running server through router? ut 2004???


Jun 16, 2004
OK heres the deal. I have a D-link router now. I had a linksys and the same thing happend on that. Anyway, i went into router and opened ports 6000-8000 for gaming and IRC. set it as a rule. Im trying to run a server from one of my PC's. When i start a dedicated server using UT 2004 it shows my game server being my router IP address. 192.168.x.x. anyway needless to say i can join it from behind the router, but none of my friends can. When i start a listen server, my IP address just jumps all over the place. it will go from 207.x.x.x to a bunch of other IP's to no game at all. its really strange. I just want to be able to run an 8 - 10 person server behind my router. any idea's what i could be doing wrong? i want people from the internet to be able to join.

i have a dlink di-524
did you read docs about running a server that are included with the game or available online?........
you might have thought of this but have you tried setting your server pc up as a DMZ host on your router.... I only recommend doing this while serving games and then disabling it when you are not serving games.... the only other thing that you could do is use port forwarding and double check what ports you need open for the game and forward them to the server..... make sure when people connect that they try to connect directly to the server ip address ala : That might help give it a try.... :D
well i did dabble with that, but it was a little strange. when i turned DBZ on and went into server browser via UT, out of the 1000+ servers there it took a good 10 minutes to load them all, with it off it takes 10 seconds. I didnt try to have anyone connect to it with DBZ on so i guess i could try that next see what happends.

This router is so wierd, its a NAT router. I went into UT2004.ini and set "behindnat=false to true" and i also opened all the ports as best as i could.


this router is wierd, it doesnt have anything called port forwarding but it did have a firewall section a special applications section and a virtual server section. I went into everyone of those and set them up like this.


anyway i did that in all 3 sections.

special applications
virtual server

those same ports are listed there. I have no idea if i did it right tho since its not as easy as my linksys was. it asks me for

private/public port
trigger port

its very wierd...

i use Xfire and when people see my server they see the 192.168.x.x ip address, is this the IP they are suppose to see or are they suppose to see my public IP address? the 192.x.x.x ip address is the one they try to connect to. it says connecting and connects for ever and eventually will time out.

whats up with it jumping from ip to ip from time to time when watching it with xfire. it will gro from 207.x.x.x to 65.x.x.x to 68.x.x.x and so on, none of which are any IP address's i use...

if you guy's/gals need any more info from me id be more than happy to provide it, i definately thank you for trying to help me out.
My advice to you is return your router and get the linksys 814v4 wireless b/g router.
It has very simple port forwarding, and in fact has settings built into it for running ut2k4, quake3, and counter-strike/half life servers with a single click and entry of the server's local ip address.