Rock Band Guitars - Wii - $25 - Walmart (+ more YMMV)


Limp Gawd
Mar 4, 2009
I was just over at my local wally world and they had the Rock Band Guitar for Wii for $25. It rang up for $59 and change however and I had to argue with them for awhile but so worth it.

They also had guitars and full kits for Guitar Hero and Rock Band (including Beatles) for Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 on sale for anywhere between $39-$80 ($39 for a guitar hero guitar, $80 for a xbox 360 beatles kit).

I also saw several unpriced copies of the collectors edition of Batman Arkham Asylum for PS3 which may or may not have been on sale (dont have a PS3 so I didnt check).

YMMV of course. Good luck!