Revised: New Mystery Boxes! $30 shipped

Originally posted by BIGJEFF
alright jake whats the story with these pictures?

quoted for truth ... i'd be interrested, but with no visible Heat, and no pics ... i'm a little sketched out
Howdy. Pics FINALLY. Sorry for the delay. Pics of 90% of the items that are being sent in the mystery boxes are available in this other thread: where some of the items are being sold separate. Lemme know if this is satisfactory. I appologize again for the delay. Finally made it to staples last night and got a decent hp 433.
So the pics I see on the other thread is the stuff that you are putting in the boxes? I don't understand how you can sell the itmes seperatly and put them in these boxes. The quanitys shown in that other thread dont look like enough to fill these ten boxes. Well idk thats just my 36 cents. BTW I am not trying to thread crap I am just curious. Well good luck selling your stuff.
Originally posted by BIGJEFF
So the pics I see on the other thread is the stuff that you are putting in the boxes? I don't understand how you can sell the itmes seperatly and put them in these boxes. The quanitys shown in that other thread dont look like enough to fill these ten boxes. Well idk thats just my 36 cents. BTW I am not trying to thread crap I am just curious. Well good luck selling your stuff.

very valid point... I actually have larger quantities than what i listed on the other thread. That and I will be including other items I didn't list in it so I have plenty of mess to fill up tons of boxes. Thanks though.
Originally posted by SithSolo1
OMG, give it a rest. Nobody gives a rat's batoot if you are going for modship or not. You claim to be trying to help but you're coming off as an @$$hat. H3ll, I'm bout ready to start an anti-5by5 campaign. ;) I'm sure it'd have a large amount of supporters.

Well I'm glad to hear that you think that of me and I'm not goin' for "Modship" 'casue I don't want to deal with the kind of bull they have to. I'm just trying to serve the forum that got me to the point that I'm at in computers (I don't think I would have made it as far as I have with out teh [H]) by keeping it alitte cleaner and more on topic. This isn't GenMay and it should read like it.
Originally posted by five-by-five
Well I'm glad to hear that you think that of me and I'm not goin' for "Modship" 'casue I don't want to deal with the kind of bull they have to. I'm just trying to serve the forum that got me to the point that I'm at in computers (I don't think I would have made it as far as I have with out teh [H]) by keeping it alitte cleaner and more on topic. This isn't GenMay and it should read like it.

agreed, it's not like you're going to get rid of the convention nazi's anyways, i'm one of 'em >:D

Rules are rules are rules... follow 'em. No big deal.
aw christ *forehead slap* this is starting to sound like EOCF...only without the flame-fests to keep the nazis in check. :rolleyes:

good luck with those mystery boxes
eh... well gotta love debate... thanks for the err... support?

anyway, incanus... you're box was sent... you should receive it today or tomorrow at the latest. Sometimes it takes a lil longer for them to get there since I normally send USPS Media mail.
Originally posted by hjellec
Count me in for one. Payment will be on its way shortly.

Thanks. Your box will go out tomorrow :) 7 more till dvd player

For those of you that have purchased one thus far... considering it is tuesday and they were sent out friday there is no way they could be there yet anyway.... USPS Media mail takes 7-10 days on average so be a lil patient :) They're on their way.
delivery confirmation probably would have put these guys' minds at ease... although i dont know if media mail has DC, it's only likt .45 $ more though, so it's a worthwhile investment...
Originally posted by diredesire
delivery confirmation probably would have put these guys' minds at ease... although i dont know if media mail has DC, it's only likt .45 $ more though, so it's a worthwhile investment...

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll def. start doing that. I'm pretty sure media mail also has it but I didn't think about it at the time. That and normally a person has the item before it's trackable on USPS's incredibly slow site.

But from now on, each box will include delivery confirmation :) I appologize to those that I didn't have it put on.
hjellec: just wanted to let you know your box has been packed and will be sent out tomorrow morning with delivery confirmation. Thanks again
Originally posted by jake_85
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll def. start doing that. I'm pretty sure media mail also has it but I didn't think about it at the time. That and normally a person has the item before it's trackable on USPS's incredibly slow site.

But from now on, each box will include delivery confirmation :) I appologize to those that I didn't have it put on.

right on, good trading practices right there... i hope all turns out well!

I'd buy a box but i dont have an extra $30 lying around...
Originally posted by thebro
doesn't media mail have to be small?

Media Mail™ service is a cost efficient way to mail books, sound recordings, recorded video tapes, printed music, and recorded computer-readable media (such as CDs, DVDs, and diskettes). Media Mail can not contain advertising except for incidental announcements of books. The maximum weight for Media Mail is 70 lbs.
and its a federal crime to abuse media mail there is some food for thought, just pay the first class difference :)
Originally posted by goodhead
u gota any box w/ a 36-24-34 asian/black 18yr olds in it :p

Haha, my ex korean g/f might go for that..... would probably only run ya a buck though; jk

Regarding the media mailing, I will start sending first class from now on I suppose. I talked to the people at my local PO and they never had any problem with sending it Media even after I described the contents of the boxes (they always ask). Maybe they consider if it's half books/cds/media they can send it that way... i dunno... but just thought i'd put your minds at ease
received my box today, however, Im not too immpressed, the main thing I asked for was the earbuds, I really needed a decent pair, and I dont know why, (considering I was the FIRST person to buy a box) that they werent included in my box!

however, I received the following
Gold necklace with heart, I believe this was in the hot deals forum
a cool accessories kit for Gameboy color
McAfee Firewall 4.0
A CD Wallet
A pocket knife
2 dice
a car visor cd holder

all in all it was a pretty mediocre deal, especially considering I didnt get the one item I wanted :(
I wonder if he'll still honor the deal even if he doesnt reach 10 sales. Really the only reason I got one... :(
well, it just pisses me off because i bought it mainly for the chance of the dvd player and the ONE thing (i could have requested MANY things but only requested one) was the ear buds, I REALLY need them. But I didnt even get that, least that could make up for it would be the DVD player.
Originally posted by S0mE0nEsMiNd1
well, it just pisses me off because i bought it mainly for the chance of the dvd player and the ONE thing (i could have requested MANY things but only requested one) was the ear buds, I REALLY need them. But I didnt even get that, least that could make up for it would be the DVD player.

Howdy... I honestly thought I sent you earbuds as well.... I knew you requested them and put them in one of the boxes. The only thing I can figure is I may have put them in the wrong box. I appologize. If you'll email me with your address I'll send them separate. Sorry again.
well thanks, I do appreciate that. All in all, its not worth over 100$, but I would say its worth more than the money paid.