Safe to clone from one SSD to another?


Mar 12, 2006
I know it's not optimal to clone from a traditional hard drive to a SSD, even though that is what I did first go around because I couldn't afford the downtime but I did do a clean install a few months ago.

But is it safe to clone from one SSD to another? I'll be moving from an Intel to Samsung and once again I'd like to minimize downtime. I wouldn't want to do a clean install until mid December at the earliest and even though I'd prefer not to but such is life if I must.
Sure, it'll be fine.

I always prefer to do a clean install though... honestly I don't see the big problem. I can have my rig totally set back up the way I like it within about half an hour of a reformat / reinstall. Hardly a bother.
100% safe but you may run into boot record issues depending on what cloning software you use. Easily fixable but just keep that in mind.
Yeah, for me it's half a year rather than half an hour ! The only time I started fresh in the last 7 or 8 years is when going from XP to 7, since I wanted to go 64bit and there is no upgrade path for that.