Saints row and freezing

Bad Karma

Aug 23, 2006
So I'm pretty much loving saints row, but it pisses me off big time.

The first freeze occured when I went to do the mission where I met the chick that was undercover (i forgot her name) in china town. I cleared the cache, held a down at the beggining of the game, and nothing worked. I thought, F it, before I return the game (gamefly), I'd take some more strongholds. Next thing I know, The game no longer freezes when I try to start the mission.

Now, it is doing the same thing on the mission where I have to meet the government official on his yatch. The problem is, There are no more strongholds to take, only little activities. I've done some, I'm up to 4x on the respect meter. I don't want to keep doing it if it isn't going to work.

When I say freezing this is what I mean; the game with cut to the load screen where it will tell you the name of the mission, the cd will be spinning like normal, then, after about 30 seconds of spinning, it will spin down and do nothing but sit there.

I had Prey prior to this where the same thing would happen. I got to a point towards the end of the game and on the same loading screen, no matter what I did, it just wouldn't load.

I called ms and gave me the run around (however the person I spoke to said she extended my warrentee) so I don't know what to do.

I don't get the three red lights so I don't think that is the issue. Does it sound like a hard drive issue?
I think it's just a buggy game. I had problems with it seemingly randomly freezing. Nothing consistent, it would just freeze up sometimes. Oblivion has done it a few times too.
yeah, Oblivion, Prey and Saints Row have all frozen on me. I think their programming is teh suck.
Oblvion freezes up once in a blue moon when i'm playing on the add-on pack levels or missions, but I havn't had Prey or Saints Row freeze up at all. I hoping that these are software issues with you guys, and not potentially failing hardware.............
I don't think it's failing hardware just poorly checked out games. Oblivion freeze ups were a little more rare, but I remember saint's row doing it a decent amount. I also noticed a lot of times when the freeway would completely disappear for a second or two during saint's row which further leads to my conclusion that it was somewhat rushed out. It never happens during any other games, so I don't think the hardware is the problem.
JRW160 said:
I don't think it's failing hardware just poorly checked out games. Oblivion freeze ups were a little more rare, but I remember saint's row doing it a decent amount. I also noticed a lot of times when the freeway would completely disappear for a second or two during saint's row which further leads to my conclusion that it was somewhat rushed out. It never happens during any other games, so I don't think the hardware is the problem.

Yeah, I've noticed the freeway dissapearing at times (in one certian spot) as well. It just sucks, I can't finish the game. I've tried every known supposed fix. I guess I'll just keep doing activities and maybe it'll work.
As much as I wanted to love the game, I ended up selling it on ebay (for $34 pssh :mad: ) There were just too many glitches, an overall lack of polish, and that's not what I bought an XBOX 360 for.
I never had a problem with the freezing keeping me from finishing the game. That sucks for you. I would try to contact volition or something.
animaldude89 said:
is siants row a good game?
It's good, just a little unpolished. I had more fun playing it that probably any other 360 game to date.
I've not had an issue with freezing in Saints Row (though, Oblivion has froze on me). I also tried Steve's issue and did not get the same result.

The only issue I have in Saints Row is a massive framerate drop when you have a lot of action on the screen - level 7/8 of drug trafficking (soccer mom, and the other dude...not the hippie).

Aside from that, great game.
Yeah, the frame rate dropping is real bad in certain situations.

I went to the saints row developer forum and asked the question so I'll see what king of response I get.

If it is any good I'll post it here.