Rumor: Shenmue HD Remasters to Hit PC This Year


Aug 20, 2006
I still can’t believe Shenmue 3 is coming out. While that is still on the cooker and won’t debut until the holidays, PC fans may be able to re-experience the original games soon. If I’m not mistaken, the sequel was released for both the Dreamcast and the Xbox, but the original only came out for the former.

A trusted source close to Atlus USA, today revealed to me that Shenmue HD Remaster will be released this year. Both games, Episodes 1 & 2, may be released together rather than separately. They are presumably being geared up for launch to precede Shenmue 3, which could possibly slip into 2018. This will come as no surprise. Last year Sega hinted strongly that a Shenmue HD remaster was on the cards and then towards the end of last year, Sega registered the domain
Never got around to playing the game but I heard it was great. Maybe if it's released on Steam I'll grab them and play.
My favorite series from the Dreamcast. I beat Shenmue 1 and 2 more times than I know it. The story was spectacular and presentation awesome! I would definitely buy the remasters.

I can't wait for part 3! I preordered it on kickstarter 24hrs after they put it up. I will get access to the beta version of it ($100 on kickstarter = access to beta 6 months before release of game). Let's get Lan Di and his boys, Ryo!! =]
I was only just thinking about playing this game again but i don't have my DC anymore :-( Hurry up and release
Oh hell yes. Sign me the f*** up! I remember being blown away when I fired up the first game 16 years ago, but never played the second due to not owning an XBox until the tail end of it's lifetime.

I'd love to go back and play it with a fresh coat of paint
awesome games, i tried backing shenmue 3 on kickstarter. no idea why my cards got declined and i missed out on a premuim set:(

anyone trying to play shenmue 2 on xb 360. dont they never fixed the bug that kills the game after you get throught a 1/3 of it.

one thing sega really messed up on was not going a head with shenmue 3.
You can pre-order a physical copy of Shenmue 3 right now at the slacker backer website.
