Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

Stu, it's NOT a Samsung, but an LG and the name is LG L226WA. I found the answer below on an other thread and it's as follows:

"You can check out the Canadian chain store, (also owned by Best Buy), site at for the differences between the L226WA and the L226WT.

Basically it looks like four inputs for the L226WA model: VGA, Component, DVI-D and HDMI. Supposedly the WA is the 2ms model, and the WT is the 5ms model, and the WA is manufactured in Korea, and the WT is manufactured in China. Do not know if that means different panels or not. Those are the differences listed on the labels on all the boxes that I saw in-store. Looks like there are black and silver versions for both. The DVI-D cable also comes included with the WA model."

In spite of this, I found info about the monitor only on German and Chinese sites when you plug LG L226WA into Google. I think I also saw some scant description on LG's of Philips' site (one of the two). Sorry for the mistake that it was a Samsung. :confused:

As previously mentioned in this thread, there is also the same little bit of top and bottom backlight bleed on the WA model as well, but you cannot notice it unless the screen is black.
Stu, it's NOT a Samsung, but an LG and the name is LG L226WA. I found the answer below on an other thread and it's as follows:

"You can check out the Canadian chain store, (also owned by Best Buy), site at for the differences between the L226WA and the L226WT.

Basically it looks like four inputs for the L226WA model: VGA, Component, DVI-D and HDMI. Supposedly the WA is the 2ms model, and the WT is the 5ms model, and the WA is manufactured in Korea, and the WT is manufactured in China. Do not know if that means different panels or not. Those are the differences listed on the labels on all the boxes that I saw in-store. Looks like there are black and silver versions for both. The DVI-D cable also comes included with the WA model."

CAREFUL: There are suffixes to different editions of the monitor. The L226WA-WN has HDMI. The L226WA-SN does NOT

In spite of this, I found info about the monitor only on German and Chinese sites when you plug LG L226WA into Google. I think I also saw some scant description on LGPhilips' site (Iforgot the address, you'll have to research unfortunately). Sorry for the mistake that it was a Samsung. :confused:

As previously mentioned in this thread, there is also the same little bit of top and bottom backlight bleed on the WA model as well, but you cannot notice it unless the screen is black.
Another Update:

Well, seems to be working fine now. I think it just needed a chance to warm-up after a weekend or two in a cold factory in the snowy hills of West Virginia. Anyways, the monitor looks very crisp, if you're at the right resolution. By default, it stretchs out lower resolutions and that, my friends, is not very pretty. Other than that, it has some very vibrant colors, with no ghosting or input lag detectable. The body is very sleak, if slightly cheap feeling. The stand is not bad, but you can only pivot it about a vertical axis (ie put your hand on the right side of the monitor and swivel it to the left or right). Base to top I measure a tad under 17" and left to right its about 20.5". There is some slight bleed on mine, but it does not detract, and I doubt I'd notice it if I didn't know to look for it.

Overall, I'm very happy with it! I may post some pictures later on for all of you waiting for yours in the mail :)


Edit for pics!

Excuse the piss-poor photographic work on my part, I didn't really do the screen justice :-/ Will probably take some game shots later, but for now:

From my 2001 DVD:

From I-Robot in 720:

Another Update:

Well, seems to be working fine now. I think it just needed a chance to warm-up after a weekend or two in a cold factory in the snowy hills of West Virginia. Anyways, the monitor looks very crisp, if you're at the right resolution. By default, it stretchs out lower resolutions and that, my friends, is not very pretty. Other than that, it has some very vibrant colors, with no ghosting or input lag detectable. The body is very sleak, if slightly cheap feeling. The stand is not bad, but you can only pivot it about a vertical axis (ie put your hand on the right side of the monitor and swivel it to the left or right). Base to top I measure a tad under 17" and left to right its about 20.5". There is some slight bleed on mine, but it does not detract, and I doubt I'd notice it if I didn't know to look for it.

Overall, I'm very happy with it! I may post some pictures later on for all of you waiting for yours in the mail :)


Good to hear its working now. Please post if it acts up again :)

Thank you also for posting about getting yours the same way from Circuit City. Was your box beat up or anything? And did it arrive on their estimated delivery date?
The big box was beat-up quite a bit. However, the monitor box was pretty well padded and looked fine. It seems like they used a box almost 2-3x as big as the monitor's to house it. It did arrive here a day earlier than expected, but still took 10 days from the day I ordered so... but I suppose you should keep in mind that snow and the Federal holiday delayed shipping, should be faster under normal circumstances :)
So we do know that Samsung is going to comletely switch over to the A model panel? Right? Or is this going to be a temp thing?

Also does anyone know if the S model panel is going to show up in something else? I planned on getting this monitor but now with it being a process of guessing when buying retail or e-retail, Ive decided just to hold on.

I currently have the 215TW monitor and I LOVE it. But I do struggle in some games. So Im looking for a replacement (well not a replacement since Im going to keep this one) for when I game.

So Im thinking my best bet is just to hold off for the A model panel to show up in something else.
For those intereseted, the Samsung 226BW will only have the "A" panel in the future,
if you think people are mad here, asian forums are crucifying Samsung !!!,

I also got the confirmation elsewere, from a friend in Montreal.

But like i read, there does not seem to be any real difference, from one panel to
the other.

From the asian forum, one wrote" i have seen both, and after 30 minutes, i could not
really tell the difference, only if i looked hard, i could see small differences,
from normal distance, it's almost the same, perhaps colors
not as good, but once calibrated, very acceptable......,

also posters find the monitor to be much overpriced, for what it offers.

On the price, i agree, in Canada this monitor will go for $490.00
plus shipping if bought online and zero dead pixel ...........65.00
shipping insurance .......................................................15.00

talk about a ripoff, it doesn't get any better.
I got mine today and I did the input lag testing. I took 16 pictures with my Canon digicam and got following results:

14 ms
9 ms
14 ms
0 ms
0 ms
23 ms
11 ms
26 ms
0 ms
0 ms
21 ms
15 ms
14 ms
0 ms
22 ms
0 ms

When we remove the best and the worst case, average is 10,2 ms which is quite good. Beats 226BW and some other 22" TN's and basically every other panel type monitors out there.

Comparable results here:
and here

Data is available here if someone wishes to see proof: lag 2.rar
For those intereseted, the Samsung 226BW will only have the "A" panel in the future,
if you think people are mad here, asian forums are crucifying Samsung !!!,

I also got the confirmation elsewere, from a friend in Montreal.

But like i read, there does not seem to be any real difference, from one panel to
the other.

From the asian forum, one wrote" i have seen both, and after 30 minutes, i could not
really tell the difference, only if i looked hard, i could see small differences,
from normal distance, it's almost the same, perhaps colors
not as good, but once calibrated, very acceptable......,

also posters find the monitor to be much overpriced, for what it offers.

On the price, i agree, in Canada this monitor will go for $490.00
plus shipping if bought online and zero dead pixel ...........65.00
shipping insurance .......................................................15.00

talk about a ripoff, it doesn't get any better.

so the asian forums are both crucifying samsung and saying the A panel isnt really any different? (first person to say anything about that btw).
I'm considering buying one of these, I have a 19" 997df CRt from samsung,. I mostly game and watch movies, and I'd like to finally plunge into LCDs. Should I try my luck at getting an s panel, or wait to upgrade?
Thanks erion. I'm going to pick mine up tomorrow and was gonna do this. Thanks for saving me some time. Cheers.
i finally went to circuit city to take a look, didnt really help much as i couldnt even see a desktop screen and they only had a 206bw on display (i wanted to do a side by side to see if i noticed less detail).

one thing i'll note, the display model of the 206bw was an "A" panel (similarily the 19" 4:3 version at best buy also was an "A" model, but that glossy paneled monitor has been out since last year i guess).

anyhow samsung makes its own PVA panels, but as far as TN goes, i think we should just trust them and beleive the likely story that the only reason there are "S" panels was that they had to replenish stock on their own earlier. If anything it's surprising that it isnt the reverse (and the rushed to produce panel isn't the lesser quality, only reason it isnt is because people trust samsung more than AU).

anyhow, i still would want to see someone actually do a side by side comparison and post it but i'm thinking that the "S" panels werent even planned and were probably made the same as humanly possible (and not as a review release scam).
Does anyone have a factual basis for the concern that "A" panel is inferior to "S" panel? I'm wondering if this forum has tried and convicted Samsung based on a perception of duplicitous business practices, but my primary interest at this point is whether the aftual TN panel quality is or isn't equivalenty between the "S" versus "A" panel. If AUO was subcontracted to produce the identical panel specifications and is a reputable manufacturer, perhaps this debate may be "much ado about nothing."

Anyone have objective comparison data or even an "educated set of eyes" to offer a difference between these 2 similarly spec'd panels?

Thanks to all for an interesting thread!
Last week i picked up a 226BW. All was good,but then i noticed a white "bar" in the middle of the screen,running from the leftside all the way to the right side. This made it so that the center of screen was brigther then other areas. It was very hard to notice, but it was easely visible on a white background. So i returned the screen and got a new one. But this one also seems to have the problem, although a bit less then the first one i got.
Was i just unlucky or is it something that just comes with this monitor?
I found it most easely visible when i had a full white background and i stepped back about 2 meters(6 feet i think that is). Anyone else seeing this?
i think people are just a bit turned off by anything that looks like a switch up or a lottery after Dells propensity to do it and continue on to do it.

that and i beleive while therer is nothing wrong with AUO, people probably feel that Samsung is a higher quality panel manufacturer (more known for making PVA panels though).

but if the story is true that samsung only made some by themselves to get the stock out for the rush because AUO isnt read they are not only not really guilty of anything (like making a better panel for review models) but i sincerely doubt they made the panel better, since the AUO was indeed what was supposed to be in it from the start.

still to be sure it would be nice to see a size by side comparison, every glossy bezzeled samsung i saw on display so far (including a 206bw) was an A panel.
Does anyone have a factual basis for the concern that "A" panel is inferior to "S" panel? I'm wondering if this forum has tried and convicted Samsung based on a perception of duplicitous business practices, but my primary interest at this point is whether the aftual TN panel quality is or isn't equivalenty between the "S" versus "A" panel. If AUO was subcontracted to produce the identical panel specifications and is a reputable manufacturer, perhaps this debate may be "much ado about nothing."

Anyone have objective comparison data or even an "educated set of eyes" to offer a difference between these 2 similarly spec'd panels?

Thanks to all for an interesting thread!

I have the 206BW and it's and A panel (I am about 99% convinced they dont make an S for the 20in model).. and I am happy with it and will be keeping it...

since NO ONE has done a side by side its not possible to really even know if its any worse.. funny thing is, it might even be better in the end and people are trying to hard not to get one... lol
Wasn't sure I miss anything, but is this a High Def monitor?


Do I need a High Def Monitor and High Def video card to work with each other?
I guess I'm going to wait for Viewsonic's new products. Don't even know whether they're planning on any for this spring but the 226BW has too many ifs and buts, bait and switch, etc., etc. I was hoping that Samsung will have a solid product with equally solid manufacturing quality control so that this thing about dead/stuck pixels or white streams, etc., will be a thing of the past. It seems it's not, so I'll wait for other manufacturers who will feel obligated to respond to the 226BW's challenge and maybe make a better, more reliable product (with adjustable stand or at least tilting within reasonable angles :) ). Another possibility is waiting for Samsung to iron out the kinks that beset the 226BW, which in spite all of its problems seems to have superior picture and less back lighting issues than products in the immediate past. Who knows, they may do just that.
Has anyone verified that Samsung has shipped the "A" panel in the states in the 22" size? I have only seen verification of the 20" size having the "A" panel.

I'm pretty sure I have to return my monitor, but am dreading the fact that I may receive an "A" panel.

Please check out my post to see if you can help me out:

I have the 206BW and it's and A panel (I am about 99% convinced they dont make an S for the 20in model).. and I am happy with it and will be keeping it...

since NO ONE has done a side by side its not possible to really even know if its any worse.. funny thing is, it might even be better in the end and people are trying to hard not to get one... lol

did you get the 206bw over the 226? or did you just choose it period?

also, i dont think there's that many ifs and buts. I asked them to tilt it at the store and it seems to tilt just as well as most of the other ones on display (no height adjustment but i dont really care, my chair can do that instead). And while no one has confirmed it i dont beleive this A and S business is bait and switch,.....if anything it may be the opposite nad like someone said the A panel could be the better one even, if at least quite the same (as it ws supposed to be).
Ok!! Received my sammy 226BBW in the mail today.Shipped only in the box it was packaged in with no damage.Its an s model and so far no complaints! Great Picture.Backlight bleed is very slim on the bottom!will get a better idea tonight when its dark.I also own the LG-L226wt and have set up both with same settings.So far in comparing them i see very little difference in picture quality.The backlight bleed is more noticeable with the LG with some top and bottom bleeding.I will be taking some side by side pics of both monitors soon (Hopefully this weekend and ill post them here.
First off, my last monitor was a CRT, NEC MultiSync FP1350X with DVI input, and had a really good picture. It cost me $850 when I bought it years ago and just got to dim to continue using it.

The 226BW is my first LCD and so either I am spoiled from using a high quality CRT for so long or mine is a dud and I need to return it. My video card is a Radeon 8500, I hope that might not be the problem, but it seems unlikely.

I tried watching the movie SinCity on the 226BW and the picture was all blotchy, to the point were I couldn't stand to watch it anymore.

All my colors are off and I am getting a really heavy saturation on everything. I'm hoping someone with the monitor can confirm for me that it's either all the monitors or it's just mine.

For example, I receive heavy saturation In the following wallpaper, any other 226BW also get this, or is it just me?

Also, all my light blues come out green. I can take some photos if that helps. Just need to know if I should return it or if this is how all LCD screens look?
However, I went in to one of CC's Washington DC area store, tried to tilt the 226WB and have to confess that I didn't have much luck, especially forward. This is not only my experience, but other people in the thread say similar things. Now, I don't have a chair that changes height. Yeah, I gues I could buy one, that will add to the cost of the monitor 50-80 or more dollars, or buy an adjustable stand, which will cost about the same. That's not the purpose of a product. In any case, I can happily forgo vertical adjustment. What I'm mostly missing is the lack of inputs and dead pixel guarantee. I like the monitor but it lacks too many of my criteria. Again, that's for * me * and I am speaking only for myself. I am looking for a general purpose monitor, so it's my 2 cents about the whole thing and not criticism towards Samsung. There's the LG L226WA-SN though, which warrants a closer look at, which spincut knows well about. This monitor is not available in the US yet, however. :(
tilt it forward? you mean so the top is tilting towards you? while i'm sure any good monitor has a very rhobust ergonomic adjustment i'm not sure why anyone would want to tilt the panel forward, and as far as i can tell it DOES tilt backward, and reasonably enough (again, even with a good viewing angle i'm not sure how far back someone would need to tilt the thing).
my monitor is placed higher than my desk/head level by about 6-8 inches because of the way my desk is designed
kinda like this

plus i lean back in my chair (recline) which make my head level lower

tilt forward would be helpful

I have one and you can tilt it backwards and forwards (towards and away from you). You can also swivel the base pretty well, so that you can pivot it to the left and right fairly easily. However, it does not move up and down nor can you rotate it around for a portrait type mode.

Suffice to say, the stand is pure garbage. I might consider getting another one if anyone can post a link to one that it'll fit on?

Edit: Although, to be clear, it doesn't go nearly as forward as it does backwards. Might not be good enough for you, as it only goes a couple of degrees past 90 :(
I picked mine up from CC today and I can confirm it's an A panel. It has a little backlight bleed and the colors are really saturated compared to my old CRT. I'll take some pics tonight and put them up. The backlight bleed really doesn't bother me as I don't usually use it in the dark so I don't notice it. On some pics the colors are too saturated and on others they look good. I think it might also be that this monitor is huge so it blows everything up. I'm not sure if I should try and return it for an S panel, I kinda like it so far.

Edit: In some circumstances it seems oversaturated (when looking at pictures of tan people) but in other pictures the colors seem much better than my Viewsonic G90f. Can anyone post monitor settings to help me configure this thing? I'm also experiencing some banding.
Went to CC as soon as I read about this monitor to take a look. The clarity was by FAR better than any other monitor on display. This was a major purchase for me to complete my new system. Main complaint noted from most other research was the poor stand. Wasn't in my criteria for the purchase. After MANY monitor shopping trips for a 22", my first look at the 226BW, I knew this was the one for me. Went home an did the ebay thing and purchased the monitor at 10% off that night. The "S", "A" wasn't an issue at the time - I did get the "S" model. With the money I saved from the coupon, I added an Ergotron Neo-Flex LCD Stand from Staples for $30.00 - installed in 5 minutes and now I have a crystal clear monitor that will move up and down, back an forth and spin in circles. I'm not that much of a tech guy but I really like what I see. I watch TV, run slide shows of my pics, videos, surf the net and all is well........Only minor tweaking and this is one happy 226BW owner.
Went to CC as soon as I read about this monitor to take a look. The clarity was by FAR better than any other monitor on display. This was a major purchase for me to complete my new system. Main complaint noted from most other research was the poor stand. Wasn't in my criteria for the purchase. After MANY monitor shopping trips for a 22", my first look at the 226BW, I knew this was the one for me. Went home an did the ebay thing and purchased the monitor at 10% off that night. The "S", "A" wasn't an issue at the time - I did get the "S" model. With the money I saved from the coupon, I added an Ergotron Neo-Flex LCD Stand from Staples for $30.00 - installed in 5 minutes and now I have a crystal clear monitor that will move up and down, back an forth and spin in circles. I'm not that much of a tech guy but I really like what I see. I watch TV, run slide shows of my pics, videos, surf the net and all is well........Only minor tweaking and this is one happy 226BW owner.

That stand looks pretty cool, but according to their website it is only meant for monitors up to 20" (or recommended at least). Do you have any problems using it with this one?
I picked mine up from CC today and I can confirm it's an A panel. It has a little backlight bleed and the colors are really saturated compared to my old CRT. I'll take some pics tonight and put them up. The backlight bleed really doesn't bother me as I don't usually use it in the dark so I don't notice it. On some pics the colors are too saturated and on others they look good. I think it might also be that this monitor is huge so it blows everything up. I'm not sure if I should try and return it for an S panel, I kinda like it so far.

Edit: In some circumstances it seems oversaturated (when looking at pictures of tan people) but in other pictures the colors seem much better than my Viewsonic G90f. Can anyone post monitor settings to help me configure this thing? I'm also experiencing some banding.

well have you tried actually adjusting the color? alot of monitors dont seem right at default settings out of the box.

also discdog, did you ever try compraing the 226 to the 206? (again not that it seems like it matters which you get, but it does seem like the 206's are on A at this point but 226 is still on S). i dont think anyone would own both but i really wish there were side by side comparisons of those two (CC didnt have both on display).
well have you tried actually adjusting the color? alot of monitors dont seem right at default settings out of the box.

also discdog, did you ever try compraing the 226 to the 206? (again not that it seems like it matters which you get, but it does seem like the 206's are on A at this point but 226 is still on S). i dont think anyone would own both but i really wish there were side by side comparisons of those two (CC didnt have both on display).

Yeah I've tried fooling with it. The brighter colors seem to have blotching a little bit. I do have an A panel so I think I might return it and try and get an S. In the end though I bet I'll keep it as it's pretty good, huge, the colors do seem more vibrant than my crt though sometimes to a fault, and for a price I can afford.
well maybe it's just broke, but if you cant get an S (since it's not really a lotto, once they're gone i think that's it) hopefully you'll still hold on to it, again waiting to see someone actually do a comparison to see if there's a difference.
What panel have you got, S or A version???

I got mine today and I did the input lag testing. I took 16 pictures with my Canon digicam and got following results:

14 ms
9 ms
14 ms
0 ms
0 ms
23 ms
11 ms
26 ms
0 ms
0 ms
21 ms
15 ms
14 ms
0 ms
22 ms
0 ms

When we remove the best and the worst case, average is 10,2 ms which is quite good. Beats 226BW and some other 22" TN's and basically every other panel type monitors out there.

Comparable results here:
and here

Data is available here if someone wishes to see proof: lag 2.rar
So much chat about A vs S.Only time will tell which is the better one.For now it may be missleading to vissually compare an S to an A.You can put two S models together or A models and see alittle quality difference.In therory they should be the same.Its like a food chain like Burger King!The food should taste the same in any location.Its up to samsung to make sure that the A panels our being built to their standards.
So here are the pics I took of my A model. I know their not very good but I think they can get across the negative points I'm seeing. I'm also not great at calibrating it so I apologize for that.

First here is the banding I'm seeing:
and 2 light blooms showing the effect:
on LCD (Samsung 226 BW)
on CRT (Viewsonic G90f)

The banding just may be due to a larger monitor size as if I look really close on my CRT I can see a band in most of these pics, they're just really obvious on the LCD

This is the oversaturation I mentioned (sorry this pic is really bad but gets the point across, seems to happen mostly on brighter colors and tan people in smaller and low quality pictures)

Backlight Bleed:
Brightness about 60
Dynamic contrast

Test Pics

The so this isn't too negative a random google image and that stable picture from earlier in the forum

So this monitor is pretty good with 2 downfalls (the sometimes oversaturation and the banding). I think I'm going to try and get an S version, but if that fails I think I might keep this as it is huge and pretty good. Only the banding worries me as I hear light blooms are going to be a big thing in next gen games.