“Rogue One” Reviewed: Is It Time To Abandon The “Star Wars” Franchise?


Aug 20, 2006
There goes that theory of Disney paying off reviewers. I have seen a number of critics express their distaste of the new Star Wars film, which is surprising, since most of them seemed head over heels for The Force Awakens, which was at best uninspired.

There’s none of the Shakespearean space politics, enticingly florid dialogue, or experiential thrills of the best of George Lucas’s “Star Wars” entries (“Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith”). The script of “Rogue One” is so flat and inexpressive, the direction of the actors so methodical, as to render these artists nearly robotic and synthetic. The one character with any inner identity is, in fact, a robot, K-2SO, voiced by Alan Tudyk, and the only performance with any flair at all is a C.G.I. incarnation, or, rather, resurrection.
the movie is getting excellent reviews for the most part...especially among diehard SW fans...will it be better then Empire Strikes Back?...no...but it's probably better then all the prequels...I'm going to see it tonight in NYC in a Dolby Cinema theater- the only way to watch movies
spoiler alert: there's going to be a sequel(s)! December will never be the same. There will be a new Star Wars movie every time around Christmas for the next 3-5 years at least.
When the movie wraps up and you realize whats happening I think it makes it decent.
Still it could have used a bit more, was missing something.
Did anybody read the full review ? I actually got bored half way through reading it. I hope the movie is better !!
Its a really good movie. There were people walking out of the theater in tears at the end. Its a stand alone movie. There will be no sequel to it specifically. Episode IV is the next movie in the series. Conspiracy theories are so lame. The Alt-Right hates this movie and of course they do. That's where the deceit comes from.
Don't want to spoil anything but there were 2 certain characters that appeared and people went WHOA!!!!!

I really liked it. I would rank it in the top3 displacing FA.

One more note. Technology has advanced a lot since the days of Tron Legacy. Not perfect, but getting there.
lol review critics these days, attempting to be edgy just so people will actually read them.

I barely read reviews anymore, the last one I read was for star wars last year.
The movie was great. I consider myself well versed in Star Wars - having read 40+ books in the EU (no longer cannon), all movies, CW cartoon, Rebels, games, etc. The story was good and all the events tie straight into episode 4.

The biggest let down is no Ahsoka Tano :(
Maybe I've outgrown Star Wars, which I loved as a kid. I had no interest in Force Awakens. Same for Rogue One.

Finally saw FA on DVD and agree with those who thought it was a pale remake of New Hope.
saw it on Thursday (lucky to be near a theater which got it early) and thought it was quite excellent. I would also rank it higher than FA. The first 15-20 min i was like... ok this is some cliche, but then the story took over and they did a good job. I recommend seeing it.
I saw it last night and something about it seemed "off". I think it was just the fact that there's no jedi, and I couldn't relate that much to the characters because I didn't KNOW them. But it was still a good movie, and it really ramped up once it got to the final battle.
A review is instantly untrustworthy when it contains the text "the best of George Lucas’s "Star Wars" entries ("Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith")."
This about sums it up: Obvious troll is obvious.
Its a really good movie. There were people walking out of the theater in tears at the end. Its a stand alone movie. There will be no sequel to it specifically. Episode IV is the next movie in the series. Conspiracy theories are so lame. The Alt-Right hates this movie and of course they do. That's where the deceit comes from.

Yes because The New York Times, The New Yorker, The San Francisco Chronicle and some other papers that have Rogue One bad reviews are alt-right. Oh wait they ate liberal as fuck. Please take your wannabe political garbage elsewhere.
Most studios have learned not to open opposing Star Wars. There was only one movie to open vs SW. The tally, SW = 71 million vs Collateral Beauty = 2.4 million on Friday. Talk about an ass whooping!
Last good Star Wars movie was Empire Strikes Back (1980!).
Everything else after is pre-digested baby food.

I just can't stand Disney's sterile, infantile and corporate storytelling.
You are all wrong considering no one here is a professional reviewer. Only their opinions are correct. :p
This is why I don't read/watch reviews from "professionals" anymore. I've found plenty of movies/games that were enjoyable that received lackluster reviews.
Maybe I've outgrown Star Wars, which I loved as a kid. I had no interest in Force Awakens. Same for Rogue One.

Finally saw FA on DVD and agree with those who thought it was a pale remake of New Hope.
Yep. Force Awakens was disappointing and nothing more than a cash grab. Sterile acting from the main cast ruined it.
Taking my kid to see this this afternoon. Didn't care for FA at all but this one looks a lot better. Even as a standalone it could be pretty good but then I thought FA could've been good too. We'll see.
Conspiracy theories are so lame. The Alt-Right hates this movie and of course they do. That's where the deceit comes from.

You need to reexamine your life if this is the conclusion you're reaching.
Don't want to spoil anything but there were 2 certain characters that appeared and people went WHOA!!!!!

I really liked it. I would rank it in the top3 displacing FA.

One more note. Technology has advanced a lot since the days of Tron Legacy. Not perfect, but getting there.

Moff was great and the lighting really helped sell the illusion, Lea still had that uncanny valley look. Also the facial animations were just too fluid which threw off the illusion. We're getting there though!

I thought the movie was great! The director did a much better job capturing the feel of Star Wars better than JJ Abrams.
It was the best movie since the original three. These guys are smoking crack.

Couldn't have said it better. Great actors, good script. All 20 people I was with were shocked how good the ending was and looked! Finally, a true Star WARS movie. Made me think they should have done a Vader Chronicles movie series up to this one, starting after Ep3 to this one. I want more badass Vader! Damn it was good.
Moff was great and the lighting really helped sell the illusion, Lea still had that uncanny valley look. Also the facial animations were just too fluid which threw off the illusion. We're getting there though!

I thought the movie was great! The director did a much better job capturing the feel of Star Wars better than JJ Abrams.

This ++++++++. I truly was shocked this was the guy that gave us 12 minutes of Godzilla. Totally redeemed himself in my eyes. Great darker tone to this film that was much needed.
1. It's the New Yorker. Of course the reviewer is going to be unimpressed. He can't agree with all the "common" people.
2. He claims "the best of George Lucas’s 'Star Wars' entries" were “Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith.” Even if they were marginally better than the other three films Lucas helmed, to call them the "best" of anything tells you how out of touch this guy is.
IIRC, Star Wars opened to poor reviews, until the reviewers noticed that folks were buying LOTS of tickets.
Saw this yesterday and was grinning ear-to-ear. Basically launched with little to no hype (compared to Ep7), but may end up considered the superior film.
It’s in language that Lucas’s limitations as a director reveal themselves. When he films people talking, his inspiration seems to grind to a halt. “Clones” and “Sith,” for all their merits, slam against what I’d call the problem of baroque opera: like the operas of Handel, they’re just series of dazzling arias (in Lucas’s films, visual arias) that are punctuated by long stretches of recitative to advance the action.

I sort of buy his argument. The main point I'd argue is that he says "grind to a halt" instead of "melt down in deadly radioactive fire." A lesser point is that the prequels weren't as chock full of masterful cinematography as he makes them sound, but getting any enjoyment out of Attack of the Clones already means he has the patience to endure whatever it takes to see the clever images.
the movie is getting excellent reviews for the most part...especially among diehard SW fans...will it be better then Empire Strikes Back?...no...but it's probably better then all the prequels...I'm going to see it tonight in NYC in a Dolby Cinema theater- the only way to watch movies

I've been wanting to try one of those Dolby theaters. Is it really that good? Worth the premium? It's like $17 a ticket where I live.
I've been wanting to try one of those Dolby theaters. Is it really that good? Worth the premium? It's like $17 a ticket where I live.

it's definitely worth it...Force Awakens was the first movie I saw in a Dolby Cinema theater...best picture I've ever seen...better then IMAX or 3D...and the Dolby Atmos audio is amazing as well...well worth the premium...revived my interest in going to movie theaters again instead of waiting for Blu-ray

here's a list of Dolby Cinema locations in the USA (scroll down to the bottom of the page)

some impressions

I thought it was great.

I'll say what I said in the genmay thread: For anyone thinking about skipping this one because you didn't like Force Awakens or because of political reasons, it's a very different film and there was no liberal SJW crap (unless the word hope triggers Obama flashbacks for you or whatever). I was worried that this would end up being a crappy Disney cash grab but it ended up being a lot of fun.