S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Complete


Jun 18, 2006
Ok, so I kept hearing about this mod, and finally dusted off my copy of Stalker hidden in my closet that I got pissed off at because of bugs and never finished.

I'm in gaming nervana!

It looks and runs so much better, hell, it looks better than ES:Oblivion, and I never thought I would say that!

Still the frustrating, monitor tossing moments in the gameplay (FUCK, I'M DEAD, HOW THE... WHO THE..... FUCKING DOGS!)... Would love to see the console sissies play this game.

Now I get to play Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat again too... :D
Are the later STALKER titles upgraded/updated with this complete mod? I played the original a little bit but grew tired of the bugs... if this mod is worthwhile and works on the later releases then I might just pick it up.
Are the later STALKER titles upgraded/updated with this complete mod? I played the original a little bit but grew tired of the bugs... if this mod is worthwhile and works on the later releases then I might just pick it up.

Clear skys is. CoP is still in progress but close to done I think.
Are the later STALKER titles upgraded/updated with this complete mod? I played the original a little bit but grew tired of the bugs... if this mod is worthwhile and works on the later releases then I might just pick it up.

It's been released for all 3. I just finished Clear Sky Complete. About to do the original with Complete, and then Call of Pripyat or whatever Complete (recently released).
I started it, got farther than before but eventually moved off to another game instead. It's akward "PC"ness and lack of polish even with the Complete Mod just kind of turned me off.
These are unofficial mods right, not official ones?

Wonder when "STALKER 3" is going to come out?

I beat SoC. I haven't beaten CoP yet. I took a little break.
I started it, got farther than before but eventually moved off to another game instead. It's akward "PC"ness and lack of polish even with the Complete Mod just kind of turned me off.

Yeah it's still got some very minor issues, that are impossible for the community to fix, but the included community patch fixed just about any problems. It's still a million times better than vanilla. So much so that I actually binged on it with the Complete mod and finished it within a week, including the good ending. Personally I don't see how you can say it lacks polish even with the mod though. Just because it doesn't have overblown HDR everywhere which washes out the textures to hide the fact that they're low res like a lot of games...

These are unofficial mods right, not official ones?

Wonder when "STALKER 3" is going to come out?

I beat SoC. I haven't beaten CoP yet. I took a little break.

Yeah they are unofficial. They basically turn the original SoC into the game it should've been released as.
i've played through SoC Complete and CoP Complete, and i'm currently playing through Clear Sky Complete. love the STALKER series. is it just me, or is Clear Sky the most visually impressive of the 3 games?
I think he is redoing the original stalker complete mod to 2012
can't find much info on it though
These are unofficial mods right, not official ones?

Wonder when "STALKER 3" is going to come out?

I beat SoC. I haven't beaten CoP yet. I took a little break.
Stalker 3? You're probably looking at another 10 years. However, Stalker 2 should be out sometimes between tomorrow and the end of next year. :p
I installed CoP complete...kept crashing. Uninstalled..fine. I'm playing Priboi story now, which seems to be a decent mod...truth be told, I like the STALKER series just the way they are.
I agree with the OP. Couldn't stand the game when it first came out, played maybe 4 hours and uninstalled it. Heard a lot of great things about the "complete mod" and decided to give it one more try. Game just worked right, might also have to do with the performance jump my new rig provided compared to my 2007 computer....Either way the game was very enjoyable. Currently just starting clear sky, more enjoyment to come.
Not to threadjack, but is Stalker 2 English version gonna come out a year later and 50% less dialog like last release? I don't feel like diggin through countless threads on the English forum because I'm lazy.

Also, all Complete mods are "Epic Win", if you like the series just do it, it's easy.
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I installed CoP complete...kept crashing. Uninstalled..fine.

Definitely strange, I seem to remember having more issues with it crashing in vanilla. I seriously never had it crash even once with the complete mod though, and that's on a whole play through.

Been playing through Clear Sky Complete now, which I got on Steam after beating SoC a few weeks ago. Never tried it before, but am rather disappointed that the whole 'faction war' thing seems to be effectively broken, especially since certain areas such as the Garbage just respawn every hour (which is 5 minutes of actual time BTW) any time you wipe out the bandit base. Shame that the Complete mod didn't try and tweak it somehow, as I heard the Faction Wars mod is supposed to be pretty good.
Stalker 3? You're probably looking at another 10 years. However, Stalker 2 should be out sometimes between tomorrow and the end of next year. :p

I don't really understand why they chose STALKER 2 for the title,technically it's really STALKER 4. Unless they intend to start an entirely new storyline set in the Zone.But that would leave fans of the series hanging over some important questions that went unanswered in CoP.
Ok I ,ust be a huge noob but what bus are you guys talking about? I bought CoP and clear sky and the game has not crashed or done anything bad. So what is this complete you guys are talking about I search on google but come up with buy the complete stalker series LOL
Definitely strange, I seem to remember having more issues with it crashing in vanilla. I seriously never had it crash even once with the complete mod though, and that's on a whole play through.

Been playing through Clear Sky Complete now, which I got on Steam after beating SoC a few weeks ago. Never tried it before, but am rather disappointed that the whole 'faction war' thing seems to be effectively broken, especially since certain areas such as the Garbage just respawn every hour (which is 5 minutes of actual time BTW) any time you wipe out the bandit base. Shame that the Complete mod didn't try and tweak it somehow, as I heard the Faction Wars mod is supposed to be pretty good.

Try The Faction War (TFW) mod by Smoq2 et al


It's really the only mod for Clear Sky that fixes the faction wars but for many other reasons it is probably the best mod available for Clear Sky. It's a total conversion mod with no graphical enhances so it's pure gaming content. You can however add Cromm cruac's AtmosFear on top of it if you like enhanced graphics etc :)
Ok I ,ust be a huge noob but what bus are you guys talking about? I bought CoP and clear sky and the game has not crashed or done anything bad. So what is this complete you guys are talking about I search on google but come up with buy the complete stalker series LOL

COMPLETE (why it's always capitalized I don't know) is an overhaul of the entire game. Nothing real game changing, but improved graphics, performance, tweaks, missions, etc. Lots of little things. I suppose by complete it means it encompasses many facets of the game, not just one (such as a graphics mod).

There are 3 Stalker games, and each has it's own COMPLETE mod.
Anyone seem to have a framerate problem with the SOC Complete Mod and the latest NVIDIA release drivers? For some reason my game seems like its running in slow motion now...it's kinda weird because I get smooth performance on COP using the Complete Mod with all the details on max.
Try The Faction War (TFW) mod by Smoq2 et al


It's really the only mod for Clear Sky that fixes the faction wars but for many other reasons it is probably the best mod available for Clear Sky. It's a total conversion mod with no graphical enhances so it's pure gaming content. You can however add Cromm cruac's AtmosFear on top of it if you like enhanced graphics etc :)

Yeah, that's the one I was talking about, I've heard good things about it too. I wonder how difficult it would be to merge TFW into Complete.

Anyone seem to have a framerate problem with the SOC Complete Mod and the latest NVIDIA release drivers? For some reason my game seems like its running in slow motion now...it's kinda weird because I get smooth performance on COP using the Complete Mod with all the details on max.

I've got no issues with the 260.99 drivers that I've been using for a while. SoC Complete ran at pretty much 60fps the whole time except a few areas. Clear Sky seems to be a bit more demanding, often hanging around 40fps for me. Nothing that's like a slow-motion slideshow.
I could never get through this game.... it just seemed so boring and bland. Made it about 3 or 4 hours the first time, vanilla and about 5 or 6 hours with a complete unofficial mod that was apparently one of the best @ the time.

Might give it another try with the clear skyz mod after I finish Far Cry 2. I think I'm stuck in 2006. :)
Anyone seem to have a framerate problem with the SOC Complete Mod and the latest NVIDIA release drivers? For some reason my game seems like its running in slow motion now...it's kinda weird because I get smooth performance on COP using the Complete Mod with all the details on max.

Fixed...for some reason it doesn't like when you force AA thru the NVidia Control Panel...turned it back off to application controlled and its smooth as butter now. :D
a few screens from my current play through of CS Complete. what a fun game.






Yeah, that's the one I was talking about, I've heard good things about it too. I wonder how difficult it would be to merge TFW into Complete.

From what Smoq has said in the past it would not be possible to merge TFW into Complete due to the fact that TFW is a total conversion mod and much more complex than complete due to all the new features added in. At the end of the day TFW and Complete are different beasts; if someone wanted to play a totally enhanced and awesome vanilla CS then choosing Complete would be the way to go. If someone wanted a new storyline which adds in lots of new gameplay features and fixes faction warfare then TFW it is.

TFW takes place a couple of months after the events of vanilla CS. You play the role of a merc, who gets shot down in a helicopter. You awake in the army warehouses, in the tower by the abandoned village and are told to run away from the Bloodsuckers nearby. Eventually you will be directed towards a group of Loners which fill in a lot of the backstory and TFW really begins.

It's here that you get the choice to travel to various different locations where you can automatically join either Duty, Freedom, Bandits, Defiance (A Loner faction with terrortorial ambitions), Clear Sky and Mercs. Each fation has it's own tangible flavour such as Clear Sky having access to better army, Bandits having more members in their squads, Duty being better at fending off Mutants etc.

By purchasing a radio you can then command squads to attack/reinforce various locations on the map. As you capture more resource points you get access to more squads and better weaponry.

If you choose not to become a member of any faction then after you gain enough experience you become a Loner (Similar to those Loners in SOC) and will get reduced prices etc from the trader in the Loner base in the depot in Garbage. (The bandit base in TFW is shifted to Dark Valley, Freedom to Army Warehouses and a new Loner base similar to the 100 rads is installed in the Garbage).

Whether you're a loner or a member of a faction then you can have access to companions that will follow you and obey your commands. These have fully accessible inventories and finite ammo so you must equip them as you would equip yourself. You can give artefacts and upgraded armour and guns to these guys.

One of the strange things about TFW is that although it is the best mod from the factional war perspective, it is also one of the best if you like to play as a Loner. There are many different recurring quests to do, enough that they don't get boring. Furthermore you can interact with dynamic Loners traversing the zone and ask them who is selling what and where the nearest dangers are.

All in all, TFW is damned enjoyable!