

Limp Gawd
Jun 12, 2004
Well as the Title says, I was wonering if dremel bits will work wwith a roto-zip... Bought a roto-zip a month ago to cut some wood and what not (to build a pen for my puppy) and was wondering if I can use it to use Dremel bits with IE cutting disks.. As for $$ is somewhat tight, and I would rather spend the $40 or so on new parts for my comp. Anyone have any exp. with this? I need to cut a 120mm blowhole in the top of my case to mount my rad...
Guess no one has tried.... Well i will continue with this idea and post how it works..
Can't you just use the rotozip to cut the hole? It should have a bit to cut metal if I remember right from the commercial. That way you'd get a perfectly round hole and what not if you use that dealy that it comes with.

I would think that you can use the same bits and things. I think the RotoZip is made by Dremel and alot of the parts are interchangable, I think.

Good luck. :D
Captain Colonoscopy said:
Can't you just use the rotozip to cut the hole? It should have a bit to cut metal if I remember right from the commercial. That way you'd get a perfectly round hole and what not if you use that dealy that it comes with.

I would think that you can use the same bits and things. I think the RotoZip is made by Dremel and alot of the parts are interchangable, I think.

Good luck. :D
i thought rotozips only did wood?... i think you can find a vid of their commercial on their site at

i havnt owned a dremel yet and i m not sure about the parts but i think they SHOULD be interchangeable... if not, theres nothing glue cant fix :D

also, a question out of curiosity, how do you pronounce 'dremel'?... is it like dreh-mol or like dray-mell
Captain Colonoscopy said:
Can't you just use the rotozip to cut the hole? It should have a bit to cut metal if I remember right from the commercial. That way you'd get a perfectly round hole and what not if you use that dealy that it comes with.

I would think that you can use the same bits and things. I think the RotoZip is made by Dremel and alot of the parts are interchangable, I think.

Good luck. :D
RotoZip was made by RotoZip which started in the 1970s by Bob Kopras.
It was the first spiral saw and was designed to cut drywall, but the bits turned out too be great at wood, metal and other stuff as well.

However Bosch now owns them both.
wayne said:
i thought rotozips only did wood?... i think you can find a vid of their commercial on their site at
also, a question out of curiosity, how do you pronounce 'dremel'?... is it like dreh-mol or like dray-mell

i say dreh-mol but some people say dary-mell
Hehe... Well I will find out this weekend i hope.... Mostly what i am going for is a way to mount my Rad. in my case, but the more I think about it, (and look at my case, an ANTEC builder series cs400b) it is getting really cramped, so might just make an external unit....still have a way to go though, still need ram, vid card and hd's to finish her off, So alot can change from now and then, and get a wild hair and cut some holes....:)

i am soo stupid... when i first read your post, i wasnt really concentrating and i thought "Roto-Zip" was the attachment for the saw thing for dremel

then just now, when i had some more time, i was looking thru the rotozip home page and realized rotozip was a brand name of a tool

ahh, stupid me :( :mad:
Well to keep you informed, I attempted to use some dremel cut off wheels in the Roto-zip with less then desirable results.... The wheels are to small for the big base of the rotozip, tried on a spare case, and looked like a hack job after 10+ wheels wasted... Guess i will break down and get the $40 dremel from home depot....
You might want to consider getting a Dremel Advantage. LOT more power than a regular Dremel, if you can swing the extra cash.
I have a rotozip revolution. There is a bit for it that can cut through metal, tho probably only aluminum (steel would be far too tough). Even still, it would not produce a clean cut and would require a lot of extra work (filing, sanding, etc.) to make it nice.

Seeing as how a dremel is pretty much a smaller version of the rotozip (in concept), I would have to say that I don't find a dremel particularly adept at circular cuts either. I'd recommend a hole saw ($15-30?) on a drill or a jigsaw ($30). Either of these would do the job quite well IMO.
Jivecat said:
I would have to say that I don't find a dremel particularly adept at circular cuts either. I'd recommend a hole saw ($15-30?) on a drill or a jigsaw ($30). Either of these would do the job quite well IMO.

I concur. A holesaw will do that job better and faster. I cut a blowhole for a 120mm fan with my dremel and it took quite a bit of finishing to get it to look perfectly round. In the end I gave up and bought one of those fancy laser-cut spiral grills to cover up the edges of the hole. :D