Romania Smashes International Cybercrime Ring

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The Romanian government busted what they are calling a "huge cybercrime network," taking over forty people into custody.

Romanian authorities said Tuesday they dismantled a cybercrime network blamed for causing more than 11 million euros (13.5 million dollars) in losses to firms in the United States, Britain, South Africa, Italy and Romania.
Soon to be released on bail and nothing more mentioned. The romanian gov loves to arrest people then just slap them on the wrist.
I hope this included the Romainian bastards that hijacked my eBay account in an attempt to sell bogus HDTVs.

I know because I tracked the names and IPs, and then when I reported it all to authorities, nothing was done.
IP's were probably through proxies and i am sure if your ebay account info wasn't so easy to guess or brute force, it wouldn't of gotten hi jacked.
Yeah, and if that girl didn't want to get raped, she shouldn't have dressed provocatively when she went out.

In other words, don't blame the victim.

(Plus, I'm savvy enough with my security to use good antivirus/phishing/spyware software, plus use strong passwords. Don't know how it happened, but it wasn't slacking on my part. I'm also enough of an IT pro of 30+ years that I know how to do a bit more detective work than to simply run into a proxy and give up, blaming the spoof. I baited a trap and sprung it.)