Saitek Eclipse kb is a lady in red...


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2005
This is a really really simple worklog... I thought it might help people curious about cracking open their Saiteks. As long as you can solder carefully you can do this. I purchased 15 # 67-1722-1-ND LEDs off digikey knowing that I might melt a couple. If you like to gamble, buy 10. Here's the spec sheet: Data/SML-LX23SIC-TR.pdf

I purchased a Saitek eclipse with the intention of converting the blue LEDs to red and decided to take a few pictures along the way.

You all know how the factory blue backlit kb looks, so no need to go there. Here's the finished product:


^^Supersize me^^

This is a really simple job as long as you are comfortable with your soldering equipment and SMD LEDs.

I started out by removing the black screws on it's bottom and the 4 black hex screws on the 4 corners on the top side:

Here's the guts... you can see the entire keyboard (well, not the "lock keys") is lit by a series of 10 LEDs at the base of the keyboard.

The whole strip of LEDs plugs in here...

...and can be easily removed:

I soldered in the correct resistor to bring the power level down to a level within specs (using linear1's LED calc

Here's a shot of the LEDs with a quarter, Xacto knife, and butane soldering iron for scale. The ones that come with the keyboard is on the left, the new red ones I ordered from digikey on the right:

I heated up the solder points of the saitek LEDs and pushed them off with a pencil tip or xacto knife, whatever I had laying around. Make sure you get the solder molten enough or you can lift the traces on the PCB, and be careful with the solder here, as the pos and negative traces are very very close to eachother on the PCB. After the LED was off, I added a little blip of solder on the +/- traces to assist with the application of the new LEDs:

Using the slightest dab of grease on the tip of an xacto knife (anything clear and goopy... chap stick? vaseline?) you can get the SMD LED in a position that is easy to work with.

Repeat 10 times and you have a whole strip of red. The new LEDs I installed are a bit thicker than the old ones, so I removed the white plastic base before installing the LEDs. Then I was able to replace the white plastic which basically wedged the LEDs in:

To get to the Caps/Scroll/Num lock LEDs you just have to remove the two screws (and sometimes the ones on the top left that hold the grey metal plate under the ground wire in) and it pops out:

The only red LEDs I had sitting around (unfortunately severely bright... see below):

Replacing everything:

Long exposure, the LEDs I added are much dimmer IRL:

Told you these were bright:

Thanks to Dr_BenD_over at moddershq for inspiring me to do this and also for listing a suitable replacement on digikey.
That looks really nice. I wish i had a saitek keyboard just so i could do that, lol.
Thanks all! The replacements cost $0.84/ea (at an order size of 10+). I ordered 15 of them and the total with shipping was $21.45. I had the lock LEDs sitting around the house.
Very Nice. That looks 100% better in red. I was thinking about getting one of those and changing it to red as well. Thanks for the worklog and the peek inside to help give my brain a headstart.
I was just modding my Saitek Gamer's in the same fashion. My friend (perhaps former friend) was manning the butane soldering iron while I was gently pulling out the LEDs on the lock keys. While I wasn't looking he was touching up the solder on the pads...I turned around and pointed out that the iron was a bit hot (almost white!!11!). Needless to say, he burned off the trace, and most likely fried a component--it doesn't work any longer.

I learned several lessons in the whole process...

1) Trust no hands but your own with a least the things that could be costly
2) Soldering Irons, in the wrong hands, can do far more damage than good.

Time to look for a new one :(

If anyone has any leads...PMs or bumps on my WTB thread would be appreciated!

Very nice mod!

If you wanted to take this one step further, you could fit tri-colour LEDs and a switch to alternate colours depending on your mood!

Don't know how feasible that would be though, as tri-colour LEDs can be a bit bigger than the dust mite sized ones you used! Plus all the added circuitry..
It's wierd I just bought some red LED's from lsdiodes to do this to my KB. Thanks for the inspiration...took me a while but thanks.
altec said:
Wow after five months you tards feel the need to bump this...
Someone's a little grumpy today :D .

Back O.T., if you want to reduce the brightness of those LEDs try sanding down the tops of the domes. I did that to some painfully bright blue LEDs I put in my case and now they look great.
Yes, I know they make them in red now. but they didn't when I bought mine. Besides, wheres the fun it buying one when you can open it up and tinker.
Heh didn't catch the bump on this one

xhx said:
Back O.T., if you want to reduce the brightness of those LEDs try sanding down the tops of the domes. I did that to some painfully bright blue LEDs I put in my case and now they look great.

Thanks for the tip, but conveniently, the eclipse is equipped with a button for setting the brightness (bright, dim, off).

BigFNDeal said:

Same here, that one didn't exist until a couple months after I got mine.
the 3 5mm led i think there 5 u have up top. the hyper bright reds.

take some sand paper and rouch the surface of the led to a frosted look. it will solve the issue. thats how i solved it. do it even and it looks hot
I was going to do something like this, but in a different color!

Thanks for the worklog and explaination! Think I'll try it now with the new bit of knowledge!
I'm thinking of doing this with white LEDs. The two blue ones I have are pretty dim. Just need better soldering equipment.
Very nice work... Good mod to a keyboard

FYI, the Eclipse II will do blue, red, or purple, for those who might be interested in having a red LED backlit keyboard (i have one... I love it)