router config question


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 30, 2003
so I have a wireless router. I have a basement. I want all my network equipment in the basement but wireless has this thing where reception goes down when entombed in concrete. I was thinking...what if I ran from the modem to a wired router then to the wireless router (configed in AP mode). should work right? right?

I am thinking of getting this for routing and disabling the wireless...

then running cat5e to this upsairs and using it for wireless access....

that would also let me use the Dlinks ports to serve whatever was in my entertainment center...htpc, xbox, maybe a ps3 one day. or I could just run 2 cables from the living room to the to the modem, one to the gigabit switch. I was kind of counting on the 3 extra gigabit ports the switch would give me downstairs though.
That should work fine as long as you're able to disable DHCP on the upstairs router. It will simply be acting like a switch and AP.

Keep in mind that you'll have a single 1Gb link between the two routers though. If you have multiple basement-to-upstairs connections, they'll all be sharing that single 1Gb link between the two floors. That shouldn't be a problem for most, but it's something to keep in mind.
That should work fine as long as you're able to disable DHCP on the upstairs router. It will simply be acting like a switch and AP.

Keep in mind that you'll have a single 1Gb link between the two routers though. If you have multiple basement-to-upstairs connections, they'll all be sharing that single 1Gb link between the two floors. That shouldn't be a problem for most, but it's something to keep in mind.

because the single link will be going to the entertainment center only it wont be a problem. I wont be doing two things at once from there.