sacd help please


Limp Gawd
Jul 13, 2005
i recently bought a sacd player used and it didn't come with a manual. my question is do i have to connect the rca to the multichannel output? i currently have it connected to the stereo rca to my corda aria amp and am not sure if that is right or wrong.

should i be plugging the rca into the multichannel front LR instead of the stereo output?

thanks for looking and helping.
You must use the analog outputs of the sacd player to the analog inputs of your pre-amp/receiver. Then you must get into the setup menu of your sacd player and set it up to go two channel sacd or 5.1 output. My sacd player has these controls on the front panel. You will only get redbook cd out of the digital outputs on the back of your player. You can download manuals from the manufacturer of your player usually. Hope this helps.
well, i'm not using digital outputs, not even for redbook lpayback.

i have a sony dvp-nc685v, and it has 5.1 multichannel analog out and 2 stereo analog outs. i have my aria currently hooked up to stereo analog out 1.

on the front of the player and on the remote, there's a 2ch/multichannel button for sacd. i push it and it doesn't do anything, and i'm pretty sure it shouldn't because i'm hooked up to the stereo out. i was just wondering if sacd even outputs into the 2 stereo analog outs at all.

i know you can't get sacd playback through digital out, but what about the stereo out? should i just hook up the corda aria to the 5.1 multichannel out? is that the right way to do it and press the 2channel/multichannel button until it's set to 2channel?

i of course will try it when i get home, but i am just wondering what the right way to do it is. am i only getting redbook playback right now by using the stereo analog out?

also, is there a way to listen to a sacd on the redbook layer? whenever i have a sacd loaded, the sacd light on the front panel turns on. is that only an indication that it's a sacd cd? or is that an indication that it's sacd playback?
Change your connection to your Aria to the L and R front channel outputs and then select "2ch". That will make your player read the 2ch sacd layer.
You can listen to a sacd for redbook playback only if the disc has three layers. 2ch/Multi ch/and CD.
ok, thanks for the advice. so with the stereo output, i was only listening to the redbook layer?
ok, thanks for the advice. so with the stereo output, i was only listening to the redbook layer?

If you have a single layer sacd (sa output only) and can't hear any output from the 'stereo' outputs, they are dedicated to Redbook playback only. Something of interest for us sacd lovers, Sony's new PS3 will playback sacd's, so it looks like the format will be around for quite sometime. :D