S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 4.99 on STEAM!!!11!


Jul 13, 2005
weekend deal. dayum that's sheep. think i'll download tomorrow.
I always buy these things just before they drop the price. Bought Crysis for 270HKD, then a week later they have a christmas sale for 189.

Then bought stalker for 19.99usd, then they do 4.99usd.

My super luck!
I just jumped on this. For $5, why not? Hopefully they will have Clear Sky close to this price in the near future.
I'm considering checking it out. I obtained it when it was new and didn't really get into it; for $5 it might be worth having it to poke around in and maybe play through.
Pick up the Oblivion Lost mod, I think it's at 2.1 or 2.2 now, and should work ok with the latest patches.
I bought it last night. Game looks pretty. Haven't really understood what it's about yet though.

E: apparently the game is out of date? The version I downloaded was 1.0005, but the latest is 1.0006? There's no update though steam... :confused:
I bought it last night. Game looks pretty. Haven't really understood what it's about yet though.

E: apparently the game is out of date? The version I downloaded was 1.0005, but the latest is 1.0006? There's no update though steam... :confused:

1.0006 was only mp fixes and it was never applied to the steam version.
Pick up the Oblivion Lost mod, I think it's at 2.1 or 2.2 now, and should work ok with the latest patches.

Definitely adds a lot to the game. After playing OL, I couldn't manage to play Vanilla versions. Some form of this mod has now become a must for me. You can always go through Vanilla and do it again. Gameplay is different and better.
Even if this is a repost, fine by me. If I hadn't seen this one I would have missed the deal. Thanks to the OP!
np buddy. i'm sitting at 23% right now......i'm kind of anxious to check this game out because i've never really read up on it and know very little about it.....other than it got better than average scores and that it has rpg elements......it seems that when i play a game with no preconceived notion i enjoy it more, especially it it's a GOOD game.
It is not a game where one can assign a simple yea or nay to it. Unlike most games, you will either love it or you will fucking hate it and play it once and never touch it again.
Edit: nevermind I think I got it installed soon after I posted this.

I just got it on Steam but where to I put the Oblivion Lost?

C:\Program Files\Steam-vista\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl

There? Unrar/ziping the archive will put the OL mod into:

Z:\Program Files\Steam-vista\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\gamedata ?????

I see files, but not folders, named 'gamedata' in the first directory above I listed...

Thanks for the help!
what gives with the aiming in this game? in a video game when my cross-hair is on the dudes head and i pull the trigger 8 times i expect one of the bullets to hit him.....the i run up and do one quick shot on a guy i haven't shot at at all and one shot to the head kills him.....is this part of the rpg aspect i'm missing? does the aiming become more accurate as you get into the game?
what gives with the aiming in this game? in a video game when my cross-hair is on the dudes head and i pull the trigger 8 times i expect one of the bullets to hit him.....the i run up and do one quick shot on a guy i haven't shot at at all and one shot to the head kills him.....is this part of the rpg aspect i'm missing? does the aiming become more accurate as you get into the game?

Yes, the aim should improve as your skills improve. Also, at the start of the game, almost all the guns you are finding are in terrible condition and just don't fire reliably or accurately at all. As you progress in the game, you will get better guns and have better repair, etc.

Finally, you must get Oblivion Lost and stop playing the Vanilla game now. :D
Picked up a copy for myself and my brother, now all i need is some damn time to play the thing! :(
Already owned the boxed copy, but I am slowly moving over to Steam as my preferred platform for games via digital distro.
$5 is less than one lunch. Consider me in on this deal. :D
Stupid question but how do you stop the god awful head bobing while walking/running? If I can't turn it off I won't play it.
Stupid question but how do you stop the god awful head bobing while walking/running? If I can't turn it off I won't play it.
Bugged me at first but I got over it, call it "realism" I guess. I thought it was a good deal when I got it for $30 (?) not too long ago. I look forward to playing it again to get the real ending, once I get caught up on other games.

When I launch mine all I get is out of range response from my monitor. No video but I do get sound. 280gtx is supported right?
I can't get mine to launch video at all. Just 5 bucks but it would be nice to play it.
I see Clear Sky for $17.50 thanks to a holiday sale Steam is having on all of their inventory. The only thing that's really kept me away from this game is the glitches. How's that doing these days?