Retail Vista Base Scores - Please include screenshots.


Aug 7, 2006
So yeah, Like it says, now that Retail Vista is out, let's see those screenshots of your base scores. I'd like to keep it to retail versions; Full, Upgrade or OEM.

This is my 3.5Ghz Core 2 Duo...Looks like I need new ram and a Raptor HDD ;)
Here's why I wish I had gotten a C2D instead (2GB RAM, and a WD Raptor help the AMD out thought ;))...
There are some other threads related to the WinSAT scores that point out how useless the ratings really are since they can be faked so easily (by editing one XML file). I feel people will continue posting scores and screenshots, but in the long run it's more than likely a waste of time.

It's nice to get an idea about what kinds of machines are out there running Vista for basic comparisons, but the intended purpose of the WinSAT system and scores isn't to compare machines with everyone else: it's to make it easier to locate entertainment software (primarily) by simply looking for the recommended score on a product box and meeting or exceeding that requirement.

But post away... :)
Heres mine, specs are in sig but for a quick spec:

[email protected]
2gb Memory
150gb Raptor X HDD (interesting how I get a 5.9 with it!)


Processor is what determines my score :) (your overall is really just your lowest score).
this is pathetic , words can do no justice to express how lame this is. just use the machine and quit whining
I'm about to put Vista on an Athlon 1 GHz machine with 768MB of PC133 with an 80GB 7200 8MB ATA100 drive with... get this... a Voodoo 5 5500!!! Whaddya think the score will be... 1? 5.9? We'll see... :D
What is the scale? Is it a 1-10? And if so...what kinda hardware would get you a 10?!
I'm about to put Vista on an Athlon 1 GHz machine with 768MB of PC133 with an 80GB 7200 8MB ATA100 drive with... get this... a Voodoo 5 5500!!! Whaddya think the score will be... 1? 5.9? We'll see... :D

I pity you and your search for drivers LOL
I'm about to put Vista on an Athlon 1 GHz machine with 768MB of PC133 with an 80GB 7200 8MB ATA100 drive with... get this... a Voodoo 5 5500!!! Whaddya think the score will be... 1? 5.9? We'll see... :D

I think it will be about the same as mine. The cpu will hold it back for the lowest score more than likely...........It'll run though!
There are some other threads related to the WinSAT scores that point out how useless the ratings really are since they can be faked so easily (by editing one XML file).
At least it was named appropriately "winSAT" it's about as useful as the SAT.

Me and my little Inspiron 9300 with a Celeron 1.7ghz processor, 2 gigs of RAM, and a GeForce 6800
Bugger, how do you take a screen shot again?

Press the PrintScreen key; paste the Clipboard to any image editing application.

If you just want to capture the active window, hold press Alt+PrintScreen; same process to paste.
Quite happy with my score, although I thought my Ram Memory would have been better.. :confused:


EDIT : guys, how do I get my image to show up without the link..? I'm confused.. :p
Keep in mind that the "Vista performance index" is just a benchmark like any other. That means it's not necessarily a good indication of actual performance, and it also means that the results in the various tests are pretty much unrelated. Even if your score is limited to 3 by "slow RAM," it doesn't necessarily mean that upgrading the RAM will make a bigger difference in UT3 than upgrading something else would.
E-Penis thread: Because real penis apparently just doesn't cut it.
thats basically what I get with an X2 3800+ at 2.6GHz, 2GB of ddr 520 Ram and a 7800GT, but the thing is though it does not detect my TB of hard drive space, mostly because it does not read the ext3 fs I have..... oh well...

i could probably drop the hammer and get 3 ghz out of it, but i use Cool'n'Quiet to its full.
I can only imgaine what my system would do:

Newcastle 2.4ghz
2 gig single channel ram
7800gs oc
10k rpm raptor...

what ya think?(I didn't deem it nessasary to make a new thread, so since I was looking at the Screen Shots I thought I'd ask.)
System as in signature. Using nVidia beta 100.5x drivers. No change from Vista Standard Driver.

Max is 6.0, right?
