the aspect ratio intact when you hook them up on the HDMI. ~~Can someone confirm this?~~

And for the record it's the last time I'm buying anything Samsung. I'm done with them.
dude chill out i dont work for samsung and i'm not defending any "dirty" business tactics, not that i have yet to see anythning major here as people are still operating on guessing or assumptions, so dont fly off the handle and make ridiculous accusations how you think "people like me" let them get away with anything. it's likely that the S panels will soon disappear completely, if you had even read the explanation of why they exist in the first place, it's not a lottery like the Dell is, and your paranoa is really getting the best of you, especially with such an immature rant directed at me.

so far though it's only been assumptions, even people that received fine working A's (without banding or splotchy colors, which would sound like a broken monitor, not a feature of A panels) are presuming they got screwed, even with nothing seeming wrong with them, except "maybe" noticing backlight bleed (of course no one is sure if it's any different from an S's), which seems less to do with the A or S panel still and more to do with the assembly.
I received my 226bw today (after waiting 10 days or so for shipping). The box was a little damaged, but not bad. The monitor inside was an S. It also has no dead pixels at all that I can find using Dead Pixel Buddy.

So far I like it very much, and the picture does not appear "stretched" compared to my 20" lcd. I just need to adjust the colors a little bit which I haven't done yet.

I see a very slight banding on one picture which I knew that had it, but the banding is *exactly* the same as my Benq fp202w monitor. Most photos do not have banding, so its never really as big of an issue for me. Its somewhat rare when I come across an edited picture or game that displays banding (with this monitor or my Benq). Although I can't speak for the A model since I haven't owned it, but I would assume its the same.

I'm no expert on this though, and I'm sure its all personal preference.
dude chill out i dont work for samsung and i'm not defending any "dirty" business tactics, not that i have yet to see anythning major here as people are still operating on guessing or assumptions, so dont fly off the handle and make ridiculous accusations how you think "people like me" let them get away with anything. it's likely that the S panels will soon disappear completely, if you had even read the explanation of why they exist in the first place, it's not a lottery like the Dell is, and your paranoa is really getting the best of you, especially with such an immature rant directed at me.

so far though it's only been assumptions, even people that received fine working A's (without banding or splotchy colors, which would sound like a broken monitor, not a feature of A panels) are presuming they got screwed, even with nothing seeming wrong with them, except "maybe" noticing backlight bleed (of course no one is sure if it's any different from an S's), which seems less to do with the A or S panel still and more to do with the assembly.

No the backlight bleed isn't the same. I've compared it with pictures on the web and I'm 100% sure. It's simply worse. As for colours what can I say? Have you seen the difference between 16bit and 32bit colour in your graphics card? The A panel reminds me of the first. I'm no expert but I had done my research and i feel cheated by Samsung. If they want to release a different product they should give it a different freaking name not trick people with dirty business tactics. Anyway I'm taking it back in three hours.

And one other thing. I wasn't going to register on this forum or post, but your annoying behavior forced me to. Not only we have companies deceiving us, we also have their viral marketeers now defending and making excuses for them on the internet. It's too much.
Does anyone see anything close to solid purple on the viewing angle test?

I have the 206BW (A panel). I'm still happy with it, but was kind of shocked at how the purple block looked more like a purple-to-blue gradient than solid purple. The site says it's normal for TN's, but I was expecting to see something a bit more subtle. It's pretty pronounced on my monitor. The other colors aren't so bad.

For the record, I see a little bit of banding fading into the darker shades on the banding test on that page.
Hey everybody, been lurking this thread awhile deciding on whether or not this would be my next LCD. Well to anybody that hasn't noticed, newegg just received a shipment of them and is now selling for 389 + 14 shipping. This isn't bad considering many places don't have tax on newegg (Washington State has one of the highest sales taxes with 8.1%, so this was about the same price as me buying one up in Spokane)

Anyway, I just ordered one from them and will report whether or not they are shipping A or S panels, and I'll see for myself whether it is a big deal or not.

edit: (link)
Well, I don't see anything close to solid purple on my "A" panel 226BW. On my LCD at work, I often look at something that is a solid gray and I see a gradient. It is pretty bad here, though. It seems like the light coming from the bottom is too much compared to other LCDs I've used.

Few shots showing the backlighting. First 3 shots are at 100 brightness and the last one is at 60 brightness.

What are some good settings to use btw?

As for banding on gradients (such as this test ), I have to be at least a foot away to notice it.
I was just about to buy this monitor.... but then I read about banding problems. Some screenshots on this forum and others show extreme banding. That may be happening only to A panel users, but considering that most of us buying it will be getting A panels, this is a huge problem.

Banding means to me that the picture is completely messed up. I notice it immediately and I find it unacceptable. Look at this review from widescreengaming forum: Look at the sky on the last screenshot.

It is much much more important than backlight bleeding or reds being slightly off or stuff like that. If this monitor has such serious banding problems, Samsung should be calling this model back immeditely.

So I suggest we focus on the banding issue for a while. Can any user confirm or deny this problem?
I was just about to buy this monitor.... but then I read about banding problems. Some screenshots on this forum and others show extreme banding. That may be happening only to A panel users, but considering that most of us buying it will be getting A panels, this is a huge problem.

Banding means to me that the picture is completely messed up. I notice it immediately and I find it unacceptable. Look at this review from widescreengaming forum: Look at the sky on the last screenshot.

It is much much more important than backlight bleeding or reds being slightly off or stuff like that. If this monitor has such serious banding problems, Samsung should be calling this model back immeditely.

So I suggest we focus on the banding issue for a while. Can any user confirm or deny this problem?

Can you explain what exactly is banding? I could tell you if I knew what it is. :)
No the backlight bleed isn't the same. I've compared it with pictures on the web and I'm 100% sure. It's simply worse. As for colours what can I say? Have you seen the difference between 16bit and 32bit colour in your graphics card? The A panel reminds me of the first. I'm no expert but I had done my research and i feel cheated by Samsung. If they want to release a different product they should give it a different freaking name not trick people with dirty business tactics. Anyway I'm taking it back in three hours.

And one other thing. I wasn't going to register on this forum or post, but your annoying behavior forced me to. Not only we have companies deceiving us, we also have their viral marketeers now defending and making excuses for them on the internet. It's too much.

i dont think you understand how ridiclous you sound by saying i'm a viral marketer, do you even understand what that means? if anything what you pretend to be accusing me of is "damage control" and i'm NOT doing that, so quite being such a prig about it. nobody forced you to do anything, including acting like a crazy zealot and accusing me of doing things i'm not doing.

most people so far have only owned one or the other, there is clearly some buyers remorse going on regarldess of how well it works or does not, but so far no one has compared two completely fine A and S monitors together to show any difference (far different from the level of support for the Dell lottery monitor thread, which is in fact a lottery, unlike this where eventually all there will likely be are A panels, and all there supposedly ever were going to be were A panels had the shipment come on time, making your barbed insults particularily unecesary).

-btw 226, those images look pretty good to me, Keeping in mind people claim a difference in the amount of backlight bleed between the A and the S perceptively (all from looking at seperately assembled monitors though) but they do both have it, but at least those pictures you posted seem to look pretty good, if that's the only thing you think is wrong with it i think i'd hold on to it, unless there's something else going on with it aside from that.
Look at the sky in the last picture on the link I gave above. You'll see what banding is.

Here's the direct link, look at the sky:
The user says this is an S panel, which makes it even worse. I think this is way more important than backlight.

Haha haven't you read my previous post? I was talking exactly about banding (the part where it reminds me of 16bit colour on a graphics card) but didn't know what its name was. Yes there's definately banding on the "A" panel and it's freaking annoying.

Anyway it's over for me now now. I took it back and the store promised to keep my money until the model I want comes.
Looks a lot like bf1942, Berlin, not the best game to show off a widescreen :rolleyes:

OK, I agree, but let's just look at the banding. Most of us are gamers. What if Crysis will be "not the best game to show off a widescreen" type of game too? What if Unreal Tournament 3 is so too? If we buy this monitor, will we have the fear each time we buy a game that it'll show such banding? :(

I'm slowly giving this monitor up. Is there a 22" monitor that:
- Has zero banding, guaranteed
- Each monitor you'll buy is the same panel, no lottery
- Has low backlight bleeding
Hiya Guys!

First of all, i'd like to thank u all, for your posts, cause it helps me to make my choise.
2 days ago, my 226bw arrived.
After putting it together (i had some bad time with the stand, but probably it was my mistake), i'd realised, that it has some dead pixels (about 3-4). Was kinda sad, but after wiping down the monitor they've gone (no that wasn't only dirt). So it made me happy, and i started to test it.
I've played several games, eg. NFS:Carbon, CS:S, C&C3 demo, FM2007 :D , and all i can say is that i can't see any ghosting, and the monitor is perfect for them.
After it, i've seen a few parts of my favourite series, when i realized a slight bleeding on the bottom. But this is only appears when i watch movies. It is too little to make me bring back and ask for a new one.
Btw, the monitor has an S panel, and it is manufactured in February, so probably it is still a lottery which one u get.
So after all, i'm very happy that i've made this choise, this is a perfect monitor for the things i use it, the only negative thing is the bleeding, but i can live with it, and it is not that bad at all.
Oh yes, i've purchased the monitor in Hungary, and it was made in Slovakia. It's about 580 USD in here. And the shop had it in about a week after i'd ordered it.
THX for the help again, and sry for my english :S

ps.: I've made some pics. U can find them HERE
I'm not that kinda foto-freak, so forgive the quality of them.
OK, I agree, but let's just look at the banding. Most of us are gamers. What if Crysis will be "not the best game to show off a widescreen" type of game too? What if Unreal Tournament 3 is so too? If we buy this monitor, will we have the fear each time we buy a game that it'll show such banding? :(

I'm slowly giving this monitor up. Is there a 22" monitor that:
- Has zero banding, guaranteed
- Each monitor you'll buy is the same panel, no lottery
- Has low backlight bleeding

You're out of luck my friend. The LG I want to buy has two out of three but you'll be dissapointed by the backlight bleeding. From the pics I've seen it's as bad as the "A" panel's backlight bleeding.
You're out of luck my friend. The LG I want to buy has two out of three but you'll be dissapointed by the backlight bleeding. From the pics I've seen it's as bad as the "A" panel's backlight bleeding.

Backlight bleeding can be somewhat decreased if you turn brightness down, so it's the least important of the three factors that I've listed. I don't want to hijack this thread and start talking about LG, but I've seen that LG's 22" monitors were launched on paper only. They can't be actually bought anywhere yet. So it looks like I should wait at least 6 months before I can finally buy an LCD monitor. Disappointing.... :(
I ordered mine right after you, so here's hoping that I get an "S" version also! Unlike you mine won't arrive until Friday (hiss, boo!).

I got lucky. I wasn't expecting to get mine until later in the week, but when I checked the fedex tracking after it was shipped I noticed that it was coming from a warehouse about 30 miles from my apartment. So it got here much sooner then expected. :)

After another night of use I am very happy with this monitor. I currently have my pc connected with the DVI port and I have my xbox 360 connected through the VGA port. It looks great and I have not noticed any of the other issues that people have bene having.
I got lucky. I wasn't expecting to get mine until later in the week, but when I checked the fedex tracking after it was shipped I noticed that it was coming from a warehouse about 30 miles from my apartment. So it got here much sooner then expected. :)

After another night of use I am very happy with this monitor. I currently have my pc connected with the DVI port and I have my xbox 360 connected through the VGA port. It looks great and I have not noticed any of the other issues that people have bene having.

Is yours an "A" or "S" panel?
Thoughts after a week with both 22" montors

first bought the LG-L226WT about 1 month ago.With so many brands out there why did i pick the LG?.The main reason was because a year ago i bought a 50" plasma HD TV from them and havnt had any problems with it and also a great pic quality.I also did some homework and liked the specs for the LG.I have two computer systems and had decided on upgrading both systems with new 22" Monitors(A nice big tax refund from the government also helped).About a week after i got the LG i started reading postings on other monitors and saw that the samsung 226BW was getting real good reports.I then decided to make the samsung 226BW my other monitor.After having them both together here for a week i have to say that both monitors are very much the same in quality and preformance.The only negative i have seen so far is the higher backlight bleed in the LG.I said this before!! Under normal viewing!I dont notice any bleed problems with the LG.I may of been brainwashed into thinking backlight bleeding is a real bad thing after all the reading and comments i have heard about it.If i didnt know or hear anything about backlight bleed,i might never of known that a LCD display had such a thing.I really think that both monitors are a great buy for todays technology.If it turns out that the 226BW (A panels) are not as good as the (s panels)then i would say LG over Samsung is a no brainer
Thoughts after a week with both 22" montors

first bought the LG-L226WT about 1 month ago.With so many brands out there why did i pick the LG?.The main reason was because a year ago i bought a 50" plasma HD TV from them and havnt had any problems with it and also a great pic quality.I also did some homework and liked the specs for the LG.I have two computer systems and had decided on upgrading both systems with new 22" Monitors(A nice big tax refund from the government also helped).About a week after i got the LG i started reading postings on other monitors and saw that the samsung 226BW was getting real good reports.I then decided to make the samsung 226BW my other monitor.After having them both together here for a week i have to say that both monitors are very much the same in quality and preformance.The only negative i have seen so far is the higher backlight bleed in the LG.I said this before!! Under normal viewing!I dont notice any bleed problems with the LG.I may of been brainwashed into thinking backlight bleeding is a real bad thing after all the reading and comments i have heard about it.If i didnt know or hear anything about backlight bleed,i might never of known that a LCD display had such a thing.I really think that both monitors are a great buy for todays technology.If it turns out that the 226BW (A panels) are not as good as the (s panels)then i would say LG over Samsung is a no brainer

Thank you for the comparison, stanleyjohn. Your Samsung 226BW, is that an "S" panel? Are the colours more vibrant on either monitor, and is there any difference in brightness?
Mansize! Yes it is a (s panel).The settings for both are about the same.The pics are not as good as the screens look live.I have an outdated 1.3meg camera and im no photographer.
Thank you. So both are pretty much equal in every respect, correct? Is there any noticable difference in sharpness between the two, either? In that case i think i'll go with the LG so there's no lottery on the quality of panel i am going to recieve.
Mansize!! Like i said in a earlier thread!Both preform and display the same except the LG has a bit more backlight bleed.Oh!! one other thing! The LG226wt does not come with the DVI cable,the sammay does.
The only gripe I have is with the last picture. The flash is too strong and its reflection off the monitor whites out a good third of it. Could you please redo, and if possible, make it bigger by taking down only the monitor itself?

BTW, your English is excellent :)
Hiya Guys!

First of all, i'd like to thank u all, for your posts, cause it helps me to make my choise.
2 days ago, my 226bw arrived.
After putting it together (i had some bad time with the stand, but probably it was my mistake), i'd realised, that it has some dead pixels (about 3-4). Was kinda sad, but after wiping down the monitor they've gone (no that wasn't only dirt). So it made me happy, and i started to test it.
I've played several games, eg. NFS:Carbon, CS:S, C&C3 demo, FM2007 :D , and all i can say is that i can't see any ghosting, and the monitor is perfect for them.
After it, i've seen a few parts of my favourite series, when i realized a slight bleeding on the bottom. But this is only appears when i watch movies. It is too little to make me bring back and ask for a new one.
Btw, the monitor has an S panel, and it is manufactured in February, so probably it is still a lottery which one u get.
So after all, i'm very happy that i've made this choise, this is a perfect monitor for the things i use it, the only negative thing is the bleeding, but i can live with it, and it is not that bad at all.
Oh yes, i've purchased the monitor in Hungary, and it was made in Slovakia. It's about 580 USD in here. And the shop had it in about a week after i'd ordered it.
THX for the help again, and sry for my english :S

ps.: I've made some pics. U can find them HERE
I'm not that kinda foto-freak, so forgive the quality of them.

you never said whether you had an S or an A panel, but the bakclight bleed picture looks alot worse than 226's "A" panel pictures (dont let that freak you out though if you dont notice when it's on), as i said before the backlight bleed varies from piece to piece not necesarily A or S.