Riot Games Employees Goes on Drunken Rant and Gets Fired


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Riot Games employee, Aaron Rutledge - lead experience designer on League of Legends, got a bit snockered online and let his thoughts be known about one of the "most toxic" players, Tyler1. That not only landed him in the bread line, but he has now checked himself into rehab according to Rolling Stone. Of course that is what you have to do when you get busted for speaking from your drunken heart.

“After a long night of some terrible games with friends, I had a couple too many whiskeys and decided to pop in some chat rooms to see who was awake,” he says. “Some discussion started about Tyler1 and I let it rip.”
The thing is, nothing he said was very far from the truth. For those who are familiar with the LoL community, tyler 1 is one of the biggest douchebags in it with over 20 perma banned accounts. He is just a 100% grade A Jackhole. Personally I read the comments the guy made before they got taken down and frankly while in poor taste, weren't termination worthy. The only reason why it became a termination is the only thing worse than Tyler 1 is his massive rabid fanbase of equally toxic shitheads. So naturally they all mount a witch hunt on reddit and this is the result. Being blunt T1 and his entire fan base could fall off the planet tomorrow and it would be better for it.
The thing is, nothing he said was very far from the truth. For those who are familiar with the LoL community, tyler 1 is one of the biggest douchebags in it with over 20 perma banned accounts. He is just a 100% grade A Jackhole.

Man, does he not zipper merge either?
What you need to do is just permanently check yourself into rehab or AA. Then your employer can't fire you for a "medical condition."

But just getting drunk one night and doing something stupid doesn't count.
True story. Was rather funny how he insisted everything was fine until I drove by the place and took video proving that it most certainly wasn't.

Ohh been meaning to read up on the end of that story. Thanks for the reminder!
Assholes seem to just be doing fine these days. We even have one very high up in the chain who run laps around tyler1 everyday.
I kinda hope he does get testicular cancer that would be a LoL AF way for god to troll that sob gaming scourge he wasn't banned 20 times for no god damn reason. The real take away here though is LoL banned him 20 times and still didn't IP ban this prick like what gives here amateur hour.
Wait wait, full stop.... You have a doll? Say no more.
True story. Was rather funny how he insisted everything was fine until I drove by the place and took video proving that it most certainly wasn't.
Oh I had my own problems with him which is why it struck me so well.