RouterOS cannot set static IP


[H]F Junkie
Apr 4, 2004
So using webconfig I was off and setting up static IPs for computers on my home network so they are easy to remember. Then I came to one computer running windows 8, z68 mobo with onboard realtec NIC. And I could make the IP static but any time I tried to change it to a different number ( I started with The router would just kick me back to the login screen and give me an error that said something like the router has encountered and internal error. I tried to set it to other IPs too, and once this happened it seemed to be a problem setting other devices. But if I log out / close IE / chrome then log back in I can set other devices.
I'm a little confused. You're setting up static ip's (like doing it on each individual computer on the interface itself?) or are you setting up reserved dhcp ip's (like you're configuring them all in the router to handout to the computers?)
I am reserving them on the router itself, yes typically I see this called reserve on consumer routers, this router has a button that says make static.

I think it is routerOS version 5.11, today I tried winbox to log in and so far I am able to set it. So it appears winbox fixes the issue that comes up with webfig. I dont like winbox though, becuas it does not respect windows DPI scaling and some of this work is done from afar on the HTPC I prefere the webfig because I can zoom in and out.