Retail Opty 165 vs OEM Opty 165


Dec 3, 2004
My boss says that OEM's are not as good as retail Opty's and that the retail's oc wayyyy more than the OEM chips. I said BS the only difference between retail and OEM is you get a sticker a hunk of metal with a fan on it and a longer warranty....So basically can anyone tell me if what my boss says is bs?
My OEM hit just under 3 GHz..
That's exactly what I said...So I'll have to show him this thread, lol and say I TOLD YOU SO
Don't be too mean :p (You don't want to get fired do you?!). It's really the luck of the draw for both OEM and retail.You can get a really good oc stepping on retail or OEM. Or you could get both really crappy steppings. So basically, like the first reply, it's all about the stepping!