RMA...Manufacturer or Newegg?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
I just got some G.Skill Ram from Newegg (along with the rest of the parts for an entire machine.)

After some playing I think my memory isn't performing like it should.

I cannot get the following memory to post past 230FSB.


I have never had to RMA anything before, so was curious...should I send it back to the egg prior to the 30 day warranty expires or send it back to G.Skill?

The board/CPU the RAM is on will do 270FSB no problems so I am fairly certain it is the RAM not running like advertised.
Newegg. Have them RMA it for a full refund and just order a new set while your waiting for hte old sitcks to refund. I did that.
Yeah I thought about the refund route. The only problem with that route is I pay shipping 3x and a 15% restocking fee. Not to mention I purchased the RAM as part of a combo, so I would have to send back the WD hard drive I purchased along with the RAM.

That is the route I would like to go as...I just don't trust the G.Skill brand any longer. I only got it because it was cheap, and a lot of people recomended it.

In the past I have only purchased crucial or corsair sticks and have NEVER had a single one that would not run the speeds it was advertised at.

I think I am forced to get a replacement.... just wasn't sure who the fastest route would be.
one bad experience shouldnt turn you away from GSkill. they really are GREAT memory. my first 2 sets wouldnt break 262 MHz, but now i have a 275 MHz one (which i sold) and im using one that does 290 MHz :)

just get an RMA from newegg and im sure you will get a better pair. just to let you know, there are 2 kinds floating around right now. there is a set that does 3-4-4-8 and 3-5-5-10. i think the 3-4-4-8 ones OC a little better.
The 3, 4, 4, 8 are the ones I purchased.

Well to be honest, I never "felt" real good about trying a "new company".

I am a stickler for names, and brands....especially with memory.

I will say that I emailed G.Skill with the issue sunday and received a prompt reply today. He thinks I have a BIOS setting issue. So I sent him my settings, and maybe he can teach me something and prove the product good.

I hope so, these sticks if they works are at a great price, and good timings.
I've been looking into getting the same set... what was the trick to getting it working?
Here are the settings I had to use to get it to run. The ones in red were what was holding it out. It would not post past 230FSB without changing those two settings.

_DDR Voltage____________________2.60v

_Memory Configuration
_Memory Timing Mode_____________Limit
___Memclock Value_______________200
_MCT Timing Mode________________Manual
___CAS (CL)_____________________3
___TRAS_______________________ _8
___TRP________________________ _4
___TRCD_______________________ _4
___TRRD_______________________ _2T
___TRC________________________ _7T
___TRFC_______________________ _16T
___TRWT_______________________ _3 (raised from 2)
_MCT Extra Timing Mode___________Manual
___TREF_______________________ _7.8us
___DDR Input Strobe Skew_________Disabled
___Burst2Opt__________________ __Disabled
_User Configuration Mode__________Manual
___Read Preamble________________5.0ns
___Asyc Latency_________________8.0ns (Raised from 7.0ns)
___CMD-ADDR Timing_____________1T

_Bank Interleaving_________________A uto
_Burst Length____________________4Bea ts
_Software Memory Hole____________Disabled

_ECC Configuration
___DRAM ECC Enable_____________Disabled
___L2 Cache BG Scrub_____________Disabled
___Data Cache BG Scrub___________Disabled
Reagent said:
After 3 emails we were able to get the sticks to work as advertised.
Would you say that you're pleased with their customer service then? I'm kind of in the same boat as you, I'd always used Corsair and was hesitant to to change brands. But I heard so much good about G. Skill, the price was WAY good, and I read confirmed reports of them working well with my mb.

Hope I won't need to, but it'd be nice to know they've got good support if needed.
Well, here is my dealings with them. (sorry for the long post)

I sent the company an email, as that was my ONLY option. I had no place to call, and thier forum's apparently aren't working or the link is dead on thier site.

The first email I explained I purchased some RAM that didn't work at specified timings and I knew the MoBo and CPU weren't the issue. I just asked who I should RMA the RAM to, NewEgg or them.

They replied for me to send it back to NewEgg, and they also went on to ask me to give them my BIOS settings, as they are confident in thier product and felt it MUST be a setting issue and not thier RAM. (This you dont see too often, I really liked this part.)

The second email I sent them my entire BIOS settings and he sent back an email with some things to change....one of which was changing the command rate from 1t to 2t....I personally didn't think that was right as I always assumed all decent RAM would run 1t command. He also had me changing things like the HT link etc.

My third email stated none of those settings made any difference. He then sent a third email with 3 items to change, two of them being the actual problem.

Somewhere along in thier I asked if they had a phone number they could be reached at....the reply was...we haven't got our phones in yet. Which I think is laughable. Maybe the US division is really that new that the phone system hasn't been installed yet...i doubt it but whatever.

The one good thing about all of this is the support person responding to my emails is he responded to each email after about 3hrs. The one exception was the first one which was sent on the weekend at 5am. He responded to that one monday at noon.

Overall I purchased thier product, I couldn't get it to work. I used thier support system and now the memory works. It did take a couple of days, but it would have taken much longer to return it.

I wasn't happy with my support options, as I personally am a fan of PHONE NUMBERS. I by god like to speak with people.

I guess the bottom line is would I purchase thier product again?

If they are 33% less than the copmpetition at the same product spec's...sure I would probably hit them up for a stick or two.

If thier RAM was only 10 bucks cheaper than say corsair...nope I would spend tha cash on the Corsair or one of the other Big dawgs.

My business isn't swayed by your product not working out of the box and only through support option. It is fantastic that it does work as advertised, but it should have been "plug and play" at 250 FSB. Just my opinion.
Reagent said:
but it should have been "plug and play" at 250 FSB. Just my opinion.
blame jedec. they decided to be stupid and draw the line at ddr400 for the highest official spec. ddr500 has a few different implementations it seems, and some of those don't play well with some boards :(