Running a Server


Apr 8, 2006
Hello all,

I am new to this, but I would like to know what I need to run a server from my house...

I need to have DDNS capabilities, fr a Live internet Cam.

Please let me know what I need to do..
I have a coputer that I want to convert to a Server..


The question is: what kind of server do you want to run? Web? Mail? DNS? If this is just a webcam thing, don't you just run that program and just let it run 24/7?

And if you need ddns, just get service from dyndns, no-ip...
ademster said:
Hello all,

I am new to this, but I would like to know what I need to run a server from my house...

I need to have DDNS capabilities, fr a Live internet Cam.

Please let me know what I need to do..
I have a coputer that I want to convert to a Server..



If you just need DDNS services then most routers have that built in, like most linksys, belkin, d-link etc... if you can't do that then I recommend a program called direct update that will do DDNS for you automatically. Or, there are tons of linux distro's out there, i recommend one called for most noobs since its the most power in the simplest to use package. It includes a DDNS feature also...

If you are looking for something else, you'll have to tell us what you want the server to do before we can help.

basically I need it to be able to host the live camera... and also use it to share files.... but thats it... I have a old computer that I ould like to use..

thanks all...

I already had done the no-ip thing... but its for somereason unstable... and also I am using a linksys router with the linksys internet cam.....

help on that would be great....

this camera

and this router
ademster said:
basically I need it to be able to host the live camera... and also use it to share files.... but thats it... I have a old computer that I ould like to use..

thanks all...

I already had done the no-ip thing... but its for somereason unstable... and also I am using a linksys router with the linksys internet cam.....

help on that would be great....

this camera

and this router

How many people do you think will be accessing the camera? who do you need to share the files with? How many files and how large?
Well I have two 80 gig hard drives... and the file sharing with be with my fily members...
basicaly sharing pictures/ videos

and as for the internet cam, it will be for my family ( 5 ) people..