Rsync not skipping existing files


Limp Gawd
Apr 3, 2014
On my Solaris server I have remote storage on an NFS mount that I'm trying to backup to a local zpool which is named "backup".

The commands I'm using are:

mount -F nfs 192.168.x.x:/data /data

rsync -vr /data/ /backup/data/

I ran rsync once, then ran it again and it didn't skip over any files. Am I missing an rsync parameter?
Just realized compression is enabled on the destination zpool. Does rsync see the real size or the compressed size, since rsync uses file size and date when determining whether to copy.
The command you are running does not preserve any of the attributes that rsync typically uses to check for different files. I would suggest looking at the man page for rsync and trying 'rsync -av' which should do what you expect.
on my server(linux)
rsync -av --exclude="lost+found" --progress --delete

exclude lost+found directory, display progress on std out, and delete unneeded files/directories on target.